Laravel Google tag Manager - laravel

Good day to all.
I connected the tag manager to the site, but I want to be sure that it is on all pages.
This is an online home appliance store.
I want to understand the Laravel principle, how can I find all the pages?
Help me figure out the code
Thanks in advance.

For a quick check, I normally use Very useful, it not only indicates absent libraries, it also indicates double libraries. Pretty useful.
You can implement basic pageview tracking through GTM and in a few days see if there are missing pages in Analytics report.
You could use your sitemap or access log (grouped by page path) to check it manually or with a site crawling tool.
Finally, sure, you can go through Laravel's page templates and make sure GTM is referenced in each. I'm not an expert in PHP frameworks though.
If you want to see Laravel-only solution, you should ask your question with no reference to GTM.


Implementing recaptcha on Github pages without php?

Absolute newb here, please forgive me for this basic question.
I have built my portfolio site using Github pages, but am experiencing spam via my contact form (hosted by GetSimpleForm). I am trying to implement Google reCAPTCHA, but I'm a bit stuck in the backend part. As I understand, Github pages don't support PHP, so I can not actually complete the form verification.
Google documentation here was unfortunately a bit overwhelming and cryptic to me as a beginner, since I just stared at my Github html/css/js files and had no clue what to put where.
Am I trying to do the impossible? Is it possible to use reCaptcha on Github pages? If so, is there a beginner friendly tutorial somewhere or a straightforward "copy-paste" thing I could use? (so far, it's not been clear where to use the secret key from the API key pair for example)
Thanks a bunch for any leads or alternative solutions for spam prevention that would work in Github pages!
The short answer is you cannot. Github Pages only support static site. You have to host your own website if you want to do some complex stuffs like backend check etc. and mostly they are not free.
The only suggestion I can come up is simply change your contact form to regular html form instead of hosting by the 3rd party website you are using. I suspect that the main reason you got spam is because you are using it's service.
A really simple way to do it is to make the form with HTML (you can either copy the code from a pre-made HTML site with a form, or find a youtube tutorial that shows you how to make a HTML form, pretty simple), and host it on something like Netlify. Netlify is free for static websites unless you are doing something really complicated, and it has a built in form submission that will send you an email automatically every time someone fills out the form. You don't need PHP or a third party app or anything.
You still create and edit the code of the website through Github, you just need to connect it to Netlify for the forms. I'm a complete beginner and I figured it out. Netfly has some tutorials that explain it nice and simple. No reason to pay or do a lot of complicated stuff, and you can make professional websites with just HTML and CSS.

Website creation query

I need to create a website which stores the list of all games the player has played and it shows right on your profile. As the player goes on completing a game, he adds the game into his list.
So i would need a basic lo-gin configuration and then by using AJAX, I will populate the list of games which he wants to add to his list. So that he can track the list with games that he has played.
So now I need suggestion on how to go on with it?
How to start building?
Which language do I need to pickup?
I am well versed with Java and j2ee.
Is this enough?
Also I am a freelancer so I can't afford to pay for a website. So any free website hosting service which will help me to build the website which I have in mind??
Also if I use any free website hosting service, will they provide me with a database and AJAX capabilities?
Here's the basic setup:
You need a domain first. Try to pick something unique, as it will be cheaper. You can find one on namecheap:
You need hosting. Again, go with namecheap.
To start building, you need to learn some HTML and CSS. HTML is markup of the web, and CSS is the stylesheet of the web. They aren't hard languages to start off in. You can start for free at Khan Academy:
I believe namecheap offers database support as well. Ajax isn't provided by a hosting service. It's more of a group of languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).
This should get you going. I can't really give you more detailed information than this because your question is really broad. If you Google your questions, you'll get good answers and guides.
Best of luck.

Where to add Google Remarketing tag in Magento

I am trying to figure out in which file I need to add the Google remarketing tag. I know it needs to be added before the closing of the body tag. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
here is I did in the past:
Depending on what kind of google tracking you are using you have a few different way to use:
1) If only add a custom code and should be in all the Magento page, use the "Miscellaneous Scripts" value going to admin section, System > Configuration > Design > HTML Head - Miscellaneous Scripts. (This will be included before head closing tag in page HTML.)
2) By native Magento already have Google Analytics tracking code and you can find this configuration going to admin section System > Configuration > Google API - Google Analytics.
3) If you are looking something more complex and use the Google adWords I used the extension magento connect link. For a particular Client I did some extra modification to include some extra code if a client subscribe to newsletter or a new client etc.
I hope you can find something helpfully in the post.
There are different template file for different pages in magento so at first I think you should decide where to place it.For example if you want to place it in footer than you should place that code snippet in
Similarly you can check other different template files to place your code.
NB:Best practice is to overide the core file of magento before making changes to it.
Hope this will help.
There's no indication as to which Magento version you're using 1 or 2. At the end of the day it depends how much technical knowledge you have and if you're using a version control system to manage your Magento build.
Miscellaneous Scripts as another answer mentioned earlier, this approach is straight forward and very easy to use to plug and play your code.
Google Module depending which version of Magento you use (CE/EE) there will be a built-in section for you to plugin your account ID in backend Magento configuration and then the platform will generate necessary code for you.
Write custom module by writing your own module you can place it the snippet anywhere on the page by targeting before_body_end node in your layout XML file. This is more technical but gives you more control over what you can do.
Google Tag Manager this also depends on if your Magento version comes pre-built with Google Tag Manager module, then you can create a container and place all your logic in there. This is also more technical and require the output of some values in JS format on the frontend to let GTM read the values.
At the end of the day go with what is easy to setup, portable and easy to manage. I usually go with Google Tag Manager as it takes time to create initial setup of exposing data on the frontend but then I have full control of what I want to do with that data through tag manager. In most cases you'll end up using the same data (ex. totals, shipping method, product IDs, SKUs, cost, etc.) in more than one third party API so this gives you flexibility to do just that.

