How to hide a hero card based on the button clicked within it - botframework

I would like to hide a hero card based on an action button clicked inside. any suggestion on how we can achieve this web-chat?


show a button on the same page after submitting another button

I want a button to appear on index.blade after another button is clicked on the same page.the second button returns results in index.blade too and i want to show the new button after these results come back.
what's the easiest way to do it in Laravel.
sorry I'm a beginner.

How to handle adaptive cards with mobile view

Is there any way to be more specific with adaptive cards on mobile.
Here I'm using bot-framework with adaptive cards. More precisely, I am building table view in cards.
Looking for adding pagination in the table.
Adding scrolling in table.
AdaptiveCards do not allow scrolling or paging.. But we can do with Carousel feature.Please check the below code:
attachmentLayout: Attacenter code herehmentLayoutTypes.Carousel,
attachments: [CardFactory.adaptiveCard()]
Other work Around Solution,
If you want to implement paging you could add a "next page" button to your card, when pressed you just update the card with the new list data.
MS Teams allows you to update cards/message you already sent so you could send the first page and when a user clicks on the action button you sent the second page etc.

How to Add a scroll bar to an adaptive card

I m showing a list of users in a card, can I add a scrollbar to the card so that it fits the screen size?
I am currently using Adaptive card 1.0 and sending this card to MS Teams.
AdaptiveCards do not allow scrolling or paging.
If you want to implement paging you could add a "next page" button to your card, when pressed you just update the card with the new list data.
MS Teams allows you to update cards/message you already sent so you could send the first page and when a user clicks on the action button you sent the second page etc.
AdaptiveCards do not have the ability to specify scrolling.But we can do with Carousel feature.
attachmentLayout: Attacenter code herehmentLayoutTypes.Carousel,
attachments: [CardFactory.adaptiveCard()]
AdaptiveCards do not have the ability to specify scrolling. It would be up to the client to implement this functionality. However, you may be able to send a list card, depending on if it suits your needs.

How to hide/show JQGrid inline navigation button from javascript

Hide and show Add and Cancel button programmatically in JQGrid
You can make Add and Cancel button hidden of visible in the same way like any other elements on the HTML page. You can use, jQuery.hide or jQuery.css with "display", "none" or "display", "" parameters. Thus the only thing which you need is to get DOM elements which represent the buttons. You can get the elements by id for example.
jqGrid assigns ids to all standard buttons. The ids of buttons added by inlineNav will be build from grid id as prefix and strings "_iladd" (for Add button), "_iledit" (for Edit button), "_ilsave" (for Save button) and "_ilcancel" (for Cancel button). So if you have the grid with id="mygrid" then $("#mygrid_iladd").hide() can be used to hide the Add button and $("#mygrid_ilcancel").hide() to hide the Cancel button. To hide both buttons you can use $("#mygrid_iladd,#mygrid_ilcancel").hide().

ModalPopupExtender From AJAX ToolKit in asp.net4.0

i have one image button on page,on click event of this imagebutton i have called one ModalPopupExtender, having definition as
(Panel3 contains one gridview and one button whereas gridview gets filled in codebehind)
But when i click the imagebutton, for 1st time it displays Panel3 with only button for 2seconds and then page gets reloaded automatically and again Panel3 displays with gridview,why this is happning i do not understand
i need to do is, as soon as i click on ImageButton the popup should be displayed with gridview and button....please help me as soon a possible
