JMeter server agent not working - jmeter

I have installed JMeter and installed PerfMon agent for monitoring CPU and memory usage. I run the server agent on my local host but not able to see CPU usage graph after adding jp#gc PerfMon metrics collector. All other plugins like jp#gc - Active thread over time working fine except metric collector. I also did telnet localhost 4444 it shows port listing. But not able to send commands like test or shutdown. It shows badCmd.
Any idea why? My operating system is Ubuntu 14.04.

Everything you did looks fine! But You have to edit your file.
Please try to observe the JMeter log always, it will give you a better idea that what you have done wrong so far!
You must set localhost:4444 in your file in the Remote hosts and RMI configuration like this:


Jmeter webriver result is not coming for remote system

Jmeter remote connection is successful and result obtained for localhost but not for remote IP.
As ui load testing i have configure the remote ip in my webdriver code also
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
options.addArguments("--remote-debugging-port=1099", "--allow-running-insecure-content");
in code also i am not getting error
Remote connection is successful but result not gained. Any help
jmeter log - INFO o.a.j.e.DistributedRunner: Remote engines have been started:[192.333.10.333,]
Most probably your RMI ports configuration is not correct, inspect jmeter-server.log file on slave machine(s) - it should contain more details regarding what went wrong.
Basically you need to
Make sure that JMeter master can reach the slaves to send the .jmx test plan to them
JMeter slaves can reach master to send results back
Try opening the relevant ports in your operating system firewall
More information: How to Perform Distributed Testing in JMeter

How can I use server's inbuilt windows performance monitor results in jmeter installed on local machine?

I need to analyse the performance reports of my server for which I am using Server Performance Monitoring in Jmeter which needs an installation of Perfmon metrics collector and Perfmon Server Agent. But, as I have installed Jmeter on local and I do not have the rights to install anything on Server, I am not able to install Perfmon Server agent to get the reports. However, I came to know that a Windows server has an inbuilt Perfmon installed but I do not know how to use it.
Hence, I need help in sending the reports from server using Windows performance monitor and collecting those reports in Jmeter installed on local machine.
You have 2 options:
In Windows Performance Monitor there is an option to connect to remote machine:
You can create your own Data Collector Set and write counters data into a file. Once your test is finished you will be able to copy the file and analyze the collected metrics.
Unfortunately you won't be able to integrate Windows Performance Monitor reports into a JMeter test, it will be a standalone monitoring option. Basically Server Agent doesn't require "installation", you can just copy it over and make sure JMeter can connect to port 4444, see How to Monitor Your Server Health & Performance During a JMeter Load Test article for details.

Jmeter engine & threads query

What is Jmeter Engine ? Is it same as Jmeter instance we have on our machine ? .. I want to understand difference between Jmeter instance and Jmeter engine , also how can we setup multiple engines on same machine so that I can put more load on application through difference engines..
I read somewhere, where one of the Jmeter expert mentioned that we can use 300 vusers at a given time , is that correct ? I dont see any limit on vusers I use in Jmeter thread group.. I can enter any number.. please clarify
Yes, Jmeter engine and jmeter instance is related terminology. One Jmeter engine can generate one instance of jmeter.
Set-up for configuring two Jmeter engines on same machine:
Jmeter should be installed on both machines
1.Set-up master machine -
Add machine2 ip (slave machine ip) in file of machine1 (master machine)
2.Set-up slave machine - Run Jmeter-server.bat from machine2. This will make machine2 as slave
3.Launch Jmeter from machine1. You will be able to see slave engine ip in remote start
4.You can use remote start option, this will run Jmeter test cases from both the machines

jmeter running in distributed mode but no response from slave in listener

I am running jmeter in distributed mode for testing with 300 users
but not able to receive any response from slave on master listener with 1 user also.
Key point:
Both master and slave are on same subnet
server.bat is running on slave
properties file for master is updated with remote servers
port number is updated for both as 1099
Take a look into remote engine console output, you should be seeing something like:
Starting the test on host # Tue Feb 14 18:29:51 CET 2017 (1487093391662)
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/Users/johndoe/Applications/jmeter/lib/ApacheJMeter_slf4j_logkit.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/Users/glinius/Applications/jmeter/lib/tika-app-1.14.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: See for an explanation.
SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.apache.jmeter.logging.LogkitLoggerFactory]
Finished the test on host # Tue Feb 14 18:29:52 CET 2017 (1487093392404)
If you don't see highlighted entries - something is wrong with your JMeter configuration, look into jmeter-server.log file, it normally contains the cause of any problems. Also double check the following material in order to properly set up the distributed testing:
Remote Testing
JMeter Distributed Testing Step-by-step
If you see the above lines but don't see the responses i.e. in the View Results Tree listener - it's a totally different story. There are several modes of sending results from the remote engines to JMeter master host, by default JMeter operates in StrippedBatch mode which removes data from successful sample results therefore you don't see anything.
If you need response data, you can amend this "mode" setting by adding the next line to file:
or use alternative way - pass the property via -J command-line argument like:
jmeter -Jmode=Standard -s ....
Using a different sample sender
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
It is better If you use Latest version(jmeter 3.3). Here if you run jmeter-server bat file the distributed test is not possible. so running server file with command prompt solves your problem.
Run in Master as below command after going to jmeter bin folder in command prompt:
jmeter-server -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=IP (IP of your system)
take a new command prompt and write
jmeter -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=IP (IP of your system which entered above) your jmeter will be populated.
Now goto your slave machine and open command prompt and run command as below
jmeter (IP of slave system)
come to your master, run your test as distributed and now you will get results as you need.
I have faced a similar kind of problem even if I configured the ports correctly. The setup has been deployed using AWS Fargate and there the problem was related to Security Groups (I have forgotten to allow ingress PORTs)
If you are configuring a distributed JMeter setup on AWS make sure to assign appropriate Security Groups to the master allowing ingress traffic from the corresponding PORTs.
It's good to check whether the master can receive the traffic from the defined PORTs. You can check for firewall settings if you are not on a cloud service like AWS.

How can I install 'ServerAgent' on the Application server to monitor its performance using Jmeter?

I am using 'jp#gc - PerfMon Metrics Collector' Lister for this and as you know it requires 'ServerAgent' running on the connecting server.
Step by step instruction would be very helpful.
And also, if anyone knows of any better alternatives to monitor the servers using jmeter then please share with me, it would be a great help.
You can follow the below Steps:
Download file(URL:
Unzip and Paste the folder in the Machine where Server is hosted.
Run and startAgent.bat(Windows) in the Server Machine.
Get the Server IP and add the same in the Jmeter Properties File.
Add the (Perfmon metrics collector)Listener in the Test Plan.
Host/IP: Add the Server Host/IP
Port: By default 4444
Metrics to be collected: What metric you want to collect.
