In Yahoo! Pipes how can I return a single value from a loop that's built with values from every item? - yahoo-pipes

For example, I have a list of items and each item has a name. I want to build a single string that contains a comma-separated list of all the names. In most programming languages, I would loop over the items and append to a value outside the list/array. But, I can't figure out any combination of Yahoo! Pipes modules to do it. Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but I also find nothing relevant from Google.
How do I append loop item values to a single value outside the loop?
Or how can I return a single value from a loop that's built with values from every item?
Or what is the correct method to accomplish this in Pipes if it's neither of those?

The best method I've come up with based on help from the Yahoo! group, is to use an Item Builder (item.string = default) --> Loop ( assign all to item.string ). Using another pipe inside the Loop to provide the values to concatenate was also very helpful.

Unfortunately the modules available with Yahoo Pipes alone cannot perform the task you are aiming at. The only solution available currently is to use "web service" module to call an externally hosted script (say in PHP)... the entire pipe content will be sent to the script as POST field "data". You can code the script such that it loops through all items to add the string to a single string and return it after processing.


How to load value from dynamically specified parameter in NiFi

I have several processes with almost same flow like "Get some parameters, extract data from database according to them and upload them to target". The parameters vary slightly across processes as well as targets but only a bit. Most of the process is the same. I would like to extract those differences to parameter-context and dynamically load them. My idea is to have parameters defined following way and then using them.
So core of question is:
How to dynamically choose which parameter group load and use?
Having several parameter contexts with same-named/different-valued parameters and dynamically switching them would be probably the best, but it is not possible as far as I know.
Also duplicating flows is out-of-the-table. Any error correction would be spread out over several places and maintenance would be a nightmare.
Moreover, I know I can do it like "In GenetrateFlowFile for process A set value1=#{A_value1} and in GenetrateFlowFile for process B set value1=#{B_value1}. But this is tedious, error-prone and scales kinda bad. Not speaking of situation when I can have dozens of parameters and several processes. Also it is a kind of hardcoding, not configuring...
I was hoping for something like defining group=A and then using it like value1=#{ ${ group:append('_value1') } } but this does not work - it is evaluated as parameter literally named ${ group:append('_value1') }.
TL;DR: Use evaluateELString().
The actual solution is to set in GenetrateFlowFile processor group=A and in next UpdateAttribute processor set the following:
value1=${ group:prepend('hash{ '):append('_value1 }'):replace('hash', '#'):evaluateELString() }
The magic being done here is "Take value of group slap around it #{ and _value1 } to make it valid NiFi Expression Language statement and then evaluate it." (Notice - the word hash and function replace is there since I didn´t manage to escape the # char right before {.)
If you would like to have your value1 at the beginning of the statement then you can use following code. The result is same, it is easier to use (often-changed value value1 is at the beginning of the statement) and is less readable "what is really going on?"-wise.
value1=${ literal('value1'):prepend('_'):prepend(${ group }):prepend('hash{ '):append(' }'):replace('hash', '#'):evaluateELString() }

Referencing Two-Word Variables in Applescript?

I'm attempting to get some data from an app called "Timing", which is local to my computer, and post it to a URL to notify a webhook, from which some process automation will occur.
According to the Applescript integration with Timing,
There is a time summary object that's returned from a command which I've successfully executed. When displayed as an alert, that data looks like this:
Can't get |times per project| of {id:5C6CD8C8-357F-4EE7-890C-5946DC03BBB9", overall total:1.18092493622303E+4, times per project:{Maintenance:81.091759443283, Youtube:4820.38001298904, |self improvement effors|:876.930474758148, Homework:2383.20326805115, |(no project)|:3647.64384698868}, overall total without tasks:1.18092493622303E+4, productivity score:0.388005592511, times per project without tasks:{Maintenance:81.091759443283, Youtube:4820.38001298904, |self improvement efforts|:876.930474758148, Homework:2383.20326805115, |(no project)|:3647.64384698868}, class:time summary}.
As you can see, (above), there is a property called productivity score, which is two words.
When attempting to get this datapoint from the object (which I will use to notify the webhook:)
set newnewVar to productivity score of newvar
display alert newvar
Obviously this wont work, because the variable name is two words. I've tried surrounding the name in quotes and surround it with other characters, but nothing seems to work, and the documentation for getting specific properties only has examples with variables with one word.
What's the solution to this problem?
In AppleScript, user-defined variables cannot generally have spaces. Typically they start with a letter or underscore, and then can contain only letters, numbers, or underscores. A user-defined variable can only contain spaces if it is contained within vertical pipes. So all of the following are valid variable forms: alphaUnit, slideRow3, _tempItem, |my variable|, left_hand_vector
However, any application or script that creates and uses a scripting definition can create commands and classes and properties that have multi-word names. For instance, if you look at the System Events app, you'll see that the Disk-Folder-File Suite has a class named disk item with properties like creation date. The reason this works is that these multi-word names are actually represented by a numeric (four-char) code: disk item is actually 'ditm' and creation date is 'ascd'. You often see these codes pop up in error strings like so:
"cannot make class ≪ditm≫ into..."
Make sure you have the scope right to invoke the dictionary — i.e. be within a tell block for the app or script that invokes the scripting dictionary — and the multi-word names should 'just work'. After compiling, you'll see them highlighted in a purple color that's just a bit different from the red of uncompiled text. You do not need to enclose dictionary terms in vertical pipes; if you do, they will be treated as user-defined variables and lose their special scripting purposes.

