Spring Batch XML - Kotlin - Message: Content is not allowed in prolog. kotlin - spring

I`m trying to run a simple spring batch job that read xml in kotlin but i got the error :
Caused by: javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException: ParseError at [row,col]:[3,1]
Message: Content is not allowed in prolog.
XML Prolog is OK
const val test = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<root><test>test</test></root>"
#XmlRootElement(name = "test")
class Test(
var test: String = ""
class BatchStgCarbPdv(
val jobBuilderFactory: JobBuilderFactory,
val stepBuilderFactory: StepBuilderFactory
) {
I can't find the error in the reader
fun read(): StaxEventItemReader<Test> {
val reader: StaxEventItemReader<Test> = StaxEventItemReader()
val unmarshaller = Jaxb2Marshaller()
return reader
Spring batch...
fun processor(): com.gs.ItemProcessor {
return ItemProcessor()
fun writer(): ConsoleItemWriter {
return ConsoleItemWriter()
fun step1(): Step {
return stepBuilderFactory["step1"]
.chunk<Test, Test>(1)
fun importUserJob(step1: Step): Job {
return jobBuilderFactory["importJob"]
Do nothing
class ItemProcessor : ItemProcessor<Test, Test> {
override fun process(t: Test): Test {
return t
class ConsoleItemWriter : ItemWriter<Test?> {
override fun write(items: List<Test?>) {
for (test in items) {


Can MockProducer and MockConsumer be used with kafkaTemplate producer

I have a service which using kafkaTemplate to send the kafka message.
class KafkaProducer(#Autowired val kafkaTemplate: KafkaTemplate<String, String>) {
final fun sendMessage(msg: String) {
val abc = kafkaTemplate.send(AppConstants.TOPIC_NAME, "abc", msg)
abc.whenComplete {
result, ex ->
if (ex != null) {
print("ex occured")
} else {
print("sent successfully")
For unit test, I am trying to mock this KafkaProducer.
Can i use MockProducer (import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.MockProducer) for this?
fun verify_test() {
val mockProducer = MockProducer(true,StringSerializer(), StringSerializer())
val kafkaProducer = KafkaProducer(mockProducer)
On trying the above code, i am getting error bcoz KafkaProducer takes argument as KafkaTemplate object, and I am providing MockProducer.
Here is an example using a mock ProducerFactory...
class So74993413ApplicationTests {
void test(#Autowired KafkaTemplate<String, String> template,
#Autowired MockProducer<String, String> producer) throws Exception {
CompletableFuture<SendResult<String, String>> future = template.send("foo", "bar");
SendResult<String, String> sendResult = future.get();
// System.out.println(sendResult);
List<ProducerRecord<String, String>> history = producer.history();
ProducerRecord<String, String> record = history.get(0);
public static class Config {
MockProducer<String, String> producer() {
return new MockProducer<>(true, new StringSerializer(), new StringSerializer());
ProducerFactory<String, String> pf (MockProducer producer) {
return new ProducerFactory<>() {
public Producer<String, String> createProducer() {
return producer;
KafkaTemplate<String, String> template(ProducerFactory<String, String> pf) {
return new KafkaTemplate<>(pf);
KafkaTemplate is not a type of Producer. Native Kafka classes cannot be used in place of Spring's - that'd be a reverse dependency.
You would have to mock the template instead since that's what you're actually using. By doing so, it'll bypass any KafkaProducer instance the template used, mock or not.

How do I implement an event listener when the key expires in Spring-Data-Reactive-Redis?

Spring data redis may be implemented as follows.
class ExpirationListener : MessageListener {
override fun onMessage(message: Message, pattern: ByteArray) {
println("########## onMessage pattern " + String(pattern) + " | " + message.toString())
class RedisConfig(private val env: Environment) {
fun redisConnectionFactory(): RedisConnectionFactory {
val redisHost = env.getProperty("CONF_TRANSACTION_GATEWAY_REDIS_DB_HOST", "localhost")
val redisPort = env.getProperty("CONF_TRANSACTION_GATEWAY_REDIS_DB_PORT", "6379")
return LettuceConnectionFactory(redisHost, redisPort.toInt())
fun redisTemplate(redisConnectionFactory: RedisConnectionFactory): RedisTemplate<String, String> {
val stringSerializer = StringRedisSerializer()
return RedisTemplate<String, String>()
.apply {
connectionFactory = redisConnectionFactory
keySerializer = stringSerializer
hashKeySerializer = stringSerializer
valueSerializer = stringSerializer
hashValueSerializer = stringSerializer
fun redisMessageListenerContainer(
redisConnectionFactory: RedisConnectionFactory,
expirationListener: ExpirationListener
): RedisMessageListenerContainer {
val redisMessageListenerContainer = RedisMessageListenerContainer()
redisMessageListenerContainer.connectionFactory = redisConnectionFactory
redisMessageListenerContainer.addMessageListener(expirationListener, PatternTopic("__keyevent#*__:expired"))
return redisMessageListenerContainer
However, I don't know how to implement it with Spring data reactive redis.
In particular, since there is no addMessageListener() function in the RedisMessageListenerContainer, the predefined ExpirationListener could not be used.

