BWToolkit and xcode 3.2.1 - cocoa

I have problem with BWToolkit and XCode. For some reasons Xcode not recognize bwtoolkit framework. IB plugin working fine. I did same steps as described on bwtoolkit site. I did:
Download latest bwtoolkit from
Add BWToolkitFramework.framework to Linked frameworks
Add BWToolkitFramework to copy target
Add "#import <BWToolkitFramework/BWToolkitFramework.h>" to my class
Got "not such file" build error for BWToolkitFramework/BWToolkitFramework.h
I think it related to Xcode version as I remember it worked on prev Xcode version and when I downloaded Hellium project which used BWtoolkit and build it then no errors, I tried copy most of project settings from helium to my project but result the same(not found build errors)
My env:
Xcode 3.2.1
Snow Leopard

Did you try adding a Framework Search Path to the build settings so Xcode knows where to look for it?
To do this, open the project or target settings, and add a path to the framework in the Framework Search Paths section. Make sure you're adding it to All Configurations.

Fixed. Problem was in build settings, not sure what exactly as I'v changed many of them


Mac Catalyst build fails with "building for Mac Catalyst-x86_64 but attempting to link with file built for Mac Catalyst-arm64"

After updating to Xcode 12.2, my project started failing to compile because of Apple Silicon-related linking errors. I seem to have most of them fixed, but one sub-project that builds a statically-linked framework is giving me problems. And yet a sibling sub-project with apparently identical build settings doesn't.
During linking, I get this warning about the one framework:
ld: warning: ignoring file ...Build/Products/Debug-maccatalyst/TCSiOSC.framework/TCSiOSC, building for Mac Catalyst-x86_64 but attempting to link with file built for Mac Catalyst-arm64
I'm building on an Intel Mac, to boot (so "build active architecture only" is not a factor). I can't find any build setting that would address this problem, and a Web search turns up no hits on this exact error. Any ideas appreciated!
I consulted Apple for this one, and their engineer recommended some things:
Turn any Swift sub-projects into Swift packages, not embedded Xcode projects. So, I deleted one library's Xcode project from the parent project, and dragged its top-level directory into the parent project to include it as a Swift package. Now... this particular sub-project (SQLite.swift) already had a Swift package defined. I haven't generated a Swift package myself before, so I can't help with that. Also, don’t forget to add it to the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content list on the app’s target.
Go into your project's build settings and delete the "Supported platforms" setting. If you click on the "levels" button above the build-settings list, you can see where each setting is coming from. "Supported platforms" should be non-bold. Highlight the line and press Delete if it's bold. Then go into your target and do the same thing: delete "Supported platforms."
Set the Base SDK at your project (top) level to iOS; this is a must. Delete it from the target level, so it inherits from the project; I don't know if this holds true for multiple kinds of targets or all projects, but it's working for me.
Remove the VALID_ARCHS build setting from all targets, if it's present. That setting is deprecated.
The "build active architecture" setting doesn't make any difference after these changes in my case. The project now builds and runs under Catalyst just fine.
I have the same issue and found this question. In my case, building on Debug succeeds but on Release fails. The reason is exactly the "build active architecture only" option. It is an option can be found in your PROJECT - "Build Setting" Tab then "Architectures" section. There is a setting for "Build active architecture only". By default, the Debug mode it is Yes while Release mode it is no. That caused my build to fail in release.

How can I use Swift Package Manager (SPM) and cocoapods together in one project?

I have an existing project which uses Cocoapods, but I would like to switch to SPM; unfortunately I still have dependencies which aren't available in SPM.
Now I would like to move as many dependencies as possible over to SPM and keep the others in Cocoapods as long as necessary - is this possible? Having both, Cocoapods and SPM?
I just tried CocoaPods with SPM on my iOS project and it works fine.
I'm adding Firebase and other Google libs using CocoaPods and the rest using Swift Package Manager.
When adding SPM dependency, put checkmark on your project(s) and not on the Pods project.
Xcode 11.5,
CocoaPods 1.9.3.
After trying it out I found you can actually have a SPM + Cocoapods to play nice. You install your SPM library on the .xcodeproj while you develop on the .xcworkspace. It all works (at least so far for me lol).
If you are using CI, or you launch manually from xcodebuild command some tweaks with the -clonedSourcePackagesDirPath flag
I have had used swift package manager at the beginning and added 4 packages in my project. When I had to integrate admob sdk. I added cocoapod to my project.
but after open the .xcworkspace file. the packages status are display as Missing. I have to add them from SPM one by one. after all 4 packages were added again. the project can be built and executed again.
Considering all the pros and cons, I found it suitable to use CocoaPods as SPM is still at a very nascent stage and not all libraries support it.
Please go through the blog written by Darshan Patel by for more details.

