How can I add custom fonts in Figma linux - figma

I'm designing and prototyping an android app in Figma Linux but there is no way to add custom/desktop font in the application or in the web version. Figma only lists the Google fonts only. Please help me to solve this issue. I really need to add some fonts for my native language.
I don't know what to try as I couldn't find any documentation about this topic.


How do I make use figma UI for a desktop app?

I have a few UI designs made in figma which I want to use in a desktop application made using C/C++ or Python. Is it possible to import the the designs into the codebase or is it just a blueprint design I have to recreate from scratch using something like Qt/GTK or any other GUI library
Yes, via the Figma API and/or Figma Plugin API.
If you want to see this in action, check out the FigAct plugin, which generates ReactJS code from Figma files.

How to best author a Apple Helpbook for a macOS app?

macOS apps, e.g., provide a help panel to the user
Is there a way to author such a Help Book in your own macOS app?
Is there a way to at least provide a toolbar to be used for a table of contents?
I am asking specifically about the UI and all the user interactions. Not how to generally create and register a helpbook.
Here is what I’ve been able to find/gather/learn from others. A Help Book appears to run on a separate app/process called “HelpViewer”. Any Apple macOS app displaying a help makes use of a DDMViewerController that isn’t public.
There is an “app.css” and an “app.js” being used by the Apple macOS app “index.html” of the Apple Help Book. The Javascript one manipulates the DOM to create the “show-hide” link that toggles the Sidebar. Haven’t been able to find how to instruct HelpViewer to use a sidebar.
There is a WWDC talk from back in 2014, “Introducing the Modern WebKit API” that talks about “User Scripts” and “Script Messages” which allow communication between a Webview and Cocoa.
AFAICS, there is no way to have HelpViewer display a custom view or have a sidebar. My guess is that you would have to implement everything yourself. That is an NSSplitViewController, NSToolbar, NSOutlineView, any Javascript alongside the “app.css” to get the look and feel.
Currently it's not possible to implement the sidebar as shown in the Maps and other built-in macOS applications from 10.13 onward.
Versions of macOS from 10.10 (built-in applications) implement sidebar navigation with HTML and JavaScript, and Apple Help Viewer itself offers a window.HelpViewer object with some hooks that enable/disable the Help Viewer's table of contents button. Once enabled, it will callback into your own JavaScript where you can show/hide TOC via CSS or JS.
From approximately 10.10, Apple's non-built-in applications have also been using this technique. For example, iTunes and Xcode help both do this.
From 10.13, macOS has a newer version of Help Viewer that provides an actual Cocoa-native table of contents and windows splitter, as well as some new properties on window.HelpViewer; presumably these can be used to enable/disable the Cocoa sidebar and populate the TOC, but these are undocumented and I'm not sure anyone outside of Apple has been able to reverse-engineer this functionality yet.
And in any case, it wouldn't work if you offer Help Books to pre-10.13 users, and the use of undocumented API's restricts applications from the App Store (although, I'm not certain that Apple scans Help Book JavaScripts for API usage as part of their review).
(There are also a lot of other changes to how Apple's built-in application Help works now, too, but that's another topic entirely.)
Thus the answer for now is we can't, or shouldn't, or just don't know how. Alternatives include using something like using jekyll-apple-help (no affiliation) or Middlemac 3 (my project), or just rolling your own.
For those interested in knowing how Apple does it, I've documented a lot of it here (disclosure: link to my own website).
I'm not sure whether Apple's current applications still use it, but there is a very old API on macOS for Help Books. Apple has documentation on how to create them and some introduction. In short: Help books are standard HTML files with additional proprietary anchors. Those anchors are accessible via the class NSHelpManager, e.g. to open the help book at a specific page.
See also this question.

PDF Viewer for Windows 8.1 app

Im trying to implement a pdf viewer for Win 8.1 app using
I need search text feature using this. I know Reader for Windows 8 does it, but i dont know how.
Can anyone help me please!
check this great blog post with a summary of available components for WinRT.
You might check each component vendor specs as some have been enhanced since the time the article was written (ex : DevExpress PDF component for UWP supports search) BuiltIn PDF component purpose is to render documents, not manipulate. You can contact the dev team for feature requests.

Creating Universal UI files

Is there any tutorial available for creating Universal UI which can run on iPad as well as iPhone on different resolution. I tried looking in the official documentation, but couldn't find anything about UI files.
I notice you've tagged this question with Marmalade, so I'm assuming you are talking about how to write a Universal app in Marmalade? If so then creating a Universal UI is pretty much up to you to implement in the best way you see fit.
By default all Marmalade apps are Universal apps, though you can limit to iPad only with the MKB setting iphone-ipad-only.
Marmalade does come with the iwui module that allows you to lay out user interfaces with buttons and text boxes etc. but ultimately unless you have a very simple UI you'll need to either provide different UI layouts for each screen resolution/orientation you wish to support, or do some fancy laying out in code.
Apple wisely chose to persuade developers into creating separate UIs for iPhone and iPad since the one-layout-fits-all approach generally looks bad at any screen size.

Firefox Addon Development

I am getting started with Firefox addon development and have got myself acquainted with the Add-on Builder. Is this wizard all I need to get deep into Firefox addon development (if so, where would I create the XUL files and how would I create a custom toolbar?). Or is it that one cannot implement all features using this Add-on Builder? Also are there any good tutorials which explain how to get started with Firefox addon development using the Add-on Builder (because it seems so much easier).
Tutorials which I already have referred to:
But these are not specific to using the Add-on Builder. I would please like someone to point me to where I can find help to develop using the Add-on Builder.
Also if I am developing the addon locally using the SDK is there any good editor which I can use which will show me the list of commands that I can execute (like Eclipse in Java).
The red line is where i want my icon to appear. Is it possible to do it using the addon builder.
There are currently two kinds of Firefox extensions:
Classic extensions use a XUL-based user interface. They can do almost anything but it might take a bit until you see some results with your extension. For documentation on classic add-ons see How do I write a Firefox Addon?
Extensions based on Add-on SDK use HTML for user interface. The SDK provides a simple but limited API. In particular, it explicitly won't let you create toolbars, only single toolbar icons (which makes sense, extensions shouldn't be wasting so much screen space). It won't let you determine the icon placement either - as of Firefox 4 all extension icons are supposed to appear in the add-on bar (the user can customize the toolbars and change the placement however). You can get low-level platform access with chrome authority however. The official Add-on SDK documentation is pretty much all you've got here I think.Edit: Ok, the information on limitations of the Add-on SDK is somewhat outdated. As of Firefox 30, adding toolbars is possible. Also, as of Firefox 29 the icons are placed in the main toolbar by default - the add-on bar is no more. So the only real limitation remaining is the icon placement.
The Add-on Builder is merely a web interface to the SDK - it allows you to edit the extensions conveniently but otherwise it uses Add-on SDK to generate the extensions.
To put an icon directly in the toolbar currently, your best bet is to use Erik Vold's toolbar module ( available in Builder as a package ). here is an example that does that:
