Query multiple elements without specifying the element name - xpath

This may be a silly question, but is it possible to make a query using XPath without specifying the element name?
Normally I would write something like
//ElementName[#id = "some_id"]
But the thing is I have many (about 40) different element types with an id attribute and I want to be able to return any of them if the id fits. But I don't want to make this call for each type individually. Is it possible to search all of them at once, regardless of the name?
I am using this in an XQuery script, if that offers any help.

use * instead of name //*[#id = "some_id"]

It might be more efficient to look directly at the #id elements - //* will work, but will initially return every node in the document and then filter!
That may not matter in a small document, of course. but here's an alternative:


How to use wildcard attribute name and contains()?

In my problem I search for elements that have an example structure like:
<ngc-product-card ng-reflect-signup-type="comprehensive">
Since the elements may have the comprehensive value stored in another attribute, say:
<new-ngc-product-card data-label="comprehensive signup">
hence I would like to use a wildcard-attribute-name search and also apply the contains() function like:
which doesn't work
What does work is
Is there any way to use both '#*' and 'contains()' ?
This should do.
//*[#*[contains(., "comprehensive")]]

Xamarin UI Testing: search for elements "marked" with a string ignoring case and searching substring

Currently, when I use app.Tap I have to give it the exact string.
I want to do something like app.Tap("sstring") and still match elements marked with e.g. "somessting", "someSStRing", etc.
is it possible to have that somehow? it sounds like a simply thing, but I couldn't find a way to do it and it's surprising that there is no option to make it behave that way.
Have you tried doing it via the function overload and specifying the id?
app.Tap(e => e.Id("sstring"));
Marked searches many properties on each element to return any matches.

Retrieve an xpath text contains using text()

I've been hacking away at this one for hours and I just can't figure it out. Using XPath to find text values is tricky and this problem has too many moving parts.
I have a webpage with a large table and a section in this table contains a list of users (assignees) that are assigned to a particular unit. There is nearly always multiple users assigned to a unit and I need to make sure a particular user is assigned to any of the units on the table. I've used XPath for nearly all of my selectors and I'm half way there on this one. I just can't seem to figure out how to use contains with text() in this context.
Here's what I have so far:
//td[#id='unit']/span [text()='asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf (Primary); asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf, asdfasdfasdfasdf; 456, 3456'; testuser]
The XPath Query above captures all text in the particular section I am looking at, which is great. However, I only need to know if testuser is in that section.
text() gets you a set of text nodes. I tend to use it more in a context of //span//text() or something.
If you are trying to check if the text inside an element contains something you should use contains on the element rather than the result of text() like this:
span[contains(., 'testuser')]
XPath is pretty good with context. If you know exactly what text a node should have you can do:
span[.='full text in this span']
But if you want to do something like regular expressions (using exslt for example) you'll need to use the string() function:
span[regexp:test(string(.), 'testuser')]

LINQ - OR two SqlMethods.Like clauses

I need to OR two SqlMethods.Like statements in LINQ, and I'm not sure how to accomplish it (or if it's the right way to go about it).
I've got vendor ID and vendor name fields, but I've only got a generic vendor search that allows a user to search for a vendor based on their name or ID. I also allow wildcards in the search, so I need to find vendors whose ID or name is like the user's input.
I want to do something like below, but obviously it's not correct. (EDIT: It does work as written.)
results = results.Where(p => SqlMethods.Like(p.VendorId, inputVendor.Replace("*", "%") ||
SqlMethods.Like(p.VendorName, inputVendor.Replace("*", "%"));
Background: I add where statements depending on the search parameters entered by the user, hence the results = results.Where part.
Any help would be appreciated!
It's not clear to me why this is "obviously" not correct. Presumably it's not working, otherwise you wouldn't have posted, but it's not obvious how it's not working.
I would suggest performing the replacement before the query, like this:
string vendorPattern = inputVendor.Replace("*", "%");
But then I'd expect this to work:
results = results.Where(p => SqlMethods.Like(p.VendorId, vendorPattern) ||
SqlMethods.Like(p.VendorName, vendorPattern));
Of course you're limited to where wildcards can appear in a SQL LIKE query, but that's a separate problem. (I'm not sure of the behaviour offhand if it's not at the start or end.)
If that doesn't help, please update the question with what happens when you try this.

XPath : finding an attribute node (and only one)

What is the XPath to find only ONE node (whichever) having a certain attribute (actually I'm interested in the attribute, not the node). For example, in my XML, I have several tags having a lang attribute. I know all of them must have the same value. I just want to get any of them.
Right now, I do this : //*[1][#lang]/#lang, but it seems not to work properly, for an unknown reason.
My tries have led me to things ranging from concatenation of all the #lang values ('en en en en...') to nothing, with sometimes inbetween what I want but not on all XML.
Actually //#lang[1] can not work, because the function position() is called before the test on a lang attribute presence. So it always takes the very first element found in the XML. It worked best at the time because many many times, the lang attribute was on root element.
After some more tackling, here is a working solution :
Parentheses are needed to separate the [1] from the attribute name, otherwise the position() function is applied within the parent element of the attribute (which is useless since there can be only one attribute of a certain name within a tag : that's why //#lang[2] always selects nothing).
Did you tried this?
here you can see an example.
The following XPath seems to do what you want:
