Connection refused exception on JMeter Script Execution in VSTS - performance

I was trying to execute the JMeter jmx scripts in Microsoft Visual Team Services (VSTS), The scripts were working fine when executed using JMeter tool[GUI as well Non-GUI mode] but when tried to execute the same in VSTS, I was facing the below mentioned issues,
1) Non HTTP response message: Connection refused: connect – For localhost application,
2) Non HTTP response code: – When used to run using IP address.

It looks like you're trying to test application deployed locally from Internet. Make sure you're using public IP address instead of private, you can determine it using service like What Is My IP?, however you need to ensure your application is not behind NAT and VSTS host(s) can reach it. It might be also a matter of firewall configuration preventing inbound connections from VSTS hosts(s).
See Top 3 Options for Running Performance Tests Behind Your Corporate Firewall article for more information and possible solutions.


Non HTTP response code: in JMeter

I am new to JMeter. I have created one script for our application. Now our complete system architecture is deployed on AWS. So, we have created one EC2 instance as "Load Generator" to run my script with 100 user load. Script is working fine on my local system but it is not working on that instance.
Every time I am getting below error. I have also tried to run from non-GUI mode as well but result is same.
Error: Response code: Non HTTP response code: Response message: Non HTTP response message:
Connection timed out (Connection timed out)
Please help me out here. How to resolve this issue on EC2 instance.
I had a similar problem (my tests were executed on Microsoft's Azure).
The issue was that the system being tested had a IP white list.
When I ran it on my local machine, it was already within our VPN
When it was executed on Azure, the VM had a
dynamic IP which was not whitelisted.

WSO2 ESB proxy service on Windows

i'm using the WSO2 ESB to integrate several services on the Windows virtual machine.
I used the simple proxy to map the services deployed on it. But the problem is what i can't access them from outside it nevetheless the port 8280 where services are deployed is open for internet, but i can see only blank page instead. What could be wrong?
Another question is i was trying to map the WSO2 ESB management console itself to be availbe from outside the machine using simple proxy, and i'm failed, it loads me the this is what i see on trying the service.
Could you please give me a hint on how to resolve this issue? is it possible to share the esb mgmt console using the ESB itself?
Thanks a lot in advance,
Do u have proxy in the middle? It looks like on screenshot webpage missing all pictures, meanwhile css was loaded successfully.
Another question which kind of virtual machine u use? For example in virtualbox by default virtual machine behind NAT.
I wasn't able to connect to server on virtual machine from host only opposite way server on host available in virtual machine.
To make server in virtual machine available on host need to configure network as bridge.
Not sure if it helps, but I think I had a similar problem in our corporate network after I applied all the security patches (poodle,Diffie-Hellman etc.). I had to configure the addresses in catalina.xml (if i remember right) that are/under which allowed to access the admin console. Cannot tell you more details because I'm on holiday :-)
Maybe it's worth to give it a try.
Another example from real life. HTTP Response from external resource was application/json, status of response 200 OK. ESB configured to use
<messageFormatter contentType="application/json"
but content was simple text/plain.
During parsing body of http response exception was thrown and just silently was written to log, without any fault message processing. Just empty response to client.
To clarify that services reachable, there is echo service by default on server, which respond content equal to request. Try to use it.
was trying to map the WSO2 ESB management console itself to be availbe
from outside the machine using simple proxy
By default the management console tries to enforce the port 9443 for dynamic links (JSP) pages. That's why you see only part of the pages and you shouldn't be able to log on.
what you can do is edit the repository/conf/tomcat/catalina-server.xml and to the Connector running the port 9443 you can add an attribute proxyPort="443", the carbon console will be happy to run on 443.
For the services, my educated guess would be on the firewall / network rules, however without other information I cannot answer (or - they are working, just you may not try to access them by simple browser request)

Can't able to record jmeter with proxy server

I can't able to record jmeter using with proxy server.
I tried proxy settings in RUN command jmeter.bat -H -P 8080.
Jmeter is recording with the browser actions, but not connecting the internet.
Showing error page on browser.
See the screenshot- Error shown in browser
are you able to record it using normal browser mode? If yes you should check for the firewall and add the specific port numbers to exclusions as some time back I faced the same issue, after i added the port number to excluded in Inbound and Outbound rules and disabling the antivirus setup on my machine made it work

Jmeter Distributed Load Testing

I am performing jmeter distributed load testing, On starting remote server from local machine in gui mode test starts but not able to store results on local machine.
It gives connection refused exception on server
Can any one suggest what could be the right step and solution for this?
Did you try updating this?
If hostname is updated, enable port 1099 in your local for incoming reequest or disable firewall in the local machine. So that server can contact local machine to send the results.

VS2013 Test agent and controller not communicating

I have a Windows Azure VM running VS2013 Load Test Controller and a second Azure VM running 2013 Load Test Agent.
I have not been able to get the two communicating successfully. I added the hostname and IP of each VM to the other's HOSTS file. I also created a local admin account with the same username and password on both machines. Neither machine is joined to a domain. I have also created endpoints for each VM to port 6901/TCP. I am able to telnet from the agent VM to port 6901 on the controller VM.
When I apply the test agent configuration settings, it fails on "Test agent could not connect to the test controller." In the agent configuration log, I see:
Could not get the status from the test agent. Exception: Failed to
connect to an IPC Port: The system cannot find the file specified.
In the event viewer, I see:
Unable to connect to the controller on 'controllerVM:6901'. The agent
can connect to the controller but the controller cannot connect to the
agent because of following reason: A connection attempt failed because
the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time,
or established connection failed because connected host has failed to
respond 168.62.XX.XX:6910. Make sure that the firewall on the test
agent machine is not blocking the connection.
I have been completely unable to work around this issue so far. I need help please.
Can you Check your c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file both agent and controler .
If there is an entry assigned to remove that.
When you install the Agent/Controller, be sure to use the same user (Admin) Account (Run as...). This account have to be in the group TeamTestAgentService on the controller.
In addition, after setup, the wizard will try to connect agent to the test controller. What's the status ?
MSDN explains here how to install/configure the test rig in a workgroup.
There is also a complete troubleshoot guide here.
