mouse pointer to a position up in selenium - xpath

I have a requirement to move my mouse pointer based on a value in x-axis, such that tooltip will be shown. I am not sure how to do the same in selenium. I have seen the movetoelement, keysup. But i assume they are not the correct ones for my action.
Is there a way in selenium to do this.
Thanks in advance!!!!]2

You can use Action class in selenium and move to a element position. As you are aware of your x-axis, first move your pointer to that position in x axis and then in a loop call the movetoelement of action object with (0, iterating values) till you get your preferred tool tip. This can be fine tuned if you think this grid is going to appear in the center of the screen.


How to track mouse movements without limiting it to screen size?

I'm using WM_MOUSEMOVE to get changes in mouse position. When simulating "knobs" for example it's desired to let the user go up/down with mouse without any limits. In this cases I hide cursor and use SetCursorPos to change its position every time user moves with it and detect just the difference from the original position.
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work - if I set the mouse position, it sometimes works, but sometimes is one or more pixels away, which is just wrong. And even bigger trouble is that after the call another WM_MOUSEMOVE seems to be delivered, which unfortunately does the same thing as it wants to move the cursor back to the original position again. So it ends up in an infinite cycle or settings mouse position and receiving messages until the user releases the mouse button.
What's the correct approach or what's the problem?
The raw input system can do this - it lets you register for raw mouse input that isn't clipped or confined to the screen boundaries.
Broadly speaking, you register for raw input using RegisterRawInputDevices(). Your window will then receive WM_INPUT messages, which you process using the GetRawInputData() function.
See Using Raw Input for an example.
I hide cursor and use SetCursorPos to change its position every time user moves with it and detect just the difference from the original position.
This is just plain wrong. Instead, use SetCapture() to capture the mouse. All movements will be reported as WM_MOUSEMOVE messages with coordinates that are relative to the specified window, even if the mouse is outside of that window, until you release the capture.
Asking the user to move the mouse continuously, even after the cursor hit the screen limit is a very bad idea in terms of User Interface, IMHO.
Some games have another approach: when the mouse hit the "limit", the game enter a special mode: things appears to function exactly as if the mouse was moving, even if the user don't move it. When the user wants to exit that mode, he just has to move the mouse of the limit.
Doing so requires a timer, armed when the mouse hit some limit, executing code periodically as if the mouse was moving. The timer is stopped when a real mouse movement makes it leaves the limit.
Ok folks, so I found a solution simple enough:
The main problem is that SetCursorPos may not set the coordinates accurately, I guess it's because of some high resolution processing, nevertheless it's probably a bug. Anyway if SetCursorPos doesn't set the coordinates correctly (but +-1 in x and/or y) it also sends WM_MOUSEMOVE to the target window. As a result the window performs the exact same operation as before and this goes on and on.
So the solution is to remove all WM_MOUSEMOVE messages right after SetCursorPos:
MSG msg;
while (::PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_MOUSEMOVE, WM_MOUSEMOVE, PM_REMOVE)) { };
Then retrieving the current mouse cursor pos using ::GetCursorPos .
It's ugly but seems to fix the problem. It basically seems that in some position of the mouse, the system always adds or subtracts 1 in either coordinate, so this way you let system do the weird stuff and use the new coordinates without trying to persuade system that your coordinates are the correct ones :).

ZedGraph scrolling left truncates data

I am using a ZedGraphControl in a WindowsForms project in C#. The ZedGraphControl is V5.1.5.
The data in the control is static and I add it all before the form is shown. The X axis of the data consists of numbers indicating seconds offset from the beginning. in other words from 0 to some number of seconds.
I want to initially show the last 5 seconds, but provide a horizontal scrollbar so the user can scroll back and forth. I set the "graphPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = maxX;" where maxX is the largest X value in my data. I set the "graphPane.XAxis.Scale.Min = maxX - 5;".
The data starts off displaying the way I want it, but when the user scrolls the horizontal bar, bizzar behavior occurs.
As you drag the thumb of the scrollbar to the left, the beginning of the data shown in the grid moves to the lower values as expected, and the thumb of the scrollbar moves to the left, but the right edge of the thumb stays at the right of the scrollbar and you cannot move back to the right. It is as if the data to the right of the viewing range gets truncated as you scroll left.
I cannot find any reason for this nor any way to control it. Does anyone have any ideas about this behavior?
Ok, found it myself.
I found a fine article that describes scrolling:
Add a ScrollBar
In it the author specifically says "the scrolling will be wacky because the scrollable range has not been set".
I used the sample "Manually Setting the Scroll Range" and the part that I was missing is setting the zedGraphControl1.ScrollMinX and zedGraphControl1.ScrollMaxX properties. Once I defined these values everything started working as expected. I also found that in my case, the value of zedGraphControl1.IsAutoScrollRange had no effect, but I left it set to false to be consistent with the example. This would probably have an effect if the dataset is dynamic.

