Can't submit mac build to testflight - xcode v14.2 - xcode

I am trying to submit my build for a mac os app to testflight but i get the error -
This build is using a beta version of Xcode and can’t be submitted.
Make sure you’re using the latest version of Xcode or the latest seed
release found on the releases tab in News and Updates
I am using Xcode Version 14.2 (14C18), I am not sure if its beta, but it is the latest one available in the app store.
Do I need to downgrade to some previous version or there is some other issue? Thanks.

After hours of debugging I found the issue. My Info.plist file was missing several metadata info like -
After adding those testflight accepted the build.


How do I upgrade Android native app to new version based on NativeScript while keeping data from old app?

I want to update an existing Android app (not made with NativeScript), with a new one (made with NativeScript).
The old app stored some user data in a SQLite database. I want this to survive the upgrade.
Now, I have the same app-id in the new app, as the old, so that part is in place. To test if the database survives though, I have started the Android Emulator with the old app, created a few records, then published the native script version using
tns run android --bundle --device=1
and this correctly replaces the old app with the new code, but at the same time it seems to wipe the database, which is otherwise correctly stored in /data/data/app-id/databases
Is this due to the tns deployment for debugging possibly starting out wiping the system, or something else ?
How do you guys test this?
Edit: Apparently the uninstalling after each compile, rather than upgrading is a known thing, tracked in their Github as issue #3382
tns run android --bundle produces a development version of APK which would not match the signature of your production version of APK built with native Android.
If you use the same signing certificate you used for the production native app while running app / building your {N} version of APK, then you will survive the upgrade by default.
So your command may look like
tns [build|run] android --bundle --release --keyStorePath /path/to/keystore --keyStorePassword keystore-password --keyStoreAlias keystore-alias --keyStoreAliasPassword keystore-alias-passwrd
Read more on docs.
Edit: CLI seems to have a known issue with tns run, instead of replacing the APK, it deletes the old version and installs new version. So it should not be a problem when you publish the APK built with tns build. Credits to #DimitarTachev.

Can i upload an iPA with lower build number?

I have uploaded an IPA with below details:
version - 1.0.4
build - 1.0.4
the above IPA is in my Activity section in iTunes connect.
My question is can I upload an IPA with below detail:
version - 1.0.5
**build - 1.0**
Please suggest.
YES You can do it, if the app version is changed from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 than you can set the build version to 1.0
It's allowed with iOS, although macOS it is not.
All of the builds that you provide for a particular version of your app is called that version's "release train" (eg. 1.0.4, 1.0.5, etc). For iOS Apps you can use the same build numbers again in different release trains if you want to.
For macOS apps, build numbers must monotonically increase even across
different versions. In other words, for macOS apps you cannot use the
same build numbers again in different release trains. iOS apps have
no such restriction and you can re-use the same build numbers again in
different release trains.
↳ Version Numbers and Build Numbers

Google iOS SDK fails to archive (use of undeclared identifier errors)

I have attempted to archive my project for submission to App Store, however, every time I get errors "use of undeclared identifier" for everything related to google iOS SDK. The application itself runs and builds flawlessly with the discussed SDK integrated, the only thing that fails is the archive process. I have tried both cocoa pods and manual method of integration (separately, of course). Furthermore, I used the latest xCode versions (6.4 and 7 beta 4) on two different macs running OS X 10.10.4. This is the guide I have been using.
Your issue has something to do with the configuration of archiving in combination with your Release settings. If you change the scheme settings Command + < to use the Debug configuration for archiving, you may be able to successfully archive your app. This means that somewhere you are probably not matching the Debug and Release configurations.
See the following screenshot for example project Build Settings that are missing the Swift bridging header in release:
Add bridge.h to the release configuration and you will be able to build with the Release schema and you will be able to archive under release configuration.

Is it possible to run jenkins with two different iOS sdks

We are using Jenkins to run our xcodebuilds on a Mac Mini server. In the last weeks we started development of iOS 7 apps and we installed Xcode 5 DP versions on the Mac Mini.
When installing a new Xcode version and configuring the xcodebuild of the new Xcode which xcode-select this new version is also used for building our old iOS 6 apps - which breaks the UI of them.
Is there a way to tell Jenkins which xcodebuild it should use to build a project?
Check out the solution posted by Andy Molloy at
You have to install EnvInject plugin for Jenkins and add DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ environment variable to your build job.
It doesn't look like it is possible to specify xcode version per jenkins job. Also switching xcode version on the command line requires root permissions.
You might manage to solve your issue by making sure your IOS 6 apps, when built with the new xcode, work properly. Try selecting the proper base SDK and deployment target
If that won't work you could try forcing a switch of the xcode version to use at build time, pre xcode plugin use. You will have to fiddle with sudo rights. Given that this is a system setting, you might need to prevent multiple builds from happening simultaneously.
I would do my best getting the multiple builds working with a single xcode version though.
Select the xcode version at runtime
Use EnvInject plugin
for jobs that require the non default do something like
under Inject environment variables to the build process

BWToolkit and xcode 3.2.1

I have problem with BWToolkit and XCode. For some reasons Xcode not recognize bwtoolkit framework. IB plugin working fine. I did same steps as described on bwtoolkit site. I did:
Download latest bwtoolkit from
Add BWToolkitFramework.framework to Linked frameworks
Add BWToolkitFramework to copy target
Add "#import <BWToolkitFramework/BWToolkitFramework.h>" to my class
Got "not such file" build error for BWToolkitFramework/BWToolkitFramework.h
I think it related to Xcode version as I remember it worked on prev Xcode version and when I downloaded Hellium project which used BWtoolkit and build it then no errors, I tried copy most of project settings from helium to my project but result the same(not found build errors)
My env:
Xcode 3.2.1
Snow Leopard
Did you try adding a Framework Search Path to the build settings so Xcode knows where to look for it?
To do this, open the project or target settings, and add a path to the framework in the Framework Search Paths section. Make sure you're adding it to All Configurations.
Fixed. Problem was in build settings, not sure what exactly as I'v changed many of them
