Why following-sibling finds an element inside the current element and not the following one? - xpath

The xpath //div[#id='search']/div/div/div[1] finds the first yellow div. I want now to find the following element on the same level (in this case it's the div).
I tried appending //following-sibling::div[1], meaning //div[#id='search']/div/div/div[1]//following-sibling::div[1], but it finds the div inside that yellow div and not the following one. Why is that?

You want to append /following-sibling::div not //following-sibling::div.
It's very rarely appropriate to use // with any axis other than the child axis, or perhaps the attribute axis. The definition of // is that it expands to /descendant-or-self::node()/, which explains why //following-sibling::div is selecting downwards.


mouse pointer to a position up in selenium

I have a requirement to move my mouse pointer based on a value in x-axis, such that tooltip will be shown. I am not sure how to do the same in selenium. I have seen the movetoelement, keysup. But i assume they are not the correct ones for my action.
Is there a way in selenium to do this.
Thanks in advance!!!!]2
You can use Action class in selenium and move to a element position. As you are aware of your x-axis, first move your pointer to that position in x axis and then in a loop call the movetoelement of action object with (0, iterating values) till you get your preferred tool tip. This can be fine tuned if you think this grid is going to appear in the center of the screen.

Is there an ng-repeat reorder drag and drop without jQuery

Anyone have some code to reorder a ng-repeat using drag and drop that does not require jQuery? (angularjs dependency only)
I've had good results with https://github.com/kamilkp/angular-sortable-view - it's brand new (first commit was last week!), but it's extremely easy to work with. You put an sv-root attribute on the element (probably a div) that's the ancestor of the ng-repeat you want to be able to reorder. Then you put an sv-element attribute on whichever element you're ng-repeating, and drag and drop is handled for you.
You can also optionally put an sv-handle attribute on some element (probably an image, or a Font Awesome icon) inside your ng-repeat, in which case that element gets used as the drag handle. You can also optionally set up "placeholders" (something that shows up as you drag to show where the dragged element will be positioned if you drop it right now) with an sv-placeholder attribute on whatever element is your placeholder. And finally, you can optionally specify an sv-helper attribute on some element to make that element the one that gets dragged. (So if the thing you want the user to see while dragging needs to be different from the thing they see inside the list, that's how you do it).
Oh, and both the sv-placeholder and sv-helper attributes can go either on elements outside the ng-repeat, in which case the same element will be used for every drag situation (use this, for example, if you want a blank gray box as a placeholder the way Trello does it when you drag cards around) -- or those attributes can go on elements inside the ng-repeat, in which case you have access to the local scope of that particular ng-repeat element (use this, for example, if you want your placeholder to be "the text of what I'm dragging around, with opacity 50%, and a dashed border around it").
The demos linked from the https://github.com/kamilkp/angular-sortable-view repo demostrate the usage pretty well, so rather than say more about it I'll just let you poke around in the demos. My personal experience so far has been very favorable.
Oh, and it has no dependencies other than Angular. No jQuery or anything else required.

Does anyone know why an object would miss a property?

We have a script that export our Indesign documents to HTML and one of the routine is to export tables. In this script we go throught each Tables->Rows->Cells and evaluate some of the properties (i.e. bottomEdgeStrokeType, topEdgeStrokeType, etc...) and transport them to HTML.
Now yesterday we had problem converting one particular document because some cells were missing the "bottomEdgeStrokeType" property entirely. I've discovered this by outputting the properties of each cells and compare the faulty ones with the others.
This line bellow was trowing the error: "Invalid object for this request.".
var cellType = cell["bottomEdgeStrokeType"];
Now, to fix this I've wrapped this around a try catch block to handle the case when it's not there, but now what is puzzling me is how on earth can Extendscript instantiate an object with missing properties?
Indesign version: CS5.5
A property is not only 'undefined' if it cannot exist at all (such as asking for the parent text frame for a character in overset text), but InDesign's Javascript engine also fails to return a reasonably accurate result for multiple values.
If you ask for "the" point size of a paragraph, where this paragraph contains multiple sizes, poor ID does not consider to return something like CONSTANT.Mixed, or the first value only, or (what I might have preferred) an array of the values; it returns undefined instead.
So how can a single table cell have multiple bottom strokes? If the cell underneath it is split into multiple cells, and one has a "top" stroke but the other has not.
It's difficult to recommend an adequate solution. You could first test if the current cell is "merged" (as far as InDesign's internal table model is concerned) with columnSpan; and if so, iterate over the number of columns spanned and test the next row's cells for their top stroke, which in theory should match the bottom stroke of the cell above. (I find myself wondering if this is always true. ID's table model is ... weird. It's not entirely like a HTML table, despite the functional overlaps.)
If columnSpan is greater than 1 and equal to the number of cells immediately below the current one, you could test if all of their "top" values are the same and if so use that value. (I never tested this so ID's table model may simply fail because a cell is merged, regardless of same-values or not.)
One could attempt to flag this cell's next row to output "top" strokes as well -- but alternating top and bottom strokes may not align nicely in CSS, side to side. Perhaps it's best to translate only the first top stroke value to "the" bottom stroke property for your current cell, and fix up manually where needed (how?) or, a reasonable action, hope that no-one will ever notice it.

