VBA:Compare string with find function value - vbscript

How to compare with case sensitive in find function?
stringtxt = Range("A1:A10").Find(What:=stringtxt , Lookat:=xlWhole,MatchCase:=False)
Here suppose stringtxt="ABCD (abcd)"
AND in range one of the cells may have value like "ABCD (ABCD)"
I have to compare this with contents in range specified.
I tried adding like "UCase".Didn`t work.MatchCase i tried with both true and false values.Didnt work though.
Suggest me some better answers to compare.

One of the parameters to the Find method is a MatchCase parameter, as follows:
Think that should help you solve this problem.


A magic number overkill

I have a piece of code in which I call a function with argument of a string value. The string value is taken from a string array using the index.
if (validateRejectionCategory(rejectionData[0])) {
In this case is 0 still considered a magic number? Should I abstract 0 to a variable like REJECTION_CATEOGRY_POSITION? Does the function name not make it clear enough that the value would be a rejectionCategory?
Let me know your thoughts please.
In general extracting every numerical value to a constant is a bad habit. You have to maintain balance as with all things in life. Here it's clear that you want to validate the first element of rejectionData. Most uses of 0, 1, 2 are not magic, but are used in an algorithm.
You usually want to extract numeric values that aren't easily explainable in the context of code.
E.g. if your code looks like this in some main-like file:
app.modalTimeooutSeconds = 3.0
it's not really more readable to rewrite it as
let timeoutSeconds = 3.0
app.modalTimeoutSeconds = timeoutSeconds
unless you want to have a config file that are constants are stored, but you may not have enough constants to support having such a file.
Everything is context dependent and there are no good answers.

Google Sheets/Excel: Checking if a time falls within a range

I'm trying to find a way to see if I can find a way to determine if a time that I stipulate falls between two other times. For example:
Start End
11:33:48 11:53:48
12:20:22 12:38:21
12:39:27 13:00:09
14:16:23 14:20:49
14:20:54 14:22:56
Then, I want to check if a cell (here the value of 12:50 in cell E30) falls between ANY two values in a range in THE SAME ROW. For me, I can get the obvious way to check for this in one row, and this simple version totally works:
=If(AND(E30>A4,E30<B4), "TRUE", "FALSE")
However, I want to check if that number falls within ANY of the values within the ROWS above cells in a range, and I can't get that to work. For example, I tried this and it didn't work:
=If(AND(E30>A:A,E30<B:B), "TRUE", "FALSE")
I also tried a simple countif variation but that didn't do it either:
Any advice on how to adjust one of these formulas to get it to work?
Try switching the angle brackets around:
I think this should work for the above data set -
=IF((FILTER(A2:B6, D2>A2:A6,D2<B2:B6)),TRUE,FALSE)
This will give you if there is any match or not.
For the number of rows count that match -
=ROWS((FILTER(A2:B6, D2>A2:A6,D2<B2:B6)))
Alomsot =IF(Q2>R2,IF(AND($X$16>HOUR(Q2),$X$16<(HOUR(R2)+12)),1,0),IF(AND(HOUR($X$14)>=HOUR(Q2),HOUR($X$14)<=HOUR(R2)),1,0))

Return the count of courses using satisfies contains XQuery

I have been struggling to return the count of courses from this XML file that contain "Cross-listed" as their description. The problem I encounter is because I am using for, it iterates and gives me "1 1" instead of "2". When I try using let instead I get 13 which means it counts all without condition even when I point return count($c["Cross-listed"]. What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it? Thanks in advance
for $c in doc("courses.xml")//Department/Course
where some $desc in $c/Description
satisfies contains($desc, "Cross-listed")
return count($c)
The problem I encounter is because I am using for
You are quite correct. You don't need to process items individually in order to count them.
You've made things much too difficult. You want
count(doc("courses.xml")//Department/Course[Description[contains(., "Cross-listed"]])
The key thing here is: you want a count, so call the count() function, and give it an argument which selects the set of things you want to include in the count.

Excel - Search an exact match within a string

I'm currently struggling on finding the formula that will resolve my problem.
Here's the status quo:
In Sheet 1, column A, I have a set of string, such as:
In Sheet 2, column A, I have a set of strings such as:
Finally, in sheet 1, column B will be my "filter" with the formula I'm struggling to find. The goal of my formula is to detect in any of the strings in sheet 1 if one of the string in sheet 2 is present (as an exact match!). Indeed, now it only finds approximative matches. As you can see, the row 5 shouldn't return anything. But with my current formula it does.
Here's the formula:
{=IFERROR(INDEX('Sheet 2'!$A$1:$A$5;MATCH(1;COUNTIF(A1;"*"&'Sheet 2'!$A$1:$A$5&"*");0));"")}
Any idea on the matter?
Please note that I don't want to use VBA, macros, but only a formula.
Thanks a lot for your help!
Following will solve your problem I guess:
Basically with find function I have identified the start and length of the string in between "&" signs. and used in vlookup.
Another point to mention is this formula is only looking for the first 2 "&" signs.
For completeness, here is another solution based on this answer
This is a bit more general and it doesn't matter how many search tags there are.
However as it stands it would match brand=13 in the second sheet with brand=1396 in the first sheet. To avoid that you could add an ampersand to the search strings:-
This formula throws a #VALUE error if there is no match: to avoid this, you would need to put an IFERROR statement round it:-
All these are array formulae.

solr query for field value starting with a number

I have to modify a query that searches for a value starting with a letter (relevant snippet fo the query): &fq=Organization:"+letter+"*&
If I pass 'A' as the letter param I'll get 'ABC Hardware', something that start with an A.
How would i modify the letter variable to return only something that starts with a number, as '1A Widgets'.
Tried things like letter = '[0 TO 5]', but I honestly have no idea if I'm on the right track with that.
Seems like a dupe of this question
For cases like this, my favourite approach is to index another boolean field called "StartsWithNumber" and then it's a simple boolean filter. This might not work for you if you can't reindex all of your documents.
For a brute force approach, you could do something like:
fq=Organization:0* OR Organization:1* OR Organization:2* OR .. etc
Not pretty, but fq's get cached so at least it should be fast.
