Xcode Simulator Constantly Requires Verification - xcode

I'm not sure if this is a recent change, but the simulator in Xcode 14 (I'm now on 14.0.1)
CONSTANTLY requires login. I can't pick up a pattern, but for sure if I leave my
workstation for a while, this verification box will be on the screen.
I have to login many, many times a day. I have not been able to find anything in settings
within the simulator that keeps the login alive. Nor have I found anything in Xcode
preferences that address this issue. And I have not found anything through web searches.
Any guidance would be appreciated.


Profile doesn't include the selected signing certificate

I have an application for macOS that uses core data to save data. I switched to CloudKit so I can sync that data with its iOS counterpart. This is on Xcode 13.4. Even since I did that I get the error:
When I try to submit it for a distribution with "Developer ID"
I have been going in circles for the last two days. I have tried all the stuff several articles here at SO mentioned (e.g. this one), or the Apple Dev Forums (for example this one). I have tried deleting certs, regenerating them, adding them again, downloading "manual profiles" again, going to the building settings and changing certs and options...
It doesn't matter. It goes nowhere.
Here's the thing, if I go back to the version without iCloud, all is good. Same with any iOS app that uses iCloud. All builds, and all goes to Apple without any issues. It's only this app.
For the sake of testing I created a new macOS app, and from the get go I enabled CloudKit. Same error.
So, what's missing? Is there any special foo or incantation I need to utter to get an macOS app to use iCloud and be able to be distributed?

Trash box is getting full quickly with dyld_shared_cache_arm64 file

My mac got a trash box always full soon. Even if I clean trash box, it cause over and over again.
Does anyone know what is dyld_shared_cache_arm64 files?
Please let me know how handle it.
I don't know the reason.
However I figured out.
Whenever I have my iPhone8 connect into Mac with USB Cabel.
Every one minutes, 1.62Gb back up file were made.
I stoped to connect iPhone8 and Mac to get charge.
Suddenly also happening to me, in my case, i was uninstalling and then installing again Xcode. After some time browsing i found this article that helped me, simply disconnect your phone, open Xcode, go to Window > Devices and Simulators
Connect your phone, after it appeared on Devices pane, unpair it, and then disconnect again, reconnect you phone, and do the pairing mechanism and it solved.
dyld_shared_cache means dynamic library shared cache.
Macos may share sth with IOS while connects to your IOS device.

macOS app on Catalina through Xcode receives "TCC deny IOHIDDeviceOpen"

With Catalina out, I have took time to update and tried to run my app but I am facing a weird issue.
My app is monitoring key events therefore needing the new authorization to monitor inputs.
If I run through the signed bundle, I do get the warning telling me to turn it on in the system preferences which I do. It then works fine.
If I do the same running through Xcode or through Iterm2, I always have the "TCC deny IOHIDDeviceOpen". I have tried to authorize products of the build but it does not change anything.
Anyone with an idea ?
If that doesn't work, make sure your terminal program (e.g. iTerm.app) is also checked in the "Input Monitoring" permissions.
I had a similar problem. I found that removing all entries for my app from System Preferences->Security & Privacy->Input Monitoring and then re-running under Xcode worked. It is almost like Catalina recognises the app as one in the store and doesn't ask about turning support on but then sees it as a different app when it actually comes to opening devices

Xcode 6.3 "incoming connections..." popup

I have recently update Xcode to 6.3. Ever since the update, I started seeing a popup asking to accept or deny incoming connections the Xcode on a standard user account on the same machine even though I have Xcode listed in Firewall preferences panel.
I did some research and find something points to certification issue. I just remove Xcode and is now in the process of reinstalling.
Is it just me or does other people have the same issue? Any thought of how to get rid of the popup?

Obtaining OS X app store receipts on test builds

Been trying tonight to obtain a receipt for my app. However, I've been unsuccessful. Here's the steps I've done:
Code signed with developer cert
Made sure minimum version in the info.plist is 10.7
Checked for the presence of the receipt file and called exit(173) if not found
Built from XCode 4.2
Added a new version of the app and some in-app metadata in itunesconnect. The app status is now waiting for a new binary.
I've then done clean, build, right clicked on the app in XCode's project view and opened it in finder to launch it, hopefully failing validation and pulling a receipt back from the store.
However, this never seems to happen (don't get asked for any itunes login etc) and the app terminates immediately.
I've also gone through an entire build/archive/create installer type process as well but that didn't pop up the login either.
Am I missing something obvious?
I've finally got it working. In case anyone else has a similar problem, the real help for me was finding out about console.app. In running this I could see my app didn't appear to be signed.
I deleted all the certificates etc and re-installed new ones. Seems it HAS to be the Mac 3rd party developer. Nothing else seemed to work.
