Jmeter webriver result is not coming for remote system - jmeter

Jmeter remote connection is successful and result obtained for localhost but not for remote IP.
As ui load testing i have configure the remote ip in my webdriver code also
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
options.addArguments("--remote-debugging-port=1099", "--allow-running-insecure-content");
in code also i am not getting error
Remote connection is successful but result not gained. Any help
jmeter log - INFO o.a.j.e.DistributedRunner: Remote engines have been started:[192.333.10.333,]

Most probably your RMI ports configuration is not correct, inspect jmeter-server.log file on slave machine(s) - it should contain more details regarding what went wrong.
Basically you need to
Make sure that JMeter master can reach the slaves to send the .jmx test plan to them
JMeter slaves can reach master to send results back
Try opening the relevant ports in your operating system firewall
More information: How to Perform Distributed Testing in JMeter


Jmeter master slave connection time out error

we are facing issue, while trying to run jmeter distribution testing with master and slave configuration on different machines. Jmeter distribution test is running fine on same machine , but we are getting Connection refused to host:; nested exception Connection timed out: connect Failed to configure
Most probably your networking configuration is not correct. Make sure that:
JMeter master and slaves reside in the same subnet, to wit you should be able to reach out from any machine to any machine
The network ports are open in the firewalls so JMeter master could communicate with slaves, the ports are:
the port you define as server.rmi.localport
the ports you define as client.rmi.localport
Check out the following materials:
Remote hosts and RMI configuration
Apache JMeter Distributed Testing Step-by-step
How to Perform Distributed Testing in JMeter
In case of any problems look into jmeter.log file, normally it contains enough information in order to get to the bottom of the issue

Connection refused exception on JMeter Script Execution in VSTS

I was trying to execute the JMeter jmx scripts in Microsoft Visual Team Services (VSTS), The scripts were working fine when executed using JMeter tool[GUI as well Non-GUI mode] but when tried to execute the same in VSTS, I was facing the below mentioned issues,
1) Non HTTP response message: Connection refused: connect – For localhost application,
2) Non HTTP response code: – When used to run using IP address.
It looks like you're trying to test application deployed locally from Internet. Make sure you're using public IP address instead of private, you can determine it using service like What Is My IP?, however you need to ensure your application is not behind NAT and VSTS host(s) can reach it. It might be also a matter of firewall configuration preventing inbound connections from VSTS hosts(s).
See Top 3 Options for Running Performance Tests Behind Your Corporate Firewall article for more information and possible solutions.

jmeter and unknown host exception

Please guide me what all are the settings needs to be done in jmeter while recording an https request through jmeter. I am getting unknown host exception while doing the same.
Assumption 1: you have misconfigured JMeter and/or browser. You can get JMeter configured for recording in a couple of clicks using Templates feature.
From JMeter's main menu select File -> Templates -> Recording -> Create
Configure your browser to use the following proxy:
Proxy host: hostname or IP address where JMeter is running
Proxy port: 8888
Use proxy for all protocols (if available) - check
Bypass proxy for local addresses (or equivalent) - uncheck
Assumption 2: you (or your company) are using corporate proxy to access Internet and/or intranet. In that case you need to pass proxy details to JMeter startup script like:
jmeter -H proxy_host -P proxy_port ...
See Using JMeter behind a proxy guide for more information on the domain.
You can also consider an alternative solution which allows recording JMeter test right from browser without having to configure proxies, worry about SSL certificates, etc. Check out JMeter Chrome Extension
For unknown host exception, you should add the domain name and ip address pair in hosts file. For windows, this file is present at C:\Windows\System32\driver\etc\.
For example:
For recording HTTP requests through JMeter, you have to configure some elements in your system. Steps are :
1.Add thread to test plan.
2.Add recording controller to plan
3.Add Http Proxy Server to Work Bench
4.address port is 8888
5.Start proxy server
6.go on the recording when finished stop proxy server.
You have to configure your browser setting or install Certificates to record through JMeter. For step by step JMeter Proxy setting follow this PDF Step by step JMeter HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder Configuration

JMeter server agent not working

I have installed JMeter and installed PerfMon agent for monitoring CPU and memory usage. I run the server agent on my local host but not able to see CPU usage graph after adding jp#gc PerfMon metrics collector. All other plugins like jp#gc - Active thread over time working fine except metric collector. I also did telnet localhost 4444 it shows port listing. But not able to send commands like test or shutdown. It shows badCmd.
Any idea why? My operating system is Ubuntu 14.04.
Everything you did looks fine! But You have to edit your file.
Please try to observe the JMeter log always, it will give you a better idea that what you have done wrong so far!
You must set localhost:4444 in your file in the Remote hosts and RMI configuration like this:

Jmeter Distributed Load Testing

I am performing jmeter distributed load testing, On starting remote server from local machine in gui mode test starts but not able to store results on local machine.
It gives connection refused exception on server
Can any one suggest what could be the right step and solution for this?
Did you try updating this?
If hostname is updated, enable port 1099 in your local for incoming reequest or disable firewall in the local machine. So that server can contact local machine to send the results.
