Visual Studio 2022 Git Merge tool not starting - visual-studio

The merge tool is failing in my visual studio 2022 and I am not able to resolve merge conflict.
The side checkboxes to select lines are not visible and its not letting me choose the current or incoming versions as well.
I have restarted Visual Studio 2022. I have restarted my laptop but still the same result.
Any pointers or ideas how to resolve this issue ?


Visual Studio 2022 doesn't show Projects on Solution and Indexing Files forever

anyone knows how to solve this?
Happens with previous versions of Visual Studio, such as 2019 and 2017.
Visual Studio doesn't show Projects on Solution and Indexing Files forever. Can't even run the program file.
Already tryed everything, fully uninstall Visual Studio related programs, .SDKs and Runtimes.

Visual Studio 2017 - Team Explorer Builds 'Page not found'

We are using XAML builds in TFS 2015.
In the team explorer, builds tab in Visual Studio 2017 (but still connecting to the TFS 2015 server) all of a sudden I am seeing the following 'Page not found' message and none of my XAML builds appear:
This happened after removing a TFS 2015 connection, then connecting to a TFS 2017 instance, then deleting the 2017 connection and then re-connecting to to the previous TFS 2015 instance.
I have tried
Clearing the MEFComponentCache folder
Running devenv /setup
Completely uninstalling and re-installing VS2017
... and I'm still getting this error each time I connect to my TFS server. I also have VS2015 installed and this does show the builds but 2017 does not. A lot of the other posts on this issue seem to related to VS2015 but not 2017. I'm guessing something has changed here. Does anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it please?
I'm new with TFS, but it is possible, that Visual Studio 2017 has added some files, like setting-files on your system and if you delete VS17 the files will not be deleted.
I think you can try two options:
You can remove VS17 again and run a programm to clean up your PC, like this clean up tool. After that you can install VS17 again and check, whether the problem is solved.
You can upgrade your TFS15 instance to TFS17. See this or this link for more informations.
Attention, I'm new with that, it is only an idea and make BACKUPS!! ;)

Working in Visual Studio Professional 2015 while updating to Update 3 - Visual Studio starts to fail

I got the Visual Studio Professional 2015 Update 3 and launched the executable (vs2015.3.exe) while Visual Studio was still running. I got the following "Setup warning" but thought that a computer restart was fine as long as I could work during the update.
Please close visual studio now to reduce the chance that a computer
restart will be required later
Visual Studio immediately started acting strange, loosing Intellisense among others. I decided to restart Visual Studio and was then met with the error:
Cannot run when setup is in progress
I then canceled the update and thought that I could install this update during the night instead. When I opened Visual Studio again and tried to load a project I got the following error:
Project '' could not be opened because the Visual C# 2015 compiler
could not be created. Please re-install Visual Studio.
I then opened Update 3 executable again to complete the update. I was met with this feature list and could not do anything:
Restarted the computer but was met with the same dialog. I then opened Visual Studio again and this time the project loaded but without Intellisense. Restarted Visual Studio and now the project would not load at all. I then deleted the content of these 2 folders and ran devenv /resetsettings
I could now open the Visual Studio project normally again but I still could not get features when running the Update 3 executable. Is there anything else I can do or do I need to reinstall Visual Studio completely? I think it is really bad that the warning Microsoft gives is that a computer restart might be required when obviously the program cannot run in the background while updating.
Solved it by going to Control panel -> Programs and Features -> Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2015 with Updates. Click "Change" and then select "Repair".

Getting latest in Source Control locks up Visual Studio

I have 3 installs of Visual Studio (2010, 2012, 2013).
Today out of nowhere all three instances will lock up when I attempt to 'Get Latest' in Source Control. I know I'm able to connect to our TFS Server because I can still check in changes.
Has anyone ever experienced an issue like this? Currently I am completely unable to get latest versions of projects.

Cannot see work item workflow using Visual Studio 2012 and TFS 2012

I have an issue, we recently upgraded from TFS 2010 to TFS 2012. Before, in TFS 2010, I was able to use Visual Studio 2010 and VS Power Tools 2010 to be able to open and modify Work Item Types.
Now, after the upgrade, I cannot edit work item types even when using Visual Studio 2012 Team Explorer and Power Tools 2012. Whenever I open the work item to be modified, I get this single xml line:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><workItemType dslVersion="" Name="Bug" source="http://tfsserver:8080/tfs/tfsserver/TFS Sandbox/Bug" xmlns="" />
Anyone know how I can get the workflow or fields to appear?
Currently using TFS 2012 Team Explorer with TFS 2012 Power Tools.
I found a solution for it. I am not sure what happened but it seems something happened during the installation process, as uninstalling all of the 2012 suite (both VS and Powertools) and then reinstalling it fixed it.