Replace List Item Appinventor

I have a TinyDB and in each tag of the TinyDB I have a list.
Each list has 3 items, each indexed as 1, 2 and 3.
I want to change the 3rd item, index 3.
So I have done the following
So I want to now save the change in the TinyDB
and have added a storeValue command as follows.
I figured out how to get the valuetoStore variable. As follows.
I had done this before, and thought it wrong because it still doesn't change the 3rd item in the list. But I've added a notifier to look at it and it's correct. So the "replace list item" isn't working how I thought it should. It isn't replacing the 3rd item with an "n."
Any ideas?
Your second try is almost correct. The only thing is, you should use the replace list item block together with the local variable name instead of retrieving the value again from TinyDB.
So what is the difference to your "solution"? Currently you assign the list to a local variable name. Then you use the replace list item block together with a list, you can't store somewhere (you are loading the list again from TinyDB). And in the end you store variable name (which doesn't have been modified at all) in TinyDB. Therefore the solution is to use the replace list item block together with the local variable name instead of retrieving the value again from TinyDB. Btw. a better name for the local variable name would be list.
Further tips
Also in the definition of the local variable name you should add a block, e.g. an empty string or 0
And if you want simplify a little bit, you can move the definition of the local variable name inside the for each loop. And alternatively of using the for each number loop, for list it's easier to use the for each item in list loop, see also the documentation. The list in your case is TinyDB1.GetTags.
As already said in the forum, generally I would use a list of lists and store it in only one tag in TinyDB
How to work with Lists by Saj
How to work with Lists and Lists of lists (pdf) by

Yahoo Pipes: Extracting number from feed item for use in URL builder

Been looking all over the place for a solution to this issue. I have a Yahoo Pipe ( that I've created to pull back image content from the Bing Search API. The URL builder includes a $skip attribute that takes an integer and uses it to select the starting (index) point for the result set that the query returns.
My initial plan had been to use the math engine in the Wolfram Alpha API to generate a random number (randomInteger[1000]) that I could use to seed the $skip value each time that the pipe is run. I have an earlier version of the pipe where I was able to get the query / result steps working using either "XPath Fetch" and "Fetch Data". However, regardless of how I Fetch the result, the response returns as an attribute / value pair in a list item.Even when I use "Emit items as string" in XPath Fetch, I still get a list with a single item, when what I really want is the integer that I can plug into my $skip attribute.
I've tried everything in Pipes I can think of, and spent a lot of time online looking for an answer. Is there anyway to extract text (in this case, a number) from a single list item and then use the output as input to "wire" a text parameter in another Pipes block? Any suggestions / ideas welcome. In the meantime, I'm generating a sorta-random number by manipulating a timecode hash, but it just feels tacky :-)
All the sources are for repeated items. You can't have a source that just makes a single number.
I'm not really clear what you're trying to do. You want to put a random number into part of the URL string that gets an RSS feed?

Retrieve an xpath text contains using text()

I've been hacking away at this one for hours and I just can't figure it out. Using XPath to find text values is tricky and this problem has too many moving parts.
I have a webpage with a large table and a section in this table contains a list of users (assignees) that are assigned to a particular unit. There is nearly always multiple users assigned to a unit and I need to make sure a particular user is assigned to any of the units on the table. I've used XPath for nearly all of my selectors and I'm half way there on this one. I just can't seem to figure out how to use contains with text() in this context.
Here's what I have so far:
//td[#id='unit']/span [text()='asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf (Primary); asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf, asdfasdfasdfasdf; 456, 3456'; testuser]
The XPath Query above captures all text in the particular section I am looking at, which is great. However, I only need to know if testuser is in that section.
text() gets you a set of text nodes. I tend to use it more in a context of //span//text() or something.
If you are trying to check if the text inside an element contains something you should use contains on the element rather than the result of text() like this:
span[contains(., 'testuser')]
XPath is pretty good with context. If you know exactly what text a node should have you can do:
span[.='full text in this span']
But if you want to do something like regular expressions (using exslt for example) you'll need to use the string() function:
span[regexp:test(string(.), 'testuser')]
