Retrieve path variable on Spring Boot WebFlux (functional approach) - spring-boot

Let's say I have this router definition:
class PersonRouter(private val handler: PersonHandler) {
fun router(): RouterFunction<ServerResponse> = router {
("/api/people" and accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8)).nest {
GET("/{id}") { handler.findById(it) }
And then this handler:
class PersonHandler(private val repository: PersonRepository) {
private companion object : KLogging()
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
fun findById(req: ServerRequest): Mono<ServerResponse> { { "${req.method()} ${req.path()}" }
val uuid = ? // req.pathContainer().elements().last().value()
return ServerResponse.ok()
How do I access the identifier (what would be a #PathVariable id: String on a typical #RestController) from ServerRequest without doing black magic with regular expressions, string-heavy-lifting, and such things?

Ah! Found it!
It is by doing: req.pathVariable("id")
It was there all the the official Spring Framework (Web Reactive) documentation!


Vaadin + Spring Boot returns 403 Forbidden error on PUT, POST, DELETE requests

Implementing a simple web application using REST Api using Spring Boot + Vaadin. Also, Security is connected in the project, a simple login with a login-password is carried out. Get() requests work fine, but a 403 "Forbidden" error occurs on PUT, POST, DELETE requests.
I tried disabling csrf using the http.httpBasic().and().csrf().disable() method, it does not help, and this is not recommended in production either.
I also tried adding to antMatchers() specifically a request type like this: http.httpBasic().and().authorizeRequests().antMatchers(HttpMethod.POST,"/**").permitAll(), also not helps.
Configuration class:
public class SecurityConfig extends VaadinWebSecurity {
private static class SimpleInMemoryUserDetailsManager extends InMemoryUserDetailsManager {
public SimpleInMemoryUserDetailsManager() {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
setLoginView(http, LoginView.class);
public InMemoryUserDetailsManager enterprisesService() {
return new SimpleInMemoryUserDetailsManager();
#RequestMapping(path = "/")
public class RestController {
private VehiclesRepository vehiclesRepository;
private EnterprisesRepository enterprisesRepository;
private DriversRepository driversRepository;
private ManagersRepository managersRepository;
path = "/vehicles",
produces = "application/json")
public VehiclesDto getVehicles() {
VehiclesDto vehiclesDto = new VehiclesDto();
for (Vehicle vehicle : vehiclesRepository.findAll()) {
return vehiclesDto;
path = "/enterprises",
produces = "application/json")
public #ResponseBody EnterprisesDto getEnterprises(#RequestParam("managerId") String managerId) {
Manager manager = null;
for (Manager managerFromRepo : managersRepository.findAll()) {
if (managerFromRepo.getId().equals(Long.parseLong(managerId))) {
manager = managerFromRepo;
EnterprisesDto enterprisesDto = new EnterprisesDto();
if (manager == null) return enterprisesDto;
for (Enterprise enterprise : enterprisesRepository.findAll()) {
if (manager.getEnterprises().contains(enterprise.getId()))
return enterprisesDto;
path = "/drivers",
produces = "application/json")
public DriversDto getDrivers() {
DriversDto driversDto = new DriversDto();
for (Driver driver : driversRepository.findAll()) {
return driversDto;
public #ResponseBody String createVehicle(#RequestBody String info) {
return "it works!!!";
public #ResponseBody String deleteVehicle(){
return "it works!!!";
Testing requests through Postman using Basic Authentication.
You can disable CSRF just for your API:
http.csrf().ignoringRequestMatchers(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/enterprises/**"));

How to pass context back into the WebFilter when using SpringBootWebFlux with coroutines

