Google Sheet: search for text in a cell, if true returns a value, if false returns 0 - google-sheets-formula

In my google sheet, a cell of a column has above value. I simply want to search "$5" in the cell, if it exists, then returns 5, otherwise returns 0.
This is the formula I have managed to write. But it feels like it is redundant. Is there any better solution for this?

well if you wish to hardcode the value then try:
if its to extract N value attached to $ then try:

Try like this:
=REGEXMATCH(A2, "\$(5)")*5


IF statement in Google Sheets needs to search until closer to the greatest number

I am trying to create a calculator which looks at minutes, this is what I have so far, the trouble is all of the arguments are true, I need for this formula to look for the highest number and match it to that.
So if D5>120 then return 3, right now it returns 2 as condition also true, please help.
IF and IFS returns the value of the first match, put the conditions in descending order:

Google Sheets/Excel: Checking if a time falls within a range

I'm trying to find a way to see if I can find a way to determine if a time that I stipulate falls between two other times. For example:
Start End
11:33:48 11:53:48
12:20:22 12:38:21
12:39:27 13:00:09
14:16:23 14:20:49
14:20:54 14:22:56
Then, I want to check if a cell (here the value of 12:50 in cell E30) falls between ANY two values in a range in THE SAME ROW. For me, I can get the obvious way to check for this in one row, and this simple version totally works:
=If(AND(E30>A4,E30<B4), "TRUE", "FALSE")
However, I want to check if that number falls within ANY of the values within the ROWS above cells in a range, and I can't get that to work. For example, I tried this and it didn't work:
=If(AND(E30>A:A,E30<B:B), "TRUE", "FALSE")
I also tried a simple countif variation but that didn't do it either:
Any advice on how to adjust one of these formulas to get it to work?
Try switching the angle brackets around:
I think this should work for the above data set -
=IF((FILTER(A2:B6, D2>A2:A6,D2<B2:B6)),TRUE,FALSE)
This will give you if there is any match or not.
For the number of rows count that match -
=ROWS((FILTER(A2:B6, D2>A2:A6,D2<B2:B6)))
Alomsot =IF(Q2>R2,IF(AND($X$16>HOUR(Q2),$X$16<(HOUR(R2)+12)),1,0),IF(AND(HOUR($X$14)>=HOUR(Q2),HOUR($X$14)<=HOUR(R2)),1,0))

Tibco - Compare values activity

Let's say I have a value that is passed to a process. What activity should i use to compare this value with another?
I know it may seem a foolish question, but i am new to this.
Assuming you are talking about BusinessWorks, comparing text values of XML attributes or elements is done with XPath using the '=' sign. You don't need to use any specific activity to do so. This can actually be done on any branch (with the "Success with condition" switch) or on the input tab of any activity.
For instance, if you want to compare the text values of 2 elements, you can use an XPath formula like this:
$Start/root/myString1 = $Start/root/myString2
This formula returns true if myString1 and myString2 have the same text value, false otherwise.
Then you can, for example, use this formula as a test condition for an "If" or a "Choice" statement on an input tab of any activity.

VBA:Compare string with find function value

How to compare with case sensitive in find function?
stringtxt = Range("A1:A10").Find(What:=stringtxt , Lookat:=xlWhole,MatchCase:=False)
Here suppose stringtxt="ABCD (abcd)"
AND in range one of the cells may have value like "ABCD (ABCD)"
I have to compare this with contents in range specified.
I tried adding like "UCase".Didn`t work.MatchCase i tried with both true and false values.Didnt work though.
Suggest me some better answers to compare.
One of the parameters to the Find method is a MatchCase parameter, as follows:
Think that should help you solve this problem.

How to change array index to start from 1?

How can I change my array's indices to start from 1 instead of 0. I am trying to fetch news from a site (JSON) and after parsing it:
#news = JSON.parse(Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse('')))
But to see the individual news title, I have to do #news["items"][0] for the first link's title. Is it possible to change that behavior so when I do #news["items"][1] it shows me the first link's title?
You should intercept user input and adjust entered value to map to a correct array element. In general, you should always validate user input and check if it makes sense.
