Syntax error, unexpected end-of-file - ruby

I have a script that is throwing this error.
This usually means there is a loop (like an if or do) that is not correctly ended, or there are too many end clauses. I can't find the issue. Any good tips on how to identify this kind of syntax error?
It could also be a double-quote issue. Wondering if there is a way (in ultra-edit or text editor) to detect lines of script that have un-even numbers of double quotes.

In answer to: "It could also be a double-quote issue, possibly. Wondering if there is a way to detect any lines of script (in ultra-edit or text editor) where there are an un-even number of double quotes."
Sublime is a great editor that is available for most platforms.

For the first question, comment out blocks of code using =begin ... =end and/or # ... and narrow down the error.
For the second question, use syntax highlighting on the text editor. You can easily tell how long a single string literal is continued, and find unbalanced quotes.

Never mind, I found the issue. I commented out the newest definition that I had added and it ran. That let me know it was that definition. I then took that out and went through it with a darn comb. Found that I was checking a value, but hadn't allowed for it to be nil or empty. Added that in and now I'm good.


Wrong YAML sequence formatting in WebStorm [duplicate]

Intellij keeps formatting my spotbugs.yml file incorrectly, and so breaking the github action.
I cannot figure out why it's doing this:
It was working fine last week, I haven't made any changes to the formatting config, but now, every time I change focus from the file Intellij auto-formats like this, then saves it. How can I fix it?
The thing I don't get is what it's formatting to appears to be invalid yaml, right?
YAML has a syntax that makes it incompatible with indentation that is not 2 spaces. With 4 spaces, you have:
- sequence item: with indentation
this line: isn't aligned to four spaces
nor are further indented lines:
if you indent relative four spaces
- same: problem
without: indenting the sequence item
This makes it hard for code formatters to get it right. Proper alignment would mean:
- three spaces after the sequence item indicator.
that's horrible, nobody does that.
- alternatively this.
nobody does this either and it breaks
- - with nested sequences
I assume some bug in IntelliJ causes the formatter to be confused because of this. Generally it would be better to just use 2 space indentation which seems far more natural due to the problems described above. That should avoid confusing the formatter.

Regular expression to find ellipses using VBScript

How do I write a regular expression to find ellipses in a text file using VBScript? the text will be look something like this
that I want to find, and replace with something else.
I've tried the following as the search pattern to no avail:
The first one finds the zero case, but not if an ellipse occurs between the >< characters. Several work when using Notepad++ regular expressions. Any help is appreciated.
I think I've found how to do it.
does it in my file, since the ellipses aren't characters.
In the above context, I can't help but think that a regular expression is a bit overkill, but I had a quick look: \>…+\< will work - it won't capture anything, though, but you could put some parentheses around it if you wanted...
The ellipses is a character. From what I can see, ellipsis is ASCII #133. The character used in your question, however, is something else entirely. They register as ASCII #226 for reasons I can't quite work out. Hopefully someone smarter than me might know the answer. In any event, assuming it is CHR(133), it should be easy enough to construct a string pattern in VBScript to accomplish the above.

Ruby - stop program from executing in certain way

I wrote a parser, which recognizes elements of text based on certain pattern.
My program is able to recognize paragraph, chapter etc. The problem is it shouldn't recognize elements, when there's a quote. For example:
Paragraph 1
Something here...
would be proceed as Paragraph.
Paragraph 1
"Paragraph 2"
shouldn't. But as my program is based on regexp patterns, it looks for the word "Paragraph". I'm going line by line and recognize patterns for each line. I don't know how to tell my program: if you see quotes mark, leave text alone without doing anything? My mentor told me to use raise, but I'm not sure how to do it.
OK, so I'm still a bit of a beginner, I don't know if there is a way to direct the regex to ignore things inside quotes, but if I wanted to solve this problem, I would first make a copy of the text to be parsed, run a regex over that and delete everything inside quotes, then run the parser over the remaining text.
A bit kludgy and inelegant I admit, and may have performance issues over a large enough text, but it would get the job done.
See HERE for link to documentation of ruby regex. About a third of the way down it discusses quotes:
/\p{Pi}/ - 'Punctuation: Initial Quote'
/\p{Pf}/ - 'Punctuation: Final Quote'
You may be able to bake that into the regex with the ^ to direct it to ignore items in quotes.

Find but skip strings and comments?

One thing that constantly annoys me about VS is that when I do a Find or Find all, it looks in comments, strings, and other places. When I'm trying to find a particular bit of code, like and rent, it finds it all over. Is there a way to limit searches just to code?
Not sure if there is a specific setting to ignore comments, but you could do a regex find. For example, assuming you want to find "text", you could use this:
Assumes comments start with // as first non-whitespace characters. E.g. C# comment types
Doesn't work for comments at the end of code lines (only comments on their own lines)
Doesn't work with block comments, for example /* comment */
So overall it isn't perfect by any means, but depending how many hits you are getting, it might help to cut them down which can be useful if you have a lot of false positives in one-liner comments
The 'Find All References' function may suit you : it ignores all commented-out code and text in strings. CTRL+K, R is the keyboard shortcut.
(Note that it's designed for going from a specific instance of a search string to all other instances. so if you haven't already found an instance of what you're searching for, you would have to (temporarily) type one in to the editor window, then search. Also it's not available for all languages : I know it works fine for C#, though.)

New line at the end of source code

Anytime I open up the code editor in Visual Studio, there is always an empty new line at the end of generated codes. I usually delete them since they seem irrelevant to me. However, recently I read code at Github which said:
\ No newline at end of file
This was the last line. Now I'm thinking those empty new lines at the end of source codes do have some relevance. But what do they mean? Do they provide any performance boost?
Two things make me prefer having a newline at the end of files:
Code reviews are slightly easier when looking at diffs that occur at the end of the file (i.e., if a line is added at the end of the file, it appears that the previous line changed, when it only gained a newline)
Going to the end of the file (Ctrl+End in Windows) always puts me at the same column and not in some unexpected position out to the right
Pretty much the only difference it makes is that if you have a file with no newline - like this:
bleh (no newline)
When you modify it to be:
foo (no newline)
Then according to the diff, you modified 2 lines - one with content, the other one with newline... which is not what you wanted probably. Then again, in reality it doesn't matter that much which way you choose. If you include newlines, your diffs will be a little bit cleaner.
It also makes difference for some preprocessors as mentioned in other answer - but that depends on what language you use.
Of course it makes no performance difference at all.
No, it makes no difference whatsoever.
Some coding conventions say it's good to have a final newline, some say it's good not to.
Read more about new line in C++ here: "No newline at end of file" compiler warning
I suppose both Visual Studio and Git do it mostly for being coherent with the convention.
