The real question is what language can i use to build an app that wont tell e.g npm install this and that
for example in a place where there is no internet php would work.
React native i have tried
I'm in the process of learning Laravel 6.0 and I'm using the current version of VSCode to write my code. At the moment, my instance of VSCode doesn't offer any Laravel code completions. How do I tell VSCode to offer those completions? If there is no such setting, is there some kind of add-on for VSCode that provides code completions for Laravel? Where would I find this add-on?
This extension works for Laravel 6 because the features are still there.
For PHP, this extension is really great for VSCode.
I did some searching around, but the only thing I could find, was that React Native was launched on windows.
However, does this also include a windows server? Or just a normal windows PC?
Sorry if this question is stupid, but thank you for any answers.
React is a view library. It is used to build the View Layer in traditional MVC Applications.
React Native uses the core React library along with components to create native applications on a target Operating System.
React Native doesn't target Windows as far as I know and so wouldn't target Windows Server as well.
However, Electron apps would be fine on Windows and Windows Server.
I am pretty newbie in that subject so any pointers are welcome. I am going to create some UI application for OSX (using Swift language if it's matter). While app in early stages I have no choice other than starting it from XCode, but once app get matured enough to be useful I'd like to install it on my own machine and play with it as regular user would do. Under "install" I mean - it should be visible/accessible in regular way with icons etc. How to do it? Thanks!
You need to create an app bundle (extension .app), you just need to create it using xcode and that's all, here's the documentation with the bundle structure: link
When your app is bundled, move your app to the Applications folder and you're ready to go.
I'm starting to use Django and I find that every example I see is done in Mac OS. I'm a Windows user. I've used Mac OS X Lion and I have no problem with it other that my personal computer doesn't have it. I would prefer not to go out and spend money on an operating system and set up dual booting just to follow a quick tutorial for Django.
So my question Is, can anyone point me in to a tutorial that uses Windows so I can get a good idea of how it works, and get a good ground, so that I can translate the other tutorials a little more easily.
Any help would be appreciated.
There are no windows specific django tutorials because django as a framework is platform agnostic. All of the python code that goes into writing a project is the same across platforms. The only time you would see something different is when a tutorial references a path on the filesystem.
The actual installation process of django would however be platform specific, but thats more of just a python for windows question. It would be the same situation for installing any python package or framework.
Ultimately you only have a few commands you need to actually run when you are learning django:
python syncb
python runserver
python shell
How you call python is the platform specific part, but the django aspect is the same. The project file structure is also the same. As long as a project doesn't use platform specific file path references, you could run a project written under linux on windows.
This doc might be the only one you need, which explains various installation procedures:
If you need more info, you might need to provide some specific examples of where its confusing you to see non-windows style tutorials.
Here's a slightly old tutorial:
The official Django docs also have a section on installation, which covers Windows:
I'm wondering if there is a way to create a Desktop Application that is essentially a Browser, except that it only runs my Application, doesn't need installation and is a static executable that contains the HTML/Images/CSS/JavaScript packaged into it, with an option to access arbitary embedded resources through JavaScript?
I believe Mozilla/Firefox allows this through their XUL Framework, which is actually used for Applications (see Celtx). However, the last time I looked into it (~3 years ago), it was a horrible experience and overly complicated.
Has this changed? Or is there a WebKit based option?
You should try Chromeless.
.. doesn't need installation and is a static executable that contains the HTML/Images/CSS/JavaScript packaged into it, with an option to access arbitary embedded resources through JavaScript?
Chrome supports .crx files which is essentially a zip file with the resources archived into it. It doesn't technically require installation since it's run on the Chrome browser itself.
I know it's not directly relevant to your question but I think building web apps with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript is the way to go. You can even package it and have it install like an app and distribute it via an app store even.
I went with XULRunner in the end. The latest version is much improved over the one I looked at several years ago.
You could use NW.JS:
NW.js is an app runtime based on Chromium and node.js. You can write
native apps in HTML and JavaScript with NW.js. It also lets you call
Node.js modules directly from the DOM and enables a new way of writing
native applications with all Web technologies.
Basically you create a folder with your entire html app. On Windows, just add 4 files (or more depending on your needs): package.json, nw.exe, nw.pak, and icudtl.dat. When you run nw.exe, your app will launch in a packaged version of chrome with node.js support. You can access the file system using node commands directly from your original html.
The drawbacks: NW adds ~60MB to your application and additional memory overhead.