Slicer and filter on power BI - filter

I am working a data visualization and I have removed any filter on the whole page and also turned off all the filters on the visualization as well as the page. I still see cannot see the data.
But I see the data is still getting filtered, How do I remove these?
this is how my visualization looks like.

The screenshot in your comment clearly shows two slicers that define a date range. The visual is filtered by these slicers, not by page filters or filters on the visual. This is working as intended and is not a malfunction.
If you don't want the slicers to filter the visual, you need to configure the cross filtering for the visual. Use Format > Edit Interactions to control which slicers affect which visuals. Select the slicer, then click the icon on the target visual that looks like this:
In your screenshot, the visible slicers and the slicers in the pop-up of the visual have different names. That points to slicers that have been deleted from the page but are still filtering the data.


How do i use actions to change the view of my pie chart in Tableau?

So i am learning about Tableau and wanted to figure something out, I have created a Pie Chart visual which displays my Brand Share by region as a Percentage below:
I want to change my view where once i click my map on Dashboard this visual goes from the current above to Top 3 Brands by SUM(2021) per country.
Currently when i click my map on my Dashboard, this visual changes to 100% of the country selected but i suppose that is expected based on my filters etc.
We need to create a Set and a Parameter. Here's the link:
Here's how it works on the Sample superstore data.

Hide/remove options from a view's grid header filtering

I've been looking for an approach to remove unwanted values from a views grid column filtering dropdown but I'm not sure if its even possible.
A specific view in our app only displays results where the column will contain 5 values, however the column option set has 20+. Is it possible to remove the unwanted 15 values from being displayed when the view's filter by function is used?
This documentation does not mention any way the values can be hidden.
I have added a web resource to a view column before, to change text values into an image, however I don't think this is an applicable place to add a script to hide filter by values.
I have developed plugins so not against using this medium if the approach works and does not introduce a performance hit.
Unfortunately that header filter is not open for customization/configuration. Though MS mention it as Excel like filter, it is not going to give the filter options for only values from current list. It will load the full options list.
When we had such requirements in the past - we have developed a PCF control with grid + filters and used it instead.

Dynamic Column selection in BI Answers/views based on Dashboard prompt selections

I need to have a BI Dashboard where the columns(eg, Brand) or group of columns ( eg, Company, Company site) have to hide/show in all analysis of dashboard based on check box selections with Brand and Company respectively. I am able to pass the column header and formula based on selection through Presentation Variable in Prompts, but stuck with hiding columns when the respective check box in unchecked. Note than I'm using OACv5.8.
Thanks in advance for any help on how to achieve/proceed further.
Why don't you use standard, out-of-the-box functionality like column selectors or show/hide sections?
Instead pf playing with presentation variables and trying to fiddle around.

Metabase chart does not display on dashboard upon filtering, but displays when clicked on

I've created some questions (charts) that display perfectly on their own. When added to the dashboard they also display perfectly. However, upon adding some filters on the dashboard and selecting the appropriate fields in each of the chart, once I activated the filter, many of these charts produced this error: "There was a problem displaying this chart".
However, clicking on and going into these charts individually showed them to be functioning perfectly, with the filtered results displaying correctly as well. So this means the filter works on an individual chart level, but not on the dashboard level.... can anyone provide some answers? Thank you!
P.S. I should also mention that upon filtering and clicking onto the charts with errors, for some reason the charts change in visuals (e.g. all of them were initially bar charts, upon dashboard-level filtering and clicking onto them, they became line charts instead... weird)

How to Get PowerBi Embeded Report's Filters' Options

We are trying to hide the native filter panel of the embeded powerbi report, and create a toally new look filter panel aside the embeded powerbi report with ourselves html and js code.
The problem we have is how do we get all the options of a filter? we need to get the options of a filter so that we can populate them on custom filter panel.
I find the powerbi client js sdk as a method "getFilters" of a report, but the filter values is empty unless we check all the options on the powerbi native fitler panel manually.
How can we get any filter available options?
The getFilters method returns the filters currently applied to the object (can be a report or a page). That's why it will be empty if no filter is applied.
For the how to get all the options of a filter part, the short answer is such thing doesn't exist.
There are two types of filters in Power BI, Basic and Advanced. Basically, any column in any of the tables in the data model can be set as a filter target, even though it's not used in the visuals. And the filtered values can be any value compatible with the column data type. Thus, there are many, if not infinite combinations of filters.
Instead, you can check how to construct filters to set meaningful filters to the report or page. Or best, adding slicers to the report during the report building phase.