Any way to trigger a callback function while hovering over a point in Matlab?

I am using a while loop and within that I add ginput in MATLAB to capture the positions of mouse. I check every time if the returned position is within some area so I will plot some curve on the current figure. But the problem is, by using ginput, I have to press enter before the positions are returned. Is that any way to capture the mouse event such that when the current cursor hover over some points, a callback function will be triggered? Thanks.
Since you already have a figure you're using, you could set the listening property for the figure:
set(gcf,'WindowButtonMotionFcn', #mouseMoveListener);
But now you have to create a function called 'mouseMoveListener' (if you want to name it something else, change the words after the # sign to whatever name you want, and make sure the actual event function is named that too).
Within your function mouseMoveListener you can now get the mouse coordinates:
MousePos = get(mainAxis,'CurrentPoint');
Which tells the current point of the mouse with respect to the axes coordinates. From there, you can have whatever if statement check that the position is where you want it and perform whatever tasks you want based on that information.

Drag and Drop in Windows Phone 7.1

Windows Phone 7.1 (Mang), SL4, VS 2010/Expression Blend.
I have a UI element (an ellipse) that I've added the behavior MouseDragElementBehavior to so now I can drag my ellipse all over my other elements. Great. What I can't figure out is how to determine where (what other UI element, specifically in this case a canvas) it was dropped on. Imagine a game board where you click and drag a piece from one square to another.
How can I determine if it's been "dropped" on another element?
The VisualTreeHelper class contains a method FindElementsInHostCoordinates to which you can pass the Point or Rect location of your Ellipse and then get all the Controls that exist in that location and act accordingly.
You might find the remarks section in FindElementsInHostCoordinates useful.
I think you can use that method no problem in basic scenarios. I used it for a while in one of my application's then I decided to use a manual method where I just loop over the controls and checking whether an intersection (or Point containment) occurs. Then just get the first control that is hit.
Please tell me if you have reached a better solution because I'm looking for ideas better than what I have already done! Thanks.

Win32 WM_SETCURSOR, WM_MOUSEMOVE always in pair?

I'm working on a Win32 control. There could be hundreds of "items" on this control. Those are not windows, but internal objects (eg: rectangles). Depending on the mouse position I want to change the mouse cursor. That is fine, I can use WM_SETCURSOR.
At the same time based on mouse move I want to display a status bar which shows details about the object currently under the mouse. For that I can use WM_MOUSEMOVE.
Because there could be hundreds of items, traveling all of them to find one under the mouse, well it's not efficient, especially two times (one for set cursor, one for mouse move).
To make it short, do you know if WM_SETCURSOR and WM_MOUSEMOVE are ALWAYS in pair? In that case I can calculate what I want during WM_SETCURSOR. The other option would be to set the mouse cursor during WM_MOUSEMOVE, but as far as I know that it's not a good solution (will flicker).
While they might currently always come as a matched pair, you probably can't rely on this behaviour.
You can set the cursor during WM_MOUSEMOVE (using SetCursor), and it won't flicker, as long as (IIRC), you return TRUE from WM_SETCURSOR without doing anything (i.e. you eat the message), and your window doesn't have a class cursor assigned to it.
You might also try GetMessagePos() (gives cursor screen coordinates), then MapWindowPoints() and see if it's in hot rectangle, or something similar.
Most important of all is that your window message handlers shouldn't worry about holding or calculating anything. You should simply signal your application's logic that the mouse is potentially over new area and make it find the object(s). Once you find the hot area (or more than one), cache its (their) boundaries and check the following mouse moves against those. Once the mouse moves out from one of them, you can rebuild your hot-object-list.
You don't have to be hunting for the hot area all over the control on every mouse move.
In case when there can be many objects sharing the same area, there's the question of z-order. Think about it when you're creating those objects and handle their movement.
Also you should think about an efficient data structure holding the object coordinates so you don't have to check every single object every time you're looking for the hot one.
Just my two euros. ;)
Is there any way to cache the last item that was found, and shortcut the lookup if the cursor is in the same place? That would be the most robust solution.
