Joomla Google Fonts and GDPR - joomla

I received an email from client said that the site is violating GDPR related to the use of Google Fonts. they said this was the issue
but i tried to search the whole site, I cant find anything regarding those font above, no fonts.gstatic, no robot nor .woff2 file.
is it possible joomla load file on the fly that not from our site? or anyone have this kind of issue too?

Search the mail address, or the mail author. I was receiving similar mail and I discovered that was a SCAM.
If you are using ready-made Joomla template, is impossible that you don't have the copyright to use the font that is included in the template.


Laravel Google tag Manager

Good day to all.
I connected the tag manager to the site, but I want to be sure that it is on all pages.
This is an online home appliance store.
I want to understand the Laravel principle, how can I find all the pages?
Help me figure out the code
Thanks in advance.
For a quick check, I normally use Very useful, it not only indicates absent libraries, it also indicates double libraries. Pretty useful.
You can implement basic pageview tracking through GTM and in a few days see if there are missing pages in Analytics report.
You could use your sitemap or access log (grouped by page path) to check it manually or with a site crawling tool.
Finally, sure, you can go through Laravel's page templates and make sure GTM is referenced in each. I'm not an expert in PHP frameworks though.
If you want to see Laravel-only solution, you should ask your question with no reference to GTM.

Implementing recaptcha on Github pages without php?

Absolute newb here, please forgive me for this basic question.
I have built my portfolio site using Github pages, but am experiencing spam via my contact form (hosted by GetSimpleForm). I am trying to implement Google reCAPTCHA, but I'm a bit stuck in the backend part. As I understand, Github pages don't support PHP, so I can not actually complete the form verification.
Google documentation here was unfortunately a bit overwhelming and cryptic to me as a beginner, since I just stared at my Github html/css/js files and had no clue what to put where.
Am I trying to do the impossible? Is it possible to use reCaptcha on Github pages? If so, is there a beginner friendly tutorial somewhere or a straightforward "copy-paste" thing I could use? (so far, it's not been clear where to use the secret key from the API key pair for example)
Thanks a bunch for any leads or alternative solutions for spam prevention that would work in Github pages!
The short answer is you cannot. Github Pages only support static site. You have to host your own website if you want to do some complex stuffs like backend check etc. and mostly they are not free.
The only suggestion I can come up is simply change your contact form to regular html form instead of hosting by the 3rd party website you are using. I suspect that the main reason you got spam is because you are using it's service.
A really simple way to do it is to make the form with HTML (you can either copy the code from a pre-made HTML site with a form, or find a youtube tutorial that shows you how to make a HTML form, pretty simple), and host it on something like Netlify. Netlify is free for static websites unless you are doing something really complicated, and it has a built in form submission that will send you an email automatically every time someone fills out the form. You don't need PHP or a third party app or anything.
You still create and edit the code of the website through Github, you just need to connect it to Netlify for the forms. I'm a complete beginner and I figured it out. Netfly has some tutorials that explain it nice and simple. No reason to pay or do a lot of complicated stuff, and you can make professional websites with just HTML and CSS.

How to access email resource path in Keycloak?

I am customizing the email template for password-reset. I wish to access the logo from email resources directory (i.e) \themes\\email\resources\img\marketing.jpg
This can be possible for login module via ${url.resourcesPath}
Some one please point out me how to access the email resource path in password-reset.ftl
version keycloak-4.0.0.Final
I ran into this problem myself, and after some searching I found this email thread:
Hi community,
I am looking for a way to add images to custom keycloak email themes. Our company template HTML uses the images sent as attachment. I would therefore like to attach the required images to the email. If this is not possible, what would be the correct way to add images to the HTML template?
Unfortunately the current documentation does not state anything of it:
I don't think you can do this out of the box today, but you should be able
to create a custom email sender provider that does it. Look at docs for
details on creating custom providers (as well as quickstarts on examples).
Then look at EmailSenderProvider and the implementations in our repo.
If your goal is to display a kind of logo or some image in the mail, you
can include it as an embedded image using
<img src="data:image/png;base64,.... "/>
It's not perfect as some email clients (like gmail) don't display this kind
of image but it can do the trick before finding a better solution.
BR, Jérôme.
Thanks for your suggestions. After reading a lot about email client support for image embedding in emails (e.g. the solution from Jérôme is blocked by Outlook), I think the best solution is to implement my own email sender provider and link the images to the attachments (using CID) .
#Stian Thorgersen: My understanding is that I will have to override the EmailTemplateProvider based on the FreemarkerEmailTemplateProvider (or can I just extend from this one?) to fetch attachments from a path e.g. /attachments/ and pass them to the EmailSenderProvider, am I correct?
So, whilst the documentation says you can use <img src="${url.resourcesPath}/img/image.jpg"> in your custom themes, this doesn't actually work for email templates.
UPDATE (2022): The documentation has changed over time, so this might be possible now, though I haven't verified that:

Mailchimp email not automatically downloading images in Outlook

I have a mailchimp email that contains quite a few images however do not load automatically in the outlook inbox.
I was wondering if there was a way of automatically loading the images to the email recipients that use outlook.
So far I have investigated that recipients could change their settings by altering the trust center settings as shown here. But as the only comment on that article states that there are problems with Mailchimp.
I have also come across a similar problem. However, not sure where to find my images Cid or not even sure whether this is a viable option.
Below is an image of the problem.
Edit (27/10/17):
The mailchimp images look like this:
The img is written like this:
<img align="center" alt="" src="" width="564" style="max-width: 1000px;padding-bottom: 0;display: inline !important;vertical-align: bottom;border: 0;outline: none;text-decoration: none;-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;" class="mcnImage">
We've added domain authentication and verification and it hasn't resolved the issue; anyone using Outlook has to 'Mark as Safe' EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Interestingly we receive emails from a rival using Oracle/Bronto email software and this doesn't occur.
Problem is MailChimp is great apart from this one annoying issue.
We're having the same issue. I was under the impression that this can be resolved by authentication.
I'm hoping we can convince the guys who manage to DNS server to add this.

SagePay V3 issues with Billing and Iframe

I would like some advice and a little help.
A recent project I have been working one had its version of SagePay upgrade to use the version 3 protocol. The side of effects of this meant that users are no longer able to edit their billing address details. The previous protocol v2.23 did allow this in low profile mode and in normal mode.
Further more from what I have understood in the new protocol, iFrames are no longer being supported.
I have read the documentation which suggests downloading the custom templates (Card_Details.xslt and Card_Details_Low.xslt), customising them and sending over to SagePay in order to add these to the system. But I am unable to find any instructions on how to achieve this.
How I allow the customer to have the ability to change the billing address?
Any help will be appreciated.
Change the template you are using (in My Sage Pay) to Default. That should set things back to how they were.
FYI - iframe integration is still supported in v3.00
