Data appear in Chrome but not in Cypress test runner - cypress

My problem is that when im opening website on my computer by chorme everything works fine. But when im using Cypress cy.visit() to reach this endpoint by Cypress test runner, the data not appear..
in runner i always get Null response and have no idea why.
ill try to wait for page to load but its not working. click for module im interested, post and get endpoint. nothing works, table in test runner still opens empty


Getting 400 bad request error on cypress chrome while working fine manually

The problem is I have a website which i run on local to test cypress scripts and it is not working as expected in cypress first of all when I go to desired URL gives me 400 bad request error but when i go to somewhere else then desired url it works fine.
Like this
Cy.get('button','products'). click ();
This works fine but if I direct starts with second steps from merchants then i got 400 bad request error in console
But in manual it's perfectly fine. I don't get it where i m wrong

Your page did not fire its `load` event within `60000ms` only on Github Actions

I have Cypress tests failing only on Github CI with this error:
Your page did not fire its `load` event within `60000ms`.
I assume this is because the Cypress browser is stuck loading something Github Actions environment is blocking. Tests run fine locally. However, because I do not have access to the browser console, I cannot know what is causing the error.
Based on Cypress the service screenshot the page loaded fine, though.
How can I either
Disable load event check in my Cypress tests, as I assume this is not a real issue
Access JavaScript logs or Network tab logs though Cypress service to confirm what could be the issue in Github Actions run-time environment
This is a SvelteKit based site.
It's not currently possible to opt-out of waiting for the load event:

Is there a way to hide all the HTTP request logs from the node terminal output?

When I run a suite of tests using Cypress, I get a TON of HTTP request logs to the terminal output. I think this image best shows the issue. In it, you can see the command I run to start cypress, and that following it comes a long list of every HTTP request made during the tests.
Is there a way to hide them all?
You can add the following to cypress.json:
"morgan": false,
The logs you see are from express (a built-in server within cypress).

Why does running Cypress on a React/GraphQL app return network errors when normal browsing doesn't?

I have a React/apollo client and an apollo/neo4j backend application based on GRANDStack.
My React app runs on localhost:3000 and my GraphQL on localhost:4001/graphql, and they communicate without fail. All is working well in the app (with CORS enabled), but I wanted to implement testing with Cypress.
Should I expect Cypress to be able to observe the flow between React and GraphQL without error? Or is this beyond its capability?
What I've tried:
I set up Cypress and ran the following test:
it("Opens myPlan.", function() {
At first cypress setup, my site loaded. One of the first things that the app does is graphql query a few values, and create a dropdown box based on those values. While this and all other graphql requests work fine in the browser, I get "{"graphQLErrors":[],"networkError":{"name":"ServerParseError","response":{},"statusCode":404,"bodyText":""},"message":"Network error: Unexpected end of JSON input"}" errors in cypress for the same code.
Presumably, the problem was because there are 2 endpoints, and cy.visit only allows one. I tried disabled ChromeWebSecurity and tried an "Access-Control-Allow-Origin-master" plugin.
Edit: I found someone that knew Cypress, and they suggested adding:
"proxy": "http://localhost:4001/",
to my react client config. This avoids the multi-port issues, and Cypress works.
Edit: I found someone that knew Cypress, and they suggested adding:
"proxy": "http://localhost:4001/",
to my react client config. This avoids the multi-port issues, and Cypress works.

Jmeter- Null Pointer Exception when trying to login

Hey I am trying to login to a website using jmeter, but I end up getting a Null Pointer Exception.
I looked though the other stackoverflow questions but nothing has helped so far.
Then I tried recording my actions with Blazemeter and it runs on the Blazemeter console, but when I download the same .jmx file and try running it on the Jmeter, it tanks again.