d3 js exit animation not working properly

I'm new to D3 JS.
I spent some time to learn D3 js and build a sort of time table (I'm not sure this is the term) and to animate it.
Now I found a strange behavior on exit transition, when I try to remove the last element in a row the animation goes perfectly but when the element is not the last one, D3 removes it without animation.
It's hard to understand my problem, it's really easier to watch it! :)
I created a working fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/fLBq4/5/
Click 'Draw' to build the graph (data are loaded from an external js that create the var demodata)
Then click the second button and watch the last element of Sunday. The transition works correctly.
Then click the last button. You'll see that the first element of Friday is removed without the transition!
Now... I'm really surprised because the code for removing elements it's the same for both executions:
Moreover, I implemented the listeners for 'start' and 'end' transition events (you will not find them in the fiddle). These events are fired correctly, i.e. the 'end' event is timed correctly 500 msec after start.
Why won't D3 animate all the elements in the same way, in my case?
What's happening is that you're getting caught out by D3's data matching. The bar that disappears suddenly isn't in the exit selection, it's in the update selection. The second bar is in the exit selection and disappears gradually, but the first bar is moved to its position instantaneously, so you can't actually see that. I've added a transition to the update selection so you can see what's happening here.
The reason that this is happening is that D3 matches data and DOM elements by index by default. That is, the first data element corresponds to the first DOM element in the selection and so on. In your particular case, you're removing an element from the array, so the last DOM element ends up being not matched and becomes part of the exit selection. The other elements however change their position (as new data is matched to them).
To fix, simply provide a function that tells D3 how to match data and DOM elements, e.g.
var frames = groups.selectAll('.frame')
.data(function(d){return d;}, function(d) { return d.start; });
Complete demo here.

Keeping one Tile Constant in a Wrap Panel

Is their anyway of keeping one tile at a constant position in a wrap panel and having all the added items (currently implementing through a listbox, so listboxitems) wrap around this item.
For example, having the blue tile constant regardless of how many items, with every other tile wrapping around it.
For example:
*Edit #1
I've been looking into custom panels. Maybe i could add a field that if true, would allow for the absolute positioning of an element? Still need to understand how exactly the wrappanel wraps its elements.
*Edit #2
Just realized that idea wont work either. since the attribute of whether the item should have an absolute position would depend on the item itself and so it would require another container, like a "WrapPanelItem" of some sort to define that. Ugh lol
Edit #3
I can maybe set the "Tag" attribute of the children and have a custom Wrappanel check this attribute of the child. If it equals a certain value, it wont adjust its position? But then how do i set the initial position?
Edit #4
No luck with the previous idea.
Edit #5
So i'm attempting to make the custom panel again, but i have a few questions. When items are placed in a grid, how does the arrange method place the item in the item's desired position. I've looked and couldn't find such a property, so how then does the method know where to put the item?
Solved this by making a custom version of the "VariableSizedWrapGrid" provided in Kinnara's branch of the WP7ToolKit. (https://github.com/Kinnara/WPToolkit). It didnt work initially, as it wasn't checking if the entire block fit and instead than just the first unit of the block. If anyone is running into this problem PM me and il send you my updated control :)
O, and instead of trying to wrap around one element, i overlapped the element and had the elements wrapping in the background using the VariableSizedWrapGrid. This implementation was ALOT easier than what i was trying to do.