Suppose I have the following application with a WebFilter and I'm trying to pass some context back from the controller into the filter.
class MyController {
suspend fun postSomething(): ResponseEntity<Unit> {
val valueFromFilter = coroutineContext[ReactorContext.Key]?.context?.get<String>("myKey") ?: "EMPTY" { "Inside handler = $valueFromFilter" } // this works since Reactor populate coroutineContext with respective ReactorContext
coroutineContext[ReactorContext.Key]?.context?.put("handlerKey", "hello")
return ResponseEntity.ok().build()
class MyFilter : WebFilter {
override fun filter(exchange: ServerWebExchange, chain: WebFilterChain): Mono<Void> { { "Before" }
return chain.filter(exchange)
.contextWrite(Context.of("myKey", "myValue"))
.doOnEach {
val valueFromHandler = if (it.contextView.hasKey("handlerKey")) it.contextView.get<String>("handlerKey") else "EMPTY" { "After handler = $valueFromHandler" } // But this doesn't work since Reactor doesn't restore ReactorContext from respective coroutineContext
class MyApplication
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
run(, *args)
In this example if we made a request to /test it would print the following
Inside handler = myValue
After handler = EMPTY
I understand that when we call chain.filter(exchange) to proceed with the request and the handler is a Kotlin suspend function the framework fills in coroutineContext with ReactorContext.Key to actualReactorContext. Although my question is why doesn't Spring restore the context that I may have filled in the controller back, so I can use it after calling chain.filter(exchange). Moreover if there is anyway possible to do this currently.
Just figured out I was looking into the wrong way of doing it. Instead one can simply just use the attributes of ServerWebExchange to pass context around like
class MyController {
suspend fun postSomething(webExchange: ServerWebExchange): ResponseEntity<Unit> {
val valueFromFilter = webExchange.attributes["myKey"] as? String ?: "EMPTY" { "Inside handler = $valueFromFilter" }
webExchange.attributes["handlerKey"] = "hello"
return ResponseEntity.ok().build()
class MyFilter : WebFilter {
override fun filter(exchange: ServerWebExchange, chain: WebFilterChain): Mono<Void> { { "Before" }
exchange.attributes["myKey"] = "myValue"
return chain.filter(exchange)
.doOnEach {
val valueFromHandler = exchange.attributes["handlerKey"] as? String ?: "EMPTY" { "After handler = $valueFromHandler" }
This way we can pass context between both the filter and the handler.

Spring webclient to make it generic for HTTP methods

I am working on webclient for various HTTP methods (GET,PATCH,POST,DELETE). These are created separately and invoke separately. I am looking to make it as a generic webclient component so minimum changes needs to do in the future. Below is the code for GET and POST. PATCH and Delete is also on similar lines. Please let me know how can I proceed to make generic webclient for various HTTP methods.
public class HuntsCreateNewCollectionAdapter {
AppProperties properties;
WebclientCollectionConfig webclientCollectionConfig;
public Mono<ResponseEntity<HuntsCollectionDto>> createCollectionAPI(RequestContext context, String title) {
LOGGER.debug("Create Collection API call");
CollectionInputDto collectionInput = CollectionInputDto.builder().title(title).build();
String json = AppJsonUtil.getJsonAsString(collectionInput);
Mono<ResponseEntity<HuntsCollectionDto>> result = webclientCollectionConfig.collectionBuilder().post()
.headers(header -> header.addAll(webclientCollectionConfig.getHeaders(context)))
.body(BodyInserters.fromValue(json)).exchangeToMono(response -> {
return response.toEntity(HuntsCollectionDto.class);
return result;
public class HuntsGetCollectionAdapter {
AppProperties properties;
WebclientCollectionConfig webclientCollectionConfig;
public Mono<ResponseEntity<HuntsCollectionDto>> getCollectionAPI(RequestContext context, String collectionId) {
LOGGER.debug("Get Collection API call");
return webclientCollectionConfig.collectionBuilder().get()
.uri(properties.getCollectionUrl() + "/" + collectionId)
.headers(header -> header.addAll(webclientCollectionConfig.getHeaders(context)))
.exchangeToMono(response -> {
return response.toEntity(HuntsCollectionDto.class);
public class WebclientCollectionConfig {
AppProperties appProperties;
public WebClient collectionBuilder() {
return WebClient.builder().baseUrl(appProperties.getCollectionbaseUrl())
.defaultHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").build();

Spring WebFlux Route always returns 404

I am working on a simple project which uses Spring Boot 2 with Spring WebFlux using Kotlin.
I wrote test for my handler function (in which I mock the dependencies using Mockito).
However, it seems like my route function does not trigger the handler, as all of my requests return HTTP 404 NOT FOUND (even though the route is correct).
I have looked at various other projects to find out what how these tests are supposed to be written (here, here), but the problem persists.
The code is as follows (and can also be found on GitHub):
#ExtendWith(SpringExtension::class, MockitoExtension::class)
class UserRouterTest {
private lateinit var userService: UserService
private lateinit var userHandler: UserHandler
fun givenExistingCustomer_whenGetCustomerByID_thenCustomerFound() {
val expectedCustomer = User("test", "test")
val id = expectedCustomer.userID
val router = UserRouter().userRoutes(userHandler)
val client = WebTestClient.bindToRouterFunction(router).build()
class User(var username : String, var password: String) {
val userID = UUID.randomUUID()
interface UserRepository : JpaRepository<User, UUID>{
class UserService(
private val userRepository: UserRepository
) {
fun getUserByID(id: UUID): Optional<User> {
return Optional.of(
try {
} catch (e: EntityNotFoundException) {
User("test", "test")
fun addUser(user: User) {
class UserHandler(
private val userService: UserService
) {
fun getUserWithID(request: ServerRequest): Mono<ServerResponse> {
val id = try {
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
return ServerResponse.badRequest().syncBody("Invalid user id")
val user = userService.getUserByID(id).get()
return ServerResponse.ok().contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8)
class UserRouter {
fun userRoutes(userHandler: UserHandler) = router {
contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8).nest {
GET("/users/{userID}", userHandler::getUserWithID)
GET("") { ServerResponse.ok().build() }
To route based on the presence of one or more query parameter (regardless of their values), we can do the following:
class UserRouter {
fun userRoutes(userHandler: UserHandler) = router {
GET("/users/{userID}", userHandler::getUserWithID)
and queryParam("username") { true }
and queryParam("password") { true }
Note that GET("/users/?username={username}", userHandler::getUsersWithUsername) does not work.
The way the router is configured - contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8).nest - will only match requests that have this content type, so you would have to either remove the contentType prerequisite or change the test to include it
.header("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8")

