Order email sent to customer but displays "customer not notified" in order comments section in Magento in admin panel - magento

I have implemented 2 payment system in my website. Once the admin submit shipment, then the status is automatically changed to dispatched and the customer receives an email.
But in order comments section it is displaying as "Customer not notified" .
Can you please help me why these kind of issues are happening in Magento

You've probably not set the notification template for that status.
1) Go to:
System -> Order Statuses
2) Find the "dispatched" status
3) In the options select order status notification

In Magento 2 "Order Status" is located in Stores -> Settings -> Order Status


Magento 2 on login getting message This website is excluded from customer's group

I have created one group from admin then assign that group to the specific customer. Now whenever I am trying to log in with that customer getting message "This website is excluded from customer's group.".
I have found this exception is throwing from the observer vendor/magento/module-customer/Observer/CustomerGroupAuthenticate.php. And my group entry is in the database table customer_group_excluded_website
Can you please tell me is there any configuration in magento admin from where we can add specific groups into this table customer_group_excluded_website ?
Thank You!
If you go to
Admin Panel -> Customers -> Customer Groups -> [ Select your customer
related group ] -> Excluded Website(s)
Make sure the website from where you are trying to login with this customer group should not be selected in Excluded Website(s)
I hope if will helpful for anyone else. :)

Changing order of shopping cart totals in Magento transactional emails and user account

I am having a requirement that I have to change the order of totals in a transactional emails and user account in Magento.
My requirement is shipping charge should display after Tax.
Currently it is displaying as Subtotal-Shipping charge-Tax-Grand Total and I need as Subtotal-Tax-Shipping charge-Grand total. Can anyone help me from where I can edit this.
I Am using Magento ver.
And the same thing in admin panel order details.
Please answer me ASAP... It will be very helpfull for me . I have stuck in this from 2 days
Did you take a look at
Admin -> System -> Config -> Sales -> Checkout Totals Sort Order

product qty revert when paypal window closed in magento

Here i am facing one issue. when create an order through paypal in magento after placing an order it is redirecting to paypal. here i am not paying amount just clicked on return to merchant site. in this case qty is reverting correctly to product. in this case order is showing in admin side as pending_payment status.
but forexample i am not clicking any button in paypal and not redirecting to merchant site and just close the window. in this time also order showing in backend as pending_payment status but not reverting qty to product.
anyone advise me what to do in this case.
we are just deleting this order after an half-hour.
Here is the code for delete pending_payment orders from orders grid. for this we set a cron job for delete paypal pending orders. if user close the paypal window it reverts the qty and delete that order. you can check it out here. copy code from below url and place it in magento root folder and set cron for delete pending orders :)

Magento Checkout: Item out of stock charges customer but no order / order confirmation

I am using Magento 1.6 with the out-of-the-box one page checkout.
Upon the final submit, after the customer has reviewed their order, there seems to be a glitch: If an item has become out of stock, the customer is notified and the order seems not to be going through (no order is created and no confirmation page). However, authorize.net does get the complete transaction request and charges the customer. It seems to only happen if an item has become out of stock. (Customer could be lingering to hit the submit button for quite a while.)
What can I do? Add a java script function to check upon stock on clicking submit?
Is this a known bug?
Is your system set to allow Backorders?
System > Config > Catalog > Inventory > Backorders "No Backorders".
If that is set to disallow backorders I wonder why the add-to-cart button even displays.
If you are using a custom template I might start there in troubleshooting. Switch back to a default template and see if this issue persists.

How to change Magento Order Status Default Flow?

I learned lots about the relationship between Magento order state and status. I know how to add new state through config.xml file and assign new status to state.
But, How to change magento default status flow?
2,pending payment
I believe this is a basic magento order status flow. But what if I want to add a new state between ppending payment and processing? For example, one site needs a payment review progress, the order status will be payment review once the payment done. Status will be only changed to porecessing after the review of the admin.
Where may I add this step? Thanks in advance.
Download this Zip-File: http://examples.oreilly.de/german_examples/magentopaiger/magento_fuer_entwickler.zip inside this file you will find some other zip-files, each represents a magento module. In your case have a look at the Webkochshop_QualityAssurance-0.1.0.zip.
Good Luck!
