How to install OSX app developed with XCode on my own machine? - xcode

I am pretty newbie in that subject so any pointers are welcome. I am going to create some UI application for OSX (using Swift language if it's matter). While app in early stages I have no choice other than starting it from XCode, but once app get matured enough to be useful I'd like to install it on my own machine and play with it as regular user would do. Under "install" I mean - it should be visible/accessible in regular way with icons etc. How to do it? Thanks!

You need to create an app bundle (extension .app), you just need to create it using xcode and that's all, here's the documentation with the bundle structure: link
When your app is bundled, move your app to the Applications folder and you're ready to go.


Is there a way to package a Shoes Ruby App into an APK?

I am aware that I can package a Shoes Ruby app into a dmg, exe, and other Linux formats, but can I do an APK? I'm hoping to run a Shoes app on my Samsung Galaxy. Is there some gem or some long process to achieve this? Any method will do.
Very likely the answer is no and even if someone somehow built a way it probably won't be something you will want to use. GUI programming between desktop and mobile is very different and you will usually have to use different tools for both. The best you will get is writing a GUI using HTML/CSS/JS and using tools to get those running on mobile and desktop.

How to deploy Gtk+ app on Mac?

Is there a more or less official way for Gtk+ applications to create regular OS X .app with all needed resources and libraries, placed in correct way?
Pretty much everyone does their own thing. Check out the outdated (read: not really maintained) bockbuild, as well as the build scripts that gedit uses for building .dmg.
This is something I'd love to see migrated to a configure/automake addition with dmg targets.
the easiest way to deploy a GTK based app on macOS:
How to deploy GTK based app on Mac OS X?
You should read it.

Running Sinatra within a MacRuby app

I'm new to MacRuby with Xcode but I have what I think (hope) is a simple question. I have a small Ruby Sinatra web app that I want to package as a Mac OS packaged application (.app). The application (however it is packaged) is used to read a specific plist file that is apart of Mac OS X Server and display the results through a specific web port in a browser. I don't know if MacRuby is the way to go, but all I need is a simple GUI that starts and stops the Sinatra web app so that users don't have to fuss with the command line (and hopefully without having to install gems, etc). I'm starting to figure out some of the basics of MacRuby and Xcode 4 but I'm not sure where to place the Sinatra ruby file within the Xcode project or how to start it.
I do know how to run a bash command start the ruby server within the application path but not sure if that's the best way or where to actually put the ruby file.
Please forgive my lack of knowledge of desktop developmentā€”I really only work in the web world. If I can elaborate on any points, let me know.
Control Tower may be your solution:
Part of the macruby project, it does basically what you wish. It's still very new & needs work, but It does function. I have been able to get it to work with sinatra for some test apps but I have yet to try to get any of my actually apps to run thru it (As I am still learning myself)

Creating a screensaver for windows and mac - Silverlight?

I am not sure even of a starting point with this.. however knowing that Silverlight works across win/mac platforms (as far as I know!), is it possible to create a silverlight based screensaver?
If not, are there any tools (no flash skills unfortunately!)
Any starter points would be cool..
By now Silvelight is being deprecated, but if you need to run web pages as a screensaver, my startup is creating a product to do exactly that, it's called Screensaver Ninja and you can find more about it at That means that all you have to do is develop the web app and leave the screensaver part to us.
Here's a screenshot of how you configure it:
Silverlight is only usable as a web browser plugin on Mac OS X. It cannot be practically used to build screensavers.
Additionally, there's good reason to believe that Silverlight is being abandoned by Microsoft. I'd avoid it for any new development.

AIR installer to install 3rd party app

Say I've got a working AIR app that needs to also bundle a driver (licensing okay) for some hardware that the app uses. Anyone know if its possible to launch the driver installer at the end of the app install?
I'm not finding good documentation on this and im wondering if there is a standard pre-install / post-install script I can create to handle stuff like this.
You should be able to use the NativeProcess API to accomplish this.
