Google iOS SDK fails to archive (use of undeclared identifier errors) - xcode

I have attempted to archive my project for submission to App Store, however, every time I get errors "use of undeclared identifier" for everything related to google iOS SDK. The application itself runs and builds flawlessly with the discussed SDK integrated, the only thing that fails is the archive process. I have tried both cocoa pods and manual method of integration (separately, of course). Furthermore, I used the latest xCode versions (6.4 and 7 beta 4) on two different macs running OS X 10.10.4. This is the guide I have been using.

Your issue has something to do with the configuration of archiving in combination with your Release settings. If you change the scheme settings Command + < to use the Debug configuration for archiving, you may be able to successfully archive your app. This means that somewhere you are probably not matching the Debug and Release configurations.
See the following screenshot for example project Build Settings that are missing the Swift bridging header in release:
Add bridge.h to the release configuration and you will be able to build with the Release schema and you will be able to archive under release configuration.


How to use ServiceCore framework from salesforce in a Xamarin forms app?

I am getting a warning in my console when I try building the app in Release configuration. The warning reads The ServiceSDK frameworks have not been prepared for release.
Please ensure the "prepare-framework" script is run after the "Embed Frameworks" build phase.
From the documentations, I understand that a build phase script has to be run to fix the issue.
Here is how I use the framework in my solution:
I am creating a binding library which refers the framework through a Native Reference. Then I run the library project and build a .dll with I use in the iOS project within my Xamarin forms application. All this is working fine. I am able to use the intended features from the framework.
However, there is this warning which appears in the console when I run the App in Release configuration. Also, when I tried submitting the App to App Store, it throws error, which is apparently the same mentioned above.
I tried by adding Custom commands which I think is the equivalent of Xcode build phase scripts, but the warning doesn't simply go away.
Any help would be really appreciated.
Sample Repos -
Youtube Video Link -
Gudie Here -

Checked Out New Project in XCode 6.1 but XCTest and other libraries are missing

Today I checked out a new copy of stable project from gitHub to my home computer using Xcode 6.1. After doing so, I see that many of the frameworks and libraries, including XCTest, are missing (shown in red). I have added Framework and Header Search Paths, but they are still not found.
To make things stranger, I can build the project to a simulator or device, but when I try to run an individual test, I get clang or missing file error for the libraries/frameworks shown in red.
As it turns out, the reason for my errors was that I had not run "Build for Testing" before trying to run the individual Unit Tests. As such, the proper library dependencies had not been generated.

Is it possible to run jenkins with two different iOS sdks

We are using Jenkins to run our xcodebuilds on a Mac Mini server. In the last weeks we started development of iOS 7 apps and we installed Xcode 5 DP versions on the Mac Mini.
When installing a new Xcode version and configuring the xcodebuild of the new Xcode which xcode-select this new version is also used for building our old iOS 6 apps - which breaks the UI of them.
Is there a way to tell Jenkins which xcodebuild it should use to build a project?
Check out the solution posted by Andy Molloy at
You have to install EnvInject plugin for Jenkins and add DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ environment variable to your build job.
It doesn't look like it is possible to specify xcode version per jenkins job. Also switching xcode version on the command line requires root permissions.
You might manage to solve your issue by making sure your IOS 6 apps, when built with the new xcode, work properly. Try selecting the proper base SDK and deployment target
If that won't work you could try forcing a switch of the xcode version to use at build time, pre xcode plugin use. You will have to fiddle with sudo rights. Given that this is a system setting, you might need to prevent multiple builds from happening simultaneously.
I would do my best getting the multiple builds working with a single xcode version though.
Select the xcode version at runtime
Use EnvInject plugin
for jobs that require the non default do something like
under Inject environment variables to the build process

Run on device from xcode after making archive

I have a project in Xcode 4.5.2. I was able to run the project to a device from Xcode until I built an ad-hoc version with the "archive" function. (After changing the code signing).
Now, when the device is plugged in I get the error "CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 6.0'".
I have checked which profiles are selected under "Code Signing" in build settings, trying both the generic "*" profile, and the profile I used to build the ad-hoc release (For both debug and release builds).
What confuses me is I can build the project and install it to the device through ITunes without issue. It seems it's now running the 'release' version and not the 'debug' version when building with a device connected now. The device is in the provision profile however, so shouldn't it work either way?
I've tried
Restarting xcode,
Deleting the derived data (From finder, not through the organizer),
Deleting and reinstalling the provision profile.
Any help would be appreciated!
When you create your provisioning profile, make sure its a Distribution profile with your devices UDID on it.
I use a site called, which will also help automate this process for you. Hope that helps

Xcode: How to use separate Projects with cross-project references to embed a framework in your application?

I am using Xcode 4.3.
I have an existing Xcode Project (originally created in Xcode 3) for a embeddable Mac OS X Framework. This Project has a few Targets, but the primary Target in this project is for my Framework. This Framework is designed to be embedded in Mac Apps and has the appropriate Installation Directory properties set. (#executable_path/../Frameworks)
I have a new Xcode Project (created just now in Xcode 4) for a Mac OS X Application. There is only a single Mac App Target in this Project.
I would like to combine my old Framework Project and/or Target into the new App Project so that I can build both the App and Framework from source in a single, combined build process. (I have done this in Xcode 3 many times, but cannot figure it out in Xcode 4).
I do not (unless it's the only way) want to build my Framework separately and then just link to it from my App Project. I want to combine the Framework Target into my Mac App Project.
Here's Apple's outdated documentation describing how to do what I want in Xcode 3:
Embedding a Private Framework in Your Application Bundle > Using Separate Xcode Projects For Each Target
How do you do this in Xcode 4?
Note: I just need to know how to add my Framework Target to the new Project. From there, I know how to add the dependencies and do all the Build Phases of linking and copying the built Framework into the app bundle.
After working through a tricky issue in Xcode 4.3.1, I discovered how to do this. I've given a full/detailed example in my answer to another question about how to embed ParseKit in a Mac App.
I also found excellent information on the topic in Chapter 16 of Mastering Xcode 4 by Joshua Nozzi.
You actually have 2 separate Xcode project files here: Application and Framework. The answer is the section below the one you find: Using Separate Xcode Projects For Each Target
OK. Now I remember. You need to create a workspace and add both projects to it. Then you can add target in one project to the other for dependency: Adding an Existing Project to a Workspace
I don't have all the details since I don't have a Mac now. But I think you can figure it out once you created the workspace.