One-page AJAX-based WordPress site. How should I do it?

I am trying to create a one-page WordPress website, something like the ones you sometimes see in ThemeForest's WP section: the whole website is a long page that has everything in one place, from about us, to portfolio, to some blog posts, to contacts.
Placing all things on one page is not difficult. But when I started thinking about how to present individual posts and pages, I realised that I probably need a general way of getting posts' data via AJAX, and create new blocks with JS. How should I go about this? I suppose this was done before, but I struggle to find something this specific on Codex or a tutorial with best practices.
Any advice or link will be greatly appreciated.
You could use a plugin such as jQuery Easytabs, download it here, that has a built-in Ajax component.
I've found that the easiest way is to just get all content to load into the divs ahead of time, vs. trying to load all pages through Ajax. However, appending something like '?ajax/ajax' to the end of your urls through the Easytabs plugin is one option that I have successfully used in the past.
If you decide to use the easytabs functionality, there is ample documentation on the page that I linked to.

How do I Extend Blogengine.Net to collect statistics of visitors?

I love BlogEngine. But from what I can se it does not collect the standard information about the visitors I would like to see (referrer, browser-type and so on).
When I log in as Admin I have a menu item named "Referrer". I can choose a weekday and then I'll be presented with 1 or 2 rows with
" 4 hits, " 6 hits" and so on, But that's not what I want to se, I want to se where my visitors come from, country, IP if possible, how many visitors and so on.
If someone of you are familiar with Blogengine.Net and can point me in the right direction to where I would put my own log-code or if you know any visitor-statistic-extension that can do it for me, I would be really happy to know. I prefer an extension, because if I make changes myself to BlogEngine it may break later updates I install.
Blogengine.Net is a blog software made in .Net found here:
And yes, I prefer to take this question here rather then in the Blogengine.Net forum, you know why. ;)
(Anyone, feel free to edit my (bad) english in this post and after that delete this sentence)
This isn't an extension, but it's what I use to collect all my data and it should be upgrade safe.
When you log into the Blogengine.NET admin screens you can go to "Settings> Custome Code > Tracking Script", here you can put your logging script. Google Analytics provides all the referrer, browser type, etc stuff you were wanting. And what's nice is you can then create additional accounts for other sites if you choose.
I use both Google Analytics and StatCounter to track visitor stats. I find that each one provides useful information that the other doesn't. And they're both free to a certain extent.
I place their javascript code int the site.master file of my custom BE.Net skin.
For Google Analytics I go a step further and pass the username of authenticated users as a custom variable. That way I can match users names up with the stats. To do this you can use the _setVar javascript method on the GA pageTracker like so:
<script type="text/javascript">
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-129049-25");
var userDefinedValue = '<%= System.Web.Security.Membership.GetUser() != null ? System.Web.Security.Membership.GetUser().UserName : "" %>';
Anyone noticed that we miss all the hits coming from RSS readers? Syndication.axd does not run the analytics javascripts. So we miss the vast majority of viewers from the statistics. And we happily analyze that is just not impotant - ad-hoc visitors.
For the vast majority of cases, Google Analytics does just fine. It all depends on how much data you want. For example, if you want to keep note of IP addresses and resolve them to get domain names, and also highlight all visits to your blog from, say, your coworkers at the company where you work, you'd have to write some custom code yourself. However, it's all fairly primitive - these sorts of things are easily achievable using ASP.NET.
I set up gathering statistics on IIS web site of my BlogEngine instance and then analyze the logs using WebLog Expert -
It is more reliable than google analytics, since I see really ALL requests that are coming to my IIS, no matter if this is a request to axd or to some static content. And, once I've found out that google was fooling me in the number of visits. After that I trust my IIS statistics much more than google.
There is a Widget which can be use to display Visits and Online Users Statistics.
You can find it from following links:
but to see the instructions go to the second link.