Spring context doesn't load my class in unittest

I can't get my unit test to load my configuration class.
My test class is annotated:
#ActiveProfiles(profiles = "test")
#ContextConfiguration (classes = ClientConfiguration.class)
public class ClientConfigurationTest { ...
#ConditionalOnProperty(value = "dirt.security.oauth2client", matchIfMissing = false)
#PropertySource(value = "classpath:oauth2client-${spring.profiles.active:local}.properties", ignoreResourceNotFound=true)
public class ClientConfiguration {
static {
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "dirt.security.oauth2client.client")
ClientCredentialsResourceDetails clientConfig() {
return new ClientCredentialsResourceDetails() {
public String toString() {
return ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString(this);
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "dirt")
protected DirtClientConfig dirtClientConfig() {
return new DirtClientConfig();
DirtRestTemplate restTemplate() {
DirtRestTemplate dirtRestTemplate =
new DirtRestTemplate(clientConfig(),
new DefaultOAuth2ClientContext(), dirtClientConfig());
dirtRestTemplate.setErrorHandler(new RestTemplateResponseErrorHandler());
return dirtRestTemplate;
None of the 3 beans get instantiated, and when I call this, it gets a dependecy error on one of the other beans
public void clientConfig() {
DirtRestTemplate results =

Spring WebFlux Route always returns 404

I am working on a simple project which uses Spring Boot 2 with Spring WebFlux using Kotlin.
I wrote test for my handler function (in which I mock the dependencies using Mockito).
However, it seems like my route function does not trigger the handler, as all of my requests return HTTP 404 NOT FOUND (even though the route is correct).
I have looked at various other projects to find out what how these tests are supposed to be written (here, here), but the problem persists.
The code is as follows (and can also be found on GitHub):
#ExtendWith(SpringExtension::class, MockitoExtension::class)
class UserRouterTest {
private lateinit var userService: UserService
private lateinit var userHandler: UserHandler
fun givenExistingCustomer_whenGetCustomerByID_thenCustomerFound() {
val expectedCustomer = User("test", "test")
val id = expectedCustomer.userID
val router = UserRouter().userRoutes(userHandler)
val client = WebTestClient.bindToRouterFunction(router).build()
class User(var username : String, var password: String) {
val userID = UUID.randomUUID()
interface UserRepository : JpaRepository<User, UUID>{
class UserService(
private val userRepository: UserRepository
) {
fun getUserByID(id: UUID): Optional<User> {
return Optional.of(
try {
} catch (e: EntityNotFoundException) {
User("test", "test")
fun addUser(user: User) {
class UserHandler(
private val userService: UserService
) {
fun getUserWithID(request: ServerRequest): Mono<ServerResponse> {
val id = try {
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
return ServerResponse.badRequest().syncBody("Invalid user id")
val user = userService.getUserByID(id).get()
return ServerResponse.ok().contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8)
class UserRouter {
fun userRoutes(userHandler: UserHandler) = router {
contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8).nest {
GET("/users/{userID}", userHandler::getUserWithID)
GET("") { ServerResponse.ok().build() }
To route based on the presence of one or more query parameter (regardless of their values), we can do the following:
class UserRouter {
fun userRoutes(userHandler: UserHandler) = router {
GET("/users/{userID}", userHandler::getUserWithID)
and queryParam("username") { true }
and queryParam("password") { true }
Note that GET("/users/?username={username}", userHandler::getUsersWithUsername) does not work.
The way the router is configured - contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8).nest - will only match requests that have this content type, so you would have to either remove the contentType prerequisite or change the test to include it
.header("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8")

Retrieve path variable on Spring Boot WebFlux (functional approach)

Let's say I have this router definition:
class PersonRouter(private val handler: PersonHandler) {
fun router(): RouterFunction<ServerResponse> = router {
("/api/people" and accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8)).nest {
GET("/{id}") { handler.findById(it) }
And then this handler:
class PersonHandler(private val repository: PersonRepository) {
private companion object : KLogging()
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
fun findById(req: ServerRequest): Mono<ServerResponse> {
logger.info { "${req.method()} ${req.path()}" }
val uuid = ? // req.pathContainer().elements().last().value()
return ServerResponse.ok()
How do I access the identifier (what would be a #PathVariable id: String on a typical #RestController) from ServerRequest without doing black magic with regular expressions, string-heavy-lifting, and such things?
Ah! Found it!
It is by doing: req.pathVariable("id")
It was there all the time...in the official Spring Framework (Web Reactive) documentation!