Using WebClient to propagate request headers received in a Spring Webflux applications to downstream services

I have two kinds of Webflux applications, annotation-based and route-based. These applications are called with a set of headers, some of which (Open Tracing) I need to propagate in downstream calls using WebClient.
If these were normal Spring WebMvc applications I would use a Filter to keep the selected headers in a ThreadLocal, access it in a RestTemplate interceptor to send them to subsequent services and clear the ThreadLocal.
What's the proper way to replicate this behaviour in WebFlux applications?
I solved it using Project Reactor's Context to store the headers in a WebFilter. Then they are gotten in the WebClient's ExchangeFilterFunction. Here's the whole solution:
class OpenTracingFilter(private val openTracingHeaders: Set<String>) : WebFilter {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(javaClass)
override fun filter(exchange: ServerWebExchange, chain: WebFilterChain): Mono<Void> {
return chain.filter(exchange)
.subscriberContext { ctx ->
var updatedContext = ctx
exchange.request.headers.forEach {
if (openTracingHeaders.contains(it.key.toLowerCase())) {
logger.debug("Found OpenTracing Header - key {} - value {}", it.key, it.value[0])
updatedContext = updatedContext.put(it.key, it.value[0])
class OpenTracingExchangeFilterFunction(private val headers: Set<String>) : ExchangeFilterFunction {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(javaClass)
override fun filter(request: ClientRequest, next: ExchangeFunction): Mono<ClientResponse> {
logger.debug("OpenTracingExchangeFilterFunction - filter()")
return OpenTracingClientResponseMono(request, next, headers)
class OpenTracingClientResponseMono(private val request: ClientRequest,
private val next: ExchangeFunction,
private val headersToPropagate: Set<String>) : Mono<ClientResponse>() {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(javaClass)
override fun subscribe(subscriber: CoreSubscriber<in ClientResponse>) {
val context = subscriber.currentContext()
val requestBuilder = ClientRequest.from(request)
requestBuilder.headers { httpHeaders ->
headersToPropagate.forEach {
if(context.hasKey(it)) {
logger.debug("Propagating header key {} - value{}", it, context.get<String>(it))
httpHeaders[it] = context.get<String>(it)
val mutatedRequest =
class OpenTracingConfiguration(private val openTracingConfigurationProperties: OpenTracingConfigurationProperties) {
fun webClient(): WebClient {
return WebClient.builder().filter(openTracingExchangeFilterFunction()).build()
fun openTracingFilter(): WebFilter {
return OpenTracingFilter(openTracingConfigurationProperties.headers)
fun openTracingExchangeFilterFunction(): OpenTracingExchangeFilterFunction {
return OpenTracingExchangeFilterFunction(openTracingConfigurationProperties.headers)
class OpenTracingConfigurationProperties {
lateinit var headers: Set<String>
- x-request-id
- x-b3-traceid
- x-b3-spanid
- x-b3-parentspanid
- x-b3-sampled
- x-b3-flags
- x-ot-span-context
I needed to pass x-request-id header to a downstream service in my application. Achieved this by adding WebFilter that writes x-request-id to a reactor context
class ContextWebFilter : WebFilter {
override fun filter(exchange: ServerWebExchange, chain: WebFilterChain): Mono<Void> {
val headers = exchange.request.headers
val xRequestId = headers[X_REQUEST_ID]?.firstOrNull() ?: ""
val requestId = xRequestId.ifBlank { UUID.randomUUID().toString() }
return chain
.contextWrite { it.put(X_REQUEST_ID, requestId) }
companion object {
and updating WebClient with ExchangeFilterFunction that updates outgoing request
ExchangeFilterFunction.ofRequestProcessor { request ->
Mono.deferContextual { context ->
val xRId = context.getOrDefault<String>("X-REQUEST-ID", "")
logger.debug("Set X-REQUEST-ID={} as a header to outgoing call", xRId)
.header("X-REQUEST-ID", xRId)
