How to create Kibana Index Pattern in Python - elasticsearch

In Python there are methods for creating index template, index. Does anyone knows which method is used to create Index Pattern ?
es.indices.put_index_template() - creating index template
es.indices.create() - creating index

Use the Kibana rest api interface...
as outlined here
to create / update etc Kibana Index patterns


Computing Aliases while creating the Index Template in Elastic Search 8.x

I have created the index template in elastic search 8.5.3. Here, I need the alias creation with a dynamic name.
For example, if the index name is, es.contact100 then the alias should be as.contact100.model.
I used this one,
{ "as-{index}": {} }
But, the output is, as-es.contact100
Please help me to resolve this.

Suggest Feature in Elastic Search

I am trying to implement suggest feature - Suggest Usage | Elasticsearch .NET Client [8.4] | Elastic 1 for handling misspelled words in my search implementation.
My search query is executed across multiple indices but while trying to use the suggest functionality , i am running into failures due to unmappaed fields.
Suppose i have an index named People which has a field - "name". Another index named news which has a field named - "title". My query was executed across both indices at the same time and search query had rules defined for both name and title fields. But while using suggest, i only want to return suggestions for name field in person index as part of the same query. As a result of this my news index is returning a failure that no mapping found for field name.
Is there a work- around in the suggest functionality via which i can specify an index name for the field mentioned in suggest - Suggest Usage | Elasticsearch .NET Client [8.4] | Elastic 1 OR can i ignore unmapped fields and continue to return search results from the other index (news) without returning any suggestions for misspelled words for that index.

Create and edit elasticseaarch index

I have an index with default mapping. In my case, I need to search data with special characters like čćš, and nested data up to 3 levels.
Is it possible to override default settings, analyzer and filters for special characters and auto-complete and map all types to enable filter, nested data, and disable unused data?
If I create new index and clone all docs from first index to second index is it possible to automatically change second index when is first index changed from backend side?
Can I do mapping on client side js or I need to do mapping from kibana console?

How to add dynamic alias to indexes in elasticsearch

I have a index template configured to apply on a index pattern products_*
How each document in products will have two fields
using the pipeline processor I wanted to create dynamic indexes like below
now i want to add alias for the indexes in the following behavior
for a index products_2021_12_24_us the alias should be products_us and products_2021_12_24
so that we can search the US products under one name and also for one date products under one name.
What should i use here?
Should i create multiple templates or one template can handle it all?

Can variables be used in elasticsearch index templates?

I have a variety of elasticsearch indices which are created daily by logstash with the format:
I would like to create an alias in elasticsearch which drops the version number from the index name. I am planning to point my kibana instance at the aliased index rather than the versioned index so that I can change the version numbers without impacting kibana.
index: "logstash-%{cluster_type}-%{cluster_name}-jobaccounting-v2-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
alias: "logstash-%{cluster_type}-%{cluster_name}-jobaccounting-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
Elasticsearch index templates can be used to create an alias everytime a new index is created.
Unfortuantely, I have not found any good way to use variables in the alias name. I would like to avoid having to create a template for every cluster_type, cluster_name, and date.
If I had 2 entries for each variable cluster_name and cluster_type, I would have 4 indices every day, which would require 4 aliases for each day.
If I could use a date variable, then I could just have 4 templates rather than 4 templates for each day.
Is there a way to use a date variable in the alias name? Does taking this approach make sense?
The only available placeholder is {index}, so you can't compose more complex alias name inside template.
