How do I make use figma UI for a desktop app? - user-interface

I have a few UI designs made in figma which I want to use in a desktop application made using C/C++ or Python. Is it possible to import the the designs into the codebase or is it just a blueprint design I have to recreate from scratch using something like Qt/GTK or any other GUI library

Yes, via the Figma API and/or Figma Plugin API.
If you want to see this in action, check out the FigAct plugin, which generates ReactJS code from Figma files.


How can I add custom fonts in Figma linux

I'm designing and prototyping an android app in Figma Linux but there is no way to add custom/desktop font in the application or in the web version. Figma only lists the Google fonts only. Please help me to solve this issue. I really need to add some fonts for my native language.
I don't know what to try as I couldn't find any documentation about this topic.

QNAP Web UI - How to get the windows in a web app?

I am learning to write web apps. I am currently working on a project and recently purchased a QNAP Nas unit. The web UI for the admin settings is perfect for what I would like, but I don't know how to do the windows thing.
Basically you have a menu on the left of the web UI and when you select an admin option it opens a window that you can move around and minimize etc within the app. Does anyone know what technology this is? I don't mind RTFM but I jsut need to know what to read. I have googled and cannot find anything on whatever it is, probably because I don't know what to google for.
Something like this:
If anyone can point me in the right direction of what I can google or read up on that would be great.
You need JavaScript application framework for building interactive cross platform web applications using techniques such as Ajax, DHTML and DOM scripting.
QNAP is using extJS.
Web Desktop demo using extJS that you were looking for.

How can Xamarin be used to wrap a web app as if it were a native app for Android?

Say I build a super mobile friendly web application that I want in the Play Store for Android users to be able to download.
Could I use Xamarin to:
Wrap the entire mobile app as a single WebView
Register for mobile push notifications
Essentially shortlining an MVP of an android app by using an existing web app? If so, is there any well-known process or documentation that demonstrates this?
Probably the best approach for you would be using Xamarin Forms with one or more pages containing only web views.
I don't love Xamarin Forms because usually for me Xamarin Android+iOS gives a better result in similar time, but your app would be so simple that doesn't make sense to do it with Xamarin Android.
Make sure that your web app will show only what makes sense to be shown in your app, otherwise you risk to see double header/footer, useless buttons... but if the website is yours adding a few parameters to change a bit the UI won't be a problem I guess.
Have a look at this example:
Another approach is the use of Razor to build your pages in html directly inside your app, but if I understood well it's not what you need:
Although it is technically possible to do this as the previous answer has suggested. I would recommended firstly reviewing, the relevant stores guidelines on submissions. Apple for example will not allow a submission to their store of any application that simply mirrors the functionality of a website. I suspect Google's would likely be the same.
However that said, to answer your question, Xamarin.Forms would be appropriate for a simple application like the one you are suggesting. Or if you prefer to build to a specific OS, then in iOS with Xamarin you would use the Safari View Controller that was added in it's xcode 8.1 release. Android uses something similar as does windows.
You can use the Web View control in Xamarins Andorid native PCL project to encapsulate your mobile friendly website within an application here is the documentation:
Xamarin Android Developer link to Android Web View
As for push notifications, yes this is perfectly possible using Xamarin.Android. and varies on implementation depending on what you want to use as the back end to handle them, I.E. Azure's notification hub etc.

How can I use Go to make a GUI window?

I am in need to make a simple window in Go to display some text,
there is no need for a real GUI like interface.
How can I make a window like this using Go?
walk is the most common library used for basic GUI development.
You can import the package using:
go get
I assume you are working at windows OS so create an exe and run it.
More Information about this can be gathered from its source.
A nice-looking cross-platform UI can be created using HTML5/CSS/JS. You may open a native window with a full-screen browser engine (webview) in it showing your UI.
There is a tiny wrapper library for webviews on Windows, MacOS and Linux -
You can connectyour UI and the core app parts using Go-to-JS bindings (webview library provides those) or a websocket.

Titanium native UI on desktop

I would lie to build a desktop app with Titanium and i thought that the API would give me access to a native ui for desktop. But reading the documentation it seems like the native ui api is directed only to mobile development, while for desktop you have to build the UI yourself in html and js and it will not be native code (with the risk of low performance animation and graphic).
Am i right?
Yes you are right. Titanium Desktop only WebKit UI is possible: HTML5+js and/or PHP/Ruby/Python. You can see Tweetanium on git to see how Desktop/Mobile application can be designed. But simply also in mobile you can use a webkit view... It'sn't fast as native UI on mobile but it makes your UI code reusable in both world.
This is exactly what happens on PhoneGap project.
