How to connect websocket server running on minikube to the client? - websocket

I have a 2-way board game server and a client. I dockerized the client and now running it on minikube locally. I am not sure how to connect it to the clients.
Before this I was just doing npm start for the server and client (2 instances of client) and running the game.
I am not sure if I have to make some changes to the client as well, or can I just put a simple link (like localhost:// 8080) as i was doing earlier (running client not on minikube)


Tcp client not connecting to server when using istio

I created two sample application(tcp-server and tcp-client) for checking TCP connection in istio environment. Used the below link to create server and client in g0
Deployed the application in kubernetes cluster and tested without istio, it is working fine.
But after installing istio(demo configuration, followed this url to install istio:,
and redeploying the apps to fill with envoy-proxy, the client is not connecting to server
Also using below command makes the server connect success
sh -c "echo world | nc 1234" is
What am I doing wrong?
Posting the solution I found.
Issue: I was trying to connect to server using ip address and nodePort, which some how not working in istio environment
Solution: From Client instead of providing ip address and nodePort of server node, give service name and container port of server app.
Extra Info: For using client from outside cluster, create gateway and virtual service for server. In your external client provide nodePort and ip address of istio-ingress pod as server destination

Connect to remote Docker Swarm from Windows

I would like to connect to a remote Docker Swarm (Ubuntu) from a Windows box.
In Linux it seams that you need to update the daemon.json file.
How do you achieve this in Windows?
The Docker engine has two parts, the daemon service (dockerd) that's running on your Ubuntu box, we'll call it the "server". Then the docker cli is what you can run from that server (docker) or from anything like your Windows machine (docker.exe). We'll call this the "client".
The client can talk to the server over two main ways, the socket, and a TCP port. The socket is usually reserved for local connections (SSH into the server and the docker client defaults to using the socket file to talk to the local server) or SSH tunnels, which are not something that works out of the box on Windows (maybe if you try the Windows Subsystem for Linux on Windows 10).
The other connection option is TCP, which isn't enabled on the server out of the box for security reasons. It has no authentication when enabled, so you'll want to use TLS to authenticate remotely, so Docker has steps for that. It's not a 3 min solution, so many look for an easier route to solve this problem.
The easier option for enabling TLS and the TCP port on the server is to use Docker Cloud with the "Bring Your Own Swarm" feature, which manages the certificates and security for you.

Golang websocket server on docker container won't send out message to outside world

I have a golang backend, node frontend. And it worked both on windows and ubuntu without docker. Now I am trying to dockerize everything. I put both backend and frontend in the same docker container. I can establish initial connection but later the backend kept throwing error like this:
I have exposed port 8000 to 8004, the ws port is 8000 and frontend port is 8004. I have tried both --net=host as well as exposing everything as host ip address Non of them worked.
On the browser side, the websocket client always get 101 response like this:
I think it could be a config problem on docker. But I have no lead right now on how to deal with this. The browser tested is Chrome 55 on windows 10. Docker, golang and node are of the latest. The host machine is on Ubuntu 16.10 as well as container os.

Unable to connect to WCF server port

I created a WCF service and deployed it to my production environment (Windows 2008). The client (also Windows 2008) cannot connect to the server port. I have stopped the Windows Firewall service on the server, and I can see the port listening when I use netstat from command line on the server. I am fairly sure that it is a problem related to the port because I can ping the server, but when I tried to do telnet serverIP port, I got an error. The client machine can connect to other machines on the network (e.g. DB server) so it does not seem to be a problem on the client side. Any ideas on what else could cause the port to be blocked?

Connecting to server behind VPN with Heroku and Ruby

I'm writing an application in Ruby/RoR that will be hosted on Heroku.
One of its requirements is that it connects to an (Active Directory) authentication server which is behind a Sonicwall VPN.
How can I establish this VPN authentication using Ruby to access this server?
Heroku is just a service built on top of EC2 that manages deployment using a linux env. You don't have root access on on which means you can connect out to any service using any TCP protocol. But you can only listen for HTTP connections. Unfortunately this rules out setting up VPNs and SSH tunnels. You can do this on Amazon EC2.
