How to hide/show JQGrid inline navigation button from javascript - jqgrid

Hide and show Add and Cancel button programmatically in JQGrid

You can make Add and Cancel button hidden of visible in the same way like any other elements on the HTML page. You can use, jQuery.hide or jQuery.css with "display", "none" or "display", "" parameters. Thus the only thing which you need is to get DOM elements which represent the buttons. You can get the elements by id for example.
jqGrid assigns ids to all standard buttons. The ids of buttons added by inlineNav will be build from grid id as prefix and strings "_iladd" (for Add button), "_iledit" (for Edit button), "_ilsave" (for Save button) and "_ilcancel" (for Cancel button). So if you have the grid with id="mygrid" then $("#mygrid_iladd").hide() can be used to hide the Add button and $("#mygrid_ilcancel").hide() to hide the Cancel button. To hide both buttons you can use $("#mygrid_iladd,#mygrid_ilcancel").hide().


Kendo Grid - Pop up Editor issue

We are using pop up editor in the Kendo Grid control to edit the record.
My kendo grid has the below extra Controls as below.
Kendo dropdownlist
Div control
Add button
Remove button
A dropdown which has list of values that user will select and press the ADD button which is next to it.
then those values will be added to div control dynamically at runtime.
click on update in the editor, My controller updation action is getting fired.
Now i want to remove the items from the div tag using the Remove button. this time my controller update method is not firing.
I suspect that the changes in div is not firing the change event as the div control items dynamically added and removed.
How can i trigger the change event in the Remove button click function in jquery once i removed the div elements.
Please help me on this, trying this since 2 weaks.

jqGrid show hide button navGrid inlineNav

I'm using jqGrid jqGrid 4.14.2-pre
How to hide or show buttons depending on the condition
Not using css
if(data.records > 100)
// hide $('#grid').jqGrid('inlineNav','#pager'); ?
// hide $('#grid').jqGrid('navGrid','#pager'); ?
I'd recommend you to call both navGrid and inlineNav, but to hide unneeded buttons identifying there by id. You should just know simple rule how the ids will be build. jqGrid uses prefix build on the navigator button ("add_", "edit_", "refresh_", ...) and the grid id ("grid" in your case). See the old answer for more details. The method inlineNav do the same, but the ids of buttons will be build base on another rule: the grid id and the suffix "_iladd" (for Add button), "_iledit" (for Edit button), "_ilsave" (for Save button) and "_ilcancel" (for Cancel button).
Let us you have grid with id="grid". To hide Add button added by navGrid you can use $("#add_grid").hide();. To hide inlineNav Add button you can use $("#grid_iladd").hide();.

Uncheck radio button custom control in ASP MVC

I want to create a radio button custom control in my ASP MVC application. I am using HTML Helpers for this (I hope it is the right way). I want to know if there is a way to make the radio button unchecked when clicked.
Any ideas ?
I want to know if there is a way to make the radio button unchecked when clicked.
That's a very weird requirement and you probably should be using checkboxes instead of radio buttons, but anyway, it is possible with javascript. If we suppose that the radio button is checked initially and you want to uncheck it when clicked:
$(function() {
$('#id_of_radio_button').click(function() {
But really, that's very weird. Radio buttons normally work by having them in groups: you have a couple of radio buttons and you can check only one in the group. So by selecting a different radio button in the group you are unchecking the current one.
Checkboxes on the other hand are not grouped. You can check/uncheck their values by clicking on them.

in a jqgrid editform, i need to restrict checkbox selection to only one at a time

i have a jqgrid editform with three checkboxes. I need the checkboxes to function like typical html Radio buttons that let a user select ONLY ONE of a limited number of choices.
Unfortunately, jqgrid does not offer radio button editypes.
I know that i can setup an event to deselect all other checkboxes in the editform. Is this the only way to do it in jqgrid?
You can bind the click event to any from the checkboxes and in the event handler to uncheck all other chechboxes in the form if the current checkbox will be checked.


I Have three records which I want to display in three Accordion Panes
which (every pane) will have a Header and a content ( Two label controls, 1 text box and 1 checkbox and 1 link button)
I am able to display data on the accrodion from database but when I am trying to Update the text in textbox by clicking link button the LINKBUTTON doesnot fire and unabel to make the update. How can we create Update event working ??
I am creating the Accordion Panes and Content controls statically and directly assigning the values to the controls from Code behind in Page Load.
I was able to do it using the "ItemCommand" event of the Accordion Panel by using the Command Name property of a Link Button which will update the Text Boxes.
It works for me now but I felt JQUERY will be a better option which has no postback, css issues..
