Connecting to server behind VPN with Heroku and Ruby - ruby

I'm writing an application in Ruby/RoR that will be hosted on Heroku.
One of its requirements is that it connects to an (Active Directory) authentication server which is behind a Sonicwall VPN.
How can I establish this VPN authentication using Ruby to access this server?

Heroku is just a service built on top of EC2 that manages deployment using a linux env. You don't have root access on on which means you can connect out to any service using any TCP protocol. But you can only listen for HTTP connections. Unfortunately this rules out setting up VPNs and SSH tunnels. You can do this on Amazon EC2.


Tcp client not connecting to server when using istio

I created two sample application(tcp-server and tcp-client) for checking TCP connection in istio environment. Used the below link to create server and client in g0
Deployed the application in kubernetes cluster and tested without istio, it is working fine.
But after installing istio(demo configuration, followed this url to install istio:,
and redeploying the apps to fill with envoy-proxy, the client is not connecting to server
Also using below command makes the server connect success
sh -c "echo world | nc 1234" is
What am I doing wrong?
Posting the solution I found.
Issue: I was trying to connect to server using ip address and nodePort, which some how not working in istio environment
Solution: From Client instead of providing ip address and nodePort of server node, give service name and container port of server app.
Extra Info: For using client from outside cluster, create gateway and virtual service for server. In your external client provide nodePort and ip address of istio-ingress pod as server destination

Is it possible to use a proxy server in redis-cli?

From time to time I have to use a proxy server to get access to every web page. Is their a way to tell the redis client (redis-cli) to not use the normal connection but to use a proxy?
Or are there any other clients, which allow a proxy?
You can create a SSH tunnel between your machine and the one hosting the Redis server:
ssh -L 6379:localhost:6379 user#remotehostname
(6379 is the default port for Redis)
You can also use Redis Desktop Manager or Fastoredis, they support SSH tunneling too.
Alternatively, if you do not have the posibility to open an ssh tunnel, you could install Webdis on the same host than Redis and command Redis from you web browser.

Can not connect to Amazon EC2 Window Instance?

I was only provided an Amazon EC2 Window Instance:
When I try to connect to it by using Remote Desktop Connection. It notify that:
Rmote Desktop can't connect to the remote computer for one of these reason:
1) Remote access to the server is not enabled
2) The remote computer is turned off
3) The remote computer is not available on the network
I had searched for an hour and see that I have config something with this instance?
Is there any guide, blog, website for config new instance to be connected?
Have you configured a security group (basically a firewall) for the server that has the RDP port open?

Mule on Amazon Cloud

I installed Mule Community Server on AWS cloud and it is functioning properly. When I use http end point and invoke Mule services from browser on my Amazon EC2 machine they work. When I access them from outside, the request timeout. The end points are not bound to local host but mapped to I have checked all firewall settings using amaozon security group and set permission for all. Yet it doesnt work. I am able to access the Windows IIS http server on the same machine but not mule on port 8081. Any clues would help.
Hope this doesn't sound rude, but did you disable the windows firewall, or allow 8081 through the windows firewall?

VPN with AppHarbor

I want to migrate my app from Rackspace to AppHarbor, but my app depends on a database that is only accessible via VPN. Can I set up a vpn connection between our app at AppHarbor and a secured internal database?
You can limit to your database server to the set of IP addresses used by AppHarbor application servers.
