Computing Aliases while creating the Index Template in Elastic Search 8.x - elasticsearch

I have created the index template in elastic search 8.5.3. Here, I need the alias creation with a dynamic name.
For example, if the index name is, es.contact100 then the alias should be as.contact100.model.
I used this one,
{ "as-{index}": {} }
But, the output is, as-es.contact100
Please help me to resolve this.


Is there a way to add newly added field in one of the indexes to be included in index pattern?

I've an alias setup for rolling indices in elastic search. Let's call the alias : "alias" for now. It points to a number of indexes and rolls over after every 100gb. Now, let's say the number of fields in previous indices associated with alias is 100 and I've added one more field while writing to latest index. so, the number of fields become 101.
I've setup an index pattern by the name of "alias" and I can see all the indices listed via that index pattern but I am unable to visualize the 101th field I just added in the recent indices. Is there a way to do it ?
Please let me know if more details are needed regarding the same.
Hope you added the new field in the write index that your alias is pointing to, an alias can have only one write index but can have many read index and if you added the new field to a read index of your alias, you will not be able to visualise it using your alias.

How to create Kibana Index Pattern in Python

In Python there are methods for creating index template, index. Does anyone knows which method is used to create Index Pattern ?
es.indices.put_index_template() - creating index template
es.indices.create() - creating index
Use the Kibana rest api interface...
as outlined here
to create / update etc Kibana Index patterns

Add _id to the source as a separate field to all exist docs in index

I'm new to Elastic Search. I need go through all the documents, take the _id and add it to the _source as a separate field by script. Is it possible? If yes, сan I have an example of something similar or a link to similar scripts? I haven't seen anything like that on the docks. Why i need it? - Because after that i will do SELECT with Opendistro and SQL. This frame cannot return me fields witch not in source. If anyone can suggest I would be very grateful.
There are two options:
First option: Add this new field in your existing index and populate it and build the new index again.
Second option: Simply define a new field in a new index mapping(keep rest all field same) and than use reindex API with below script.
"script": {
"source": "ctx._source.<your-field-name> = ctx._id"

Property not available for visualize in kibana

While trying to change a Visualization in Kibana to use another property for the x-axis, that property doesn't appear there.
I changed recently nlog to target elastic search using the Elastic common schema.
After that change the property is not longer called ResolvedRoute but instead _metadata.resolved_route, the problem is that it doesn't appear on the field for x-axis, it says no matches found.
It is not on the available fields
I'm still new to elastic search and kibana, so it's possible i'm missing something simple.
Don't know if it's related, but when on Discovermenu, looking at the Available fields all of _metadata fields have a question mark
I'm already trying to map some of these fields in Index Management / Edit template
Also, if i go to the console and type
GET /logstash-2020.11.25/_search
"query": {
"match_all": {}
I can see the fields of _metadata that i want, inside _source which is inside of hits.
I think i already had a similar problem where i had to delete all indexes that match the pattern and then the field appeared, but that doesn't make much sense.
What could be the problem?
Chances are high that you haven't refreshed the corresponding index pattern in Kibana. Therefore the data might exist as documents in Elasticsearch but not yet as a field in the index pattern, which is a Kibana Saved Object.
Please go to Settings / Stack Management (depending on your Kibana version), click on the index pattern you expect the field to be in and refresh the fields list (icon is in the upper right corner).
Please let me know if that solved your problem.
The fields in question were not correctly mapped in the template.
since metadata is an object it needs to be mapped like that first,
then inside of it we can map it's own properties.

What is the use of maintaining two aliases for a single Elastic Search Index

I have been exploring Elastic Search lately.
I have been going through aliases. I see ES provides an API to create multiple aliases to a single index like below:
{ "actions" : [{ "add" : { "indices" : ["test1", "test2"], "alias" : "alias1" } }] }
I'm wondering what is the use case of this.
Won't the queries on aliases get split if an alias point to multiple indices?
I have tried getting the info, but failed to do so as everywhere it's being explained how to acheive this but not the use case.
Directing me to a resource where I could get more info would also help.
A possible use case is when your application has to switch from an
old index to a newindex with zero downtime.
Let's say you want to reindex an index because of some reasons and you're not using aliases with your index then you need to update your application to use the new index name.
How this is helpful?
Assume that your application is using the alias instead of an index name.
Let's create an index:
PUT /my_index
Create its alias:
PUT /my_index/_alias/my_index_alias
Now you've decided to reindex your index (maybe you want to change the existing mapping).
Once documents have been reindexed correctly, you can switch your alias to point to the new index.
Note: You need to remove the alias from the old index at the same time as we add it to the new index. You can do it using _aliases endpoint atomically.
A good read : elastic
As per your question usage of maintaining two aliases for a single index:
Create “views” on a subset of the documents in an index.
Using multiple indices having same alias:
Group multiple indices under same name, which is helpful if you want to perform a single query on multiple index at the same time.
But you can't insert/index data using this strategy.
Lets say that you have to types of events, eventA & eventB. You want to "partition" them by time, so you use alias to map multiple indices (e.g. eventA-20220920) to one alias ('eventA' in this case). And you want make one alias for all the event types, so you need to give all the eventA-* and eventB-* indices another alias 'event'.
That way when you add a third type of event (eventC) you can just add them to the 'event' alias and don't change your queries
