Why Bar Chart Always Showing 2 Years Value After Using Control Form? - dashboard

I have a problem in my dashboard because It is always showing Bar Charts with all Values after using control field "Year" like this
I use Year Control Form and set the default in the control field into 2021 like this But it always shows all the values of 2021 and 2022 (like the first picture). But when I choose only '2021' or '2022' on the control form, it shows like what I want (only represent data for that years) like this.
I want to set the default is like the 2nd Picture when First opening the dashboard because it made so many problem in my organization. Here's the link for my dashboard : https://lookerstudio.google.com/reporting/1268a7e6-33bd-4deb-9c37-7abfd73f5126
And here's for the data source : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A_xB97Q25e0hqpkjSQcP9BzakwTUdzIJLUUnMOtBs04/edit?usp=sharing
For information, the bar chart is created by using blended data from 2 tables and also I turn on the cross-filtering where the setting is like this
any solution?


How do i use actions to change the view of my pie chart in Tableau?

So i am learning about Tableau and wanted to figure something out, I have created a Pie Chart visual which displays my Brand Share by region as a Percentage below:
I want to change my view where once i click my map on Dashboard this visual goes from the current above to Top 3 Brands by SUM(2021) per country.
Currently when i click my map on my Dashboard, this visual changes to 100% of the country selected but i suppose that is expected based on my filters etc.
We need to create a Set and a Parameter. Here's the link:
Here's how it works on the Sample superstore data.

Slicer and filter on power BI

I am working a data visualization and I have removed any filter on the whole page and also turned off all the filters on the visualization as well as the page. I still see cannot see the data.
But I see the data is still getting filtered, How do I remove these?
this is how my visualization looks like.
The screenshot in your comment clearly shows two slicers that define a date range. The visual is filtered by these slicers, not by page filters or filters on the visual. This is working as intended and is not a malfunction.
If you don't want the slicers to filter the visual, you need to configure the cross filtering for the visual. Use Format > Edit Interactions to control which slicers affect which visuals. Select the slicer, then click the icon on the target visual that looks like this:
In your screenshot, the visible slicers and the slicers in the pop-up of the visual have different names. That points to slicers that have been deleted from the page but are still filtering the data.

SSRS Binding Textbox to a field from the query

I have a question similar to this one:
How do you populate an SSRS TextBox with a DataSet value?
I'm on old release 2012 R1 and designing report in Visual Studio 2010 shell.
I want user to enter a specific order number, and thus the query will return just one row. I want to show the fields down the page (better for viewing/printing), instead of across the page like the normal table does (especially if I have so many fields that they don't fit on the width of one screen).
Don't I just bind the textbox to a database field on the properties using DataElementName. That's what I didn't understand about the post I referenced above.
I think I figured it out. I clicked Action then was able to select the database field from a list. After that, I also noticed I can right click, then click "Expressions", and the following screen appears:

Document Map in Visual Studio Data Tools for SSRS report - back option

I have a question on how to use Document Map for for a SSRS report. I'm able to get the map using a group called Name which is what I want, but I also want the ability to go back to the main page of the report using back in the document map or by clicking somewhere in the page that the user is on. The tricky part is that it has to work when exported to PDF.
You can do this by adding a parent group to your report.
Select the highest level group in your report and then add a parent group.
You can group by any value so just type 1 in the group by expression and this will be OK.
Then right-click the group and set the document map value to something like ="Top" or whatever you want to show in the map.
You can hide the column that is created if required.
"Top" will now appear at the top of the map and users will be able to use this when rendered to PDF if bookmarks are showing.

Toggle validation hide(+) when other in open(-) SSRS

I am developing a "Dashboard Report" in SSRS Visual Studio 2010. I Am trying to put 8 charts graphs at the same location. Each chart must open from each textbox I assigned a toggle. Each chart has the visibility as Hidden and display by textbox name.
Now I am trying to make a validation which determine that only one chart must show at the time. Because when I try to see an individual chart always I have to close which was open before.
I have created a parameter to assign an InitialToggleState Expression, but I haven't succeed.
I will appreciated any good suggestion step by step. Thanks
Have you considered using a Hidden parameter to control which chart is open? By defining one you can use the textboxes to control an identifier for which chart you wish to display.
First define a Hidden Pameter by creating a new parameter and setting the visibility to ‘Hidden’. I have created one called OpenChart
Create your charts (you have probably already done this by the looks of things. Set each charts visibility to be equivalent to
=iif(Parameters!OpenChart.Value = 1, false, true)
Changing the value ‘1’ to a unique number for each chart
Create your control buttons, possibly using text boxes. Create as many buttons as there are charts to disaply (you’ve probably done this already too). For each button Set the action to be a reloading of this report, using the same existing parameters, but with the OpenCahrt Parameter set to the chart identifier set in 2. Above
The report now looks like this (for 3 buttons)
When the report is run and the ‘One’ textbox is clicked the output looks like this
And for 'Two' like this
And so on...
You don’t have to put the charts side by side of course, they can be layered on top of each other. I only laid them out like this for clarity.
Hopefully this will help save you from trying to validate all the charts are closed before the next one is open, because only one can be open at a time.
Please let me know if you need further clarification
