I have a list of city and associated state names in MySQL.Is there any way to auto correct all those city and state names which are wrong,as some were entered manually insted of using the google places autocomplete feature.
I am using Node.js in the backend.
I believe Google Maps API doesn't have that feature yet - my suggestion is to input those addresses that aren't correct into Google Place Autocomplete again. Then update your database with the correct address.
For more info about Google Place Autocomplete, please check this link.
To learn more about Google Maps APIs, please check this.
You can also file a Feature Request through this link.
Hope it helps!
In 2020 aprox Google introduced the option to pin an announcement at the top of the list (in the main page of the classroom), manually is an option inside the colon menu after you create an announcement.
I 'd need to use this option in a script, because I need to pin a document with rules in every classroom I have, but I can't find any reference in Classrooms API.
Can someone help me?
I do not believe this is possible programmatically at this time as there is no reference in the API to be able to do so with either announcements or course work materials, as you mentioned. I had looked to try to accomplish the same thing and came to the conclusion it's not yet supported. You could post this as a feature request in the Classroom issue tracker, I'm surprised I don't already see it there: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues?q=componentid:191645%20status:open
One alternate solution to make course work added via script easier to access as it gets pushed down the classroom feed is to make it posted to it's own topic:
I have multiple form pages and one thank you-page.
I want to track if a form has successfully submitted, but I don't know how.
When a user submits a form and gets redirected to the thank you page, it'll add different parameters to the url of the thank you page. This depends on where the user came from.
E.g www.mywebsite.com/page/nameofpage?chronoform=nameofpage&event=submit
How can I track this?
You can set this up completely outside of Chronoforms. Within Google Analytics, go to Admin section, then Goals and set up a new website goal. The key is to select it to be a destination type goal and set that to your thank you page url.
https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1032415?hl=enhttps://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1116091?hl=enIf you want to have the conversion work in Google Adwords conversions as well, you will need to add a code snippet to a custom HTML module in the debug position: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/6331314
You should not use two conversion trackings for the same thing because you would end up double counting your conversions.
I see that your url has an event. Instead of using destination goals in google analytics you can use events to track a goal. After you do this you will have to link google analytics with google adwords and import the goal in google adwords.
Have in mind that conversion tracking from google analytics has a big conversion lag. Having said that, the best option is to use google adwords conversion tracking but this would require to have a unique url for each thank you page.
I am building an app where two different users will edit the same document online, using only plain text. For this I am using the google-api-php-client-master hosted on github.
There are some examples, but I don't understand what I need to do to achieve my goal. The official documentation is deprecated because it reffers to a library that is not online, and all the classes have different names and ways of working.
I already got my credentials, and know how to get a list of the documents hosted on my drive account. But now I need to:
Create new document
Grant access to a non-google logged in user, just accessing the link
I don't expect anybody to give me a written solution, but to know where I have to start.
Thanks a lot for reading.
Ok im trying to do almost the same thing and this is what i know so far:
Most importantly please reffer to the docomentation: https://developers.google.com/drive/v2/reference
There is a written example on how to create new file!( section files->insert)
One way to make a gdrive file public is to share it to the web via the google api. Another way is to make revision of it( section revision->update) and then publish it( by setting "published" = true in the update request).
Being aware of your requirements i gues that the publishing wont really help you achieving your goal, because it is just a revision of the document from the past and not its current state.
I'm trying to extract the keyphrase someone used to land on a website. And since I have the Google Analytics script, I should be able to get the cookie name ___utmz and then look for the string "utmctr=...." to find what keywords.
However, in Firefox, no matter what, I always see (not provided)
Is there a way to extract the keywords if someone visited using FF?
This has nothing to do with Google Analytics or Firefox but instead is a result of how keywords are handled for SSL searches with Google. In those cases, Google search will not pass along the keyword in the referral and instead sets the value to (not provided). For details see the keyword section in https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1033173
I have shared a Google Docs folder with our remote team and a few members of my team. Is it possible to send out emails to all collaborators/viewers when a document is uploaded or edited in the folder?
Otherwise it becomes difficult to keep track of whether anything was changed or not.
Yes! Check out the Google Documents List Data API. Basically, you post a signed request to the API requesting specific documents or a list of documents overall and Google responds with an Atom feed of the documents that you're looking for. Among the tags is <updated>, which contains the timestamp of the last modification. If you keep a local listing of files handy, you can compare to see if any revisions were made.
Also interesting in the feed is <published>, which describes when a doc was created. If you know the last time you checked for updates, any docs published after that time can be considered newly created.
I'm not going to get into code (doesn't sound like what you're asking for), but this should get you on the right track. Hope it helps!
Yes and no.
Google Docs is not a consistent set of tools, so notifications are supported but only partially.
Google Spreadsheet has a set notification rules in the Tools menu
Google Form is linked to spreadsheet so they're covered too
You would have to do something yourself for Document/Word and Presentation apps
I would suggest reading the document from web and checking if the checksum was changed