Checked Out New Project in XCode 6.1 but XCTest and other libraries are missing

Today I checked out a new copy of stable project from gitHub to my home computer using Xcode 6.1. After doing so, I see that many of the frameworks and libraries, including XCTest, are missing (shown in red). I have added Framework and Header Search Paths, but they are still not found.
To make things stranger, I can build the project to a simulator or device, but when I try to run an individual test, I get clang or missing file error for the libraries/frameworks shown in red.
As it turns out, the reason for my errors was that I had not run "Build for Testing" before trying to run the individual Unit Tests. As such, the proper library dependencies had not been generated.

Xcode Static libraries building in wrong folder

I've setup cocoapods for my project and I've been doing development for quite some time without any issues. Recently I added a new Configuration for it called "Beta", duplicating the "Release" configuration. At the same time, I added a Scheme that would build targets using this configuration.
This new scheme would build everything without issues, but linking would fail with the (quite known it seems) message:
ld: library not found for -lPods
I know that issues that makes this error message come up have been discussed widely around the web, with different causes and conditions:
library not found for -lPods
None of these fixes seem to apply here. What I can see by looking into the workspace folder, is that Cocoapods build products are put in Build/Products/Release-iphonesimulator instead of in Build/Products/Beta-iphonesimulator, even though the app itself is built rightly so into the latter. Moving all the *.a files into Build/Products/Beta-iphonesimulator makes running in the simulator work properly, but the next build is still put in the wrong location.
After some further investigations, the environment variable $BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR is set correctly in the build phase for the app itself, but not when building cocoapods products.
What causes this and how can I fix this?
Ruled out issues
pod install has been run, multiple times
I'm working in the workspace, not in the project
The cocoapods configuration file in the new configuration is properly set
Build locations in the preferences seem fine
For the record, the issue has been solved. So, as I said, I use cocoapods, but my current setup is that a single podfile, and workspace is used for 3 projects that share some common libraries. As explained in this issue, cocoapods will only consider one project out of all those that are specified in the podfile, and it turns the one project (out of three) that it was using, didn't have the beta configuration, so it didn't feel the need to prepare for it. So when it was time to build the project with the beta configuration, cocoapods would be built for the release configuration, and put in some folder specific to release, so the beta project wouldn't be able to find it.
Fixing was a matter of creating the beta configuration for all projects present in the workspace, forcing cocoapods to prepare accordingly. Then, Xcode would be able to wire up everything appropriately.

Xcode: How to use separate Projects with cross-project references to embed a framework in your application?

I am using Xcode 4.3.
I have an existing Xcode Project (originally created in Xcode 3) for a embeddable Mac OS X Framework. This Project has a few Targets, but the primary Target in this project is for my Framework. This Framework is designed to be embedded in Mac Apps and has the appropriate Installation Directory properties set. (#executable_path/../Frameworks)
I have a new Xcode Project (created just now in Xcode 4) for a Mac OS X Application. There is only a single Mac App Target in this Project.
I would like to combine my old Framework Project and/or Target into the new App Project so that I can build both the App and Framework from source in a single, combined build process. (I have done this in Xcode 3 many times, but cannot figure it out in Xcode 4).
I do not (unless it's the only way) want to build my Framework separately and then just link to it from my App Project. I want to combine the Framework Target into my Mac App Project.
Here's Apple's outdated documentation describing how to do what I want in Xcode 3:
Embedding a Private Framework in Your Application Bundle > Using Separate Xcode Projects For Each Target
How do you do this in Xcode 4?
Note: I just need to know how to add my Framework Target to the new Project. From there, I know how to add the dependencies and do all the Build Phases of linking and copying the built Framework into the app bundle.
After working through a tricky issue in Xcode 4.3.1, I discovered how to do this. I've given a full/detailed example in my answer to another question about how to embed ParseKit in a Mac App.
I also found excellent information on the topic in Chapter 16 of Mastering Xcode 4 by Joshua Nozzi.
You actually have 2 separate Xcode project files here: Application and Framework. The answer is the section below the one you find: Using Separate Xcode Projects For Each Target
OK. Now I remember. You need to create a workspace and add both projects to it. Then you can add target in one project to the other for dependency: Adding an Existing Project to a Workspace
I don't have all the details since I don't have a Mac now. But I think you can figure it out once you created the workspace.
