Put named range verticle - google-sheets-formula

I have a named range (Sheet1!B1:Z7), that I want to place on another sheet placed verticle. Now I do this manually through:
But I would like to use the named range
But that does not work.
I want to stack all the columns verticle
Is this possible? I could not find examples using named ranges.

Reference: FLATTEN


Get Index from ITEMIDLIST?

Given an ITEMID_CHILD (ITEMIDLIST) obtained from an IEnumIDList::Next() which is an enumeration of IFolderView::Items(), how do you convert the ITEMIDLIST to the index which would be needed in something like IFolderView::SelectItem()?
P.S. I know IFolderView::SelectAndPositionItems() exists, but this question is specific to obtaining the index (I couldn't find where an ::IndexOf() exists)
There is no direct way exposed by IFolderView to get the index of a given child ITEMIDLIST. You have to remember the index manually while enumerating the folder's items with IEnumIDList. Or, you can loop through the items using IFolderView::Item() until you find an index that returns a matching ITEMIDLIST.
One workaround is to use IShellFolderView::UpdateObject, passing in the pidl as the first two arguments. IShellFolderView::RefreshObject also looked like an option, but for me it returns E_NOTIMPL.

How to get list of parameters in a template?

Using Templates how can I get list parameters that are defined in a template. For example if I have the template:
t, _ := template.New("template_name").Parse("<h1>{{.title}}</h1>r{{.release}}")
How can I get title and release? I intend to iterate over list of parameters and search them in multiple locations. How this could be done is not clear from the template documentation.
I would assume you could walk through the parse.Tree that is inside both html/template.Template as well as text/template.Template. You'd have to check every node in the tree recursively to see if it's a FieldNode or not (and I don't really know, how variables defined within a template - like in a range operator - are handled). If all fields are as simple as in your example, you could probably just plain-text search your template ... ;o)

Replace List Item Appinventor

I have a TinyDB and in each tag of the TinyDB I have a list.
Each list has 3 items, each indexed as 1, 2 and 3.
I want to change the 3rd item, index 3.
So I have done the following
So I want to now save the change in the TinyDB
and have added a storeValue command as follows.
I figured out how to get the valuetoStore variable. As follows.
I had done this before, and thought it wrong because it still doesn't change the 3rd item in the list. But I've added a notifier to look at it and it's correct. So the "replace list item" isn't working how I thought it should. It isn't replacing the 3rd item with an "n."
Any ideas?
Your second try is almost correct. The only thing is, you should use the replace list item block together with the local variable name instead of retrieving the value again from TinyDB.
So what is the difference to your "solution"? Currently you assign the list to a local variable name. Then you use the replace list item block together with a list, you can't store somewhere (you are loading the list again from TinyDB). And in the end you store variable name (which doesn't have been modified at all) in TinyDB. Therefore the solution is to use the replace list item block together with the local variable name instead of retrieving the value again from TinyDB. Btw. a better name for the local variable name would be list.
Further tips
Also in the definition of the local variable name you should add a block, e.g. an empty string or 0
And if you want simplify a little bit, you can move the definition of the local variable name inside the for each loop. And alternatively of using the for each number loop, for list it's easier to use the for each item in list loop, see also the documentation. The list in your case is TinyDB1.GetTags.
As already said in the forum, generally I would use a list of lists and store it in only one tag in TinyDB
How to work with Lists by Saj
How to work with Lists and Lists of lists (pdf) by appinventor.org

Query multiple elements without specifying the element name

This may be a silly question, but is it possible to make a query using XPath without specifying the element name?
Normally I would write something like
//ElementName[#id = "some_id"]
But the thing is I have many (about 40) different element types with an id attribute and I want to be able to return any of them if the id fits. But I don't want to make this call for each type individually. Is it possible to search all of them at once, regardless of the name?
I am using this in an XQuery script, if that offers any help.
use * instead of name //*[#id = "some_id"]
It might be more efficient to look directly at the #id elements - //* will work, but will initially return every node in the document and then filter!
That may not matter in a small document, of course. but here's an alternative:

In Yahoo! Pipes how can I return a single value from a loop that's built with values from every item?

For example, I have a list of items and each item has a name. I want to build a single string that contains a comma-separated list of all the names. In most programming languages, I would loop over the items and append to a value outside the list/array. But, I can't figure out any combination of Yahoo! Pipes modules to do it. Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but I also find nothing relevant from Google.
How do I append loop item values to a single value outside the loop?
Or how can I return a single value from a loop that's built with values from every item?
Or what is the correct method to accomplish this in Pipes if it's neither of those?
The best method I've come up with based on help from the Yahoo! group, is to use an Item Builder (item.string = default) --> Loop ( assign all to item.string ). Using another pipe inside the Loop to provide the values to concatenate was also very helpful.
Unfortunately the modules available with Yahoo Pipes alone cannot perform the task you are aiming at. The only solution available currently is to use "web service" module to call an externally hosted script (say in PHP)... the entire pipe content will be sent to the script as POST field "data". You can code the script such that it loops through all items to add the string to a single string and return it after processing.
