Process to use NFC tags for identification - nfc

I bought some NFC tags off amazon and I want to do some project with it. The basic idea is to identify a member by the unique id of the tag. Put it on Google Sheets Worksheet
Tap NFC -> Read ID -> Put on Google Sheet
What is the best way to do this? I’m pretty naive.
Please help!


Auto correct city and state names

I have a list of city and associated state names in MySQL.Is there any way to auto correct all those city and state names which are wrong,as some were entered manually insted of using the google places autocomplete feature.
I am using Node.js in the backend.
I believe Google Maps API doesn't have that feature yet - my suggestion is to input those addresses that aren't correct into Google Place Autocomplete again. Then update your database with the correct address.
For more info about Google Place Autocomplete, please check this link.
To learn more about Google Maps APIs, please check this.
You can also file a Feature Request through this link.
Hope it helps!

Google Maps API - location finder

We are a site that would like to show the different areas on a map where recycling bins that are associated with our company are located based on your zip code. since we cant host it on our html4 site i wanted to use maybe an external link?
let me know if anyone can help explain this to me :) or if there is a better way to do this!
It sounds like you would like to create a shareable map as a reference for the locations of recycling bins. I would recommend using Google Maps.
At, you can create your own maps. There are multiple ways to add your data to the map. They let you draw, drop pins, or upload spreadsheet data. You can read more about adding your data at their help page.
Once you've created a map, you can embed it on your website or simply add the link to your page.

Google Review on my Website

I am wondering if anyone knows of a way to feed google reviews into my website? I would like it to be kinda of a testimonial type page. Or if i could feed it with a slider reviews that would be really awesome. Any ideas?
I recently needed to get reviews as well for a similar application, so I created a jQuery plugin that will fetch ALL the reviews and allows for options to be passed in for filtering.
google-places jQuery Plugin
This question is kind of old but maybe it will help someone else
The Google Places API now supports the return of up to five reviews from a Place Details Request.

Social Plugins for Facebook Photos and Albums

Is it possible to use Social Plugins such as the Comments and Like plugins to display the comments and likes for a photo or album uploaded to Facebook?
I have tried various URLs for the HREF attribute (the photo source, the photo page, the graph URL, etc) and cannot get the plugin to display existing comments against the photo. Can someone suggest the correct URL (if any) that I should use?
I can get access to the list of comments using the graph API, however I would prefer to make use of the social plugins if possible.
Currently you can not use them in that manner. You can use the graph api to read and write comments, read and add albums and photos.
This is somewhat involved and requires knowledge of coding.
I personally have been working on a Feed for the wall, and for albums and have to say it was no easy task.

RSS API to get TED videos

Developing an app on android platform to get the ted videos which will replicates ted .
I want to give user experience and use based on these...
category based, views based, talkers based,tag name based.
Unfortunately after long googling still am not able to find a better way to get or separate the talks based on above conditions using the feedburner list like the below ones,
Is there any api like thing or some other way to get it done better. I tried with google reader api but in that the feeds are not listed based on its category.
I really appreciate your help.
At first I was thinking that it would be a job for a yahoo pipe, but after looking at the feed it looks like every item is tagged with the same Higher Education category. No luck going that route.
I think you might want to look at the youtube data api's.
It looks like in that data set you'll get alot more information including the number of views and favorites on youtube.
Oops, forgot to mention that the TED videos are always on youtube at,
