How to access email resource path in Keycloak? - themes

I am customizing the email template for password-reset. I wish to access the logo from email resources directory (i.e) \themes\\email\resources\img\marketing.jpg
This can be possible for login module via ${url.resourcesPath}
Some one please point out me how to access the email resource path in password-reset.ftl
version keycloak-4.0.0.Final

I ran into this problem myself, and after some searching I found this email thread:
Hi community,
I am looking for a way to add images to custom keycloak email themes. Our company template HTML uses the images sent as attachment. I would therefore like to attach the required images to the email. If this is not possible, what would be the correct way to add images to the HTML template?
Unfortunately the current documentation does not state anything of it:
I don't think you can do this out of the box today, but you should be able
to create a custom email sender provider that does it. Look at docs for
details on creating custom providers (as well as quickstarts on examples).
Then look at EmailSenderProvider and the implementations in our repo.
If your goal is to display a kind of logo or some image in the mail, you
can include it as an embedded image using
<img src="data:image/png;base64,.... "/>
It's not perfect as some email clients (like gmail) don't display this kind
of image but it can do the trick before finding a better solution.
BR, Jérôme.
Thanks for your suggestions. After reading a lot about email client support for image embedding in emails (e.g. the solution from Jérôme is blocked by Outlook), I think the best solution is to implement my own email sender provider and link the images to the attachments (using CID) .
#Stian Thorgersen: My understanding is that I will have to override the EmailTemplateProvider based on the FreemarkerEmailTemplateProvider (or can I just extend from this one?) to fetch attachments from a path e.g. /attachments/ and pass them to the EmailSenderProvider, am I correct?
So, whilst the documentation says you can use <img src="${url.resourcesPath}/img/image.jpg"> in your custom themes, this doesn't actually work for email templates.
UPDATE (2022): The documentation has changed over time, so this might be possible now, though I haven't verified that:


Joomla Google Fonts and GDPR

I received an email from client said that the site is violating GDPR related to the use of Google Fonts. they said this was the issue
but i tried to search the whole site, I cant find anything regarding those font above, no fonts.gstatic, no robot nor .woff2 file.
is it possible joomla load file on the fly that not from our site? or anyone have this kind of issue too?
Search the mail address, or the mail author. I was receiving similar mail and I discovered that was a SCAM.
If you are using ready-made Joomla template, is impossible that you don't have the copyright to use the font that is included in the template.

Can I set cookies for discord.Embed.set_thumbnail in

I am making an online encyclopedia searching bot with But the encyclopedia site is opened only for my school students. So I had to use cookies to get documents' contents. But I got a problem. The site provides changing the logo for each document, and I'm going to put it in discord.Embed.thumbnail. As I mentioned above, the encyclopedia site is opened only for my school students, and the logo file as well as.
Can I use my cookies to access file link for discord.Embed.set_thumbnail? If possible, how? Thanks for your help.
you could currently use the requests module to get the image URL setting cookies. Then, you get the URL of the image and you just put it into the thumbnail field.

Mailchimp email not automatically downloading images in Outlook

I have a mailchimp email that contains quite a few images however do not load automatically in the outlook inbox.
I was wondering if there was a way of automatically loading the images to the email recipients that use outlook.
So far I have investigated that recipients could change their settings by altering the trust center settings as shown here. But as the only comment on that article states that there are problems with Mailchimp.
I have also come across a similar problem. However, not sure where to find my images Cid or not even sure whether this is a viable option.
Below is an image of the problem.
Edit (27/10/17):
The mailchimp images look like this:
The img is written like this:
<img align="center" alt="" src="" width="564" style="max-width: 1000px;padding-bottom: 0;display: inline !important;vertical-align: bottom;border: 0;outline: none;text-decoration: none;-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;" class="mcnImage">
We've added domain authentication and verification and it hasn't resolved the issue; anyone using Outlook has to 'Mark as Safe' EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Interestingly we receive emails from a rival using Oracle/Bronto email software and this doesn't occur.
Problem is MailChimp is great apart from this one annoying issue.
We're having the same issue. I was under the impression that this can be resolved by authentication.
I'm hoping we can convince the guys who manage to DNS server to add this.

Auto post from joomla article to Instagram?

we want an auto publisher , whenever an joomla article is published, automatically publishes the article data such as title, image, description etc, on the Instagram. If this possible or not?
Yes this is possible with a content - plugin. You can use the onContentAfterSave event to do that.
Within this very callback you get the Article as parameter, so you can access all details of it, to create the webservice call.
There are some more events which plugins can listen to. Joomla Plugins are pretty simple to develop, basically they consist of an describing xml and a php file and you can find documentation here. To get started you should have a look at an existing content plugin (/plugins/content/*).
The actual call to instagram can be done using curl.
Looking out for an Instagram api, I found that: and I hope that can help you with the webservice call.
There is an extension in JED that will lessen your burden of coding. You can have a look at it here . Remember thats a Paid extension.

Get CRM WRPC-Token for display images in Webressource

In my CRM HTML-Webresource, I got to display E-Mail activities with it's images (saved as attachments) as HTML. I take the description attribute for that.
As I realized, at least in CRM-Online, every attachment-image has a WRPC-Token that I need for the correct file path to load it.
How can I get the token? Most of the solutions that I found are either old or don't work for my circumstances.
Can I fetch the token out of the given HTML?
This approach doesn't make sense to me,
Attachments are stored within a database behind a web service, they are not at a file path you can simply open.
WRPC-Token's are used in security, I'm not sure how it is relevant or could provide a file path.
I would suggest writing code to access the CRM web services, this will enable you to retrieve the attachment data. There is an example here Sample: Create, retrieve, update, and delete an email attachment.
