Generics range over union of maps - go

There is a simple example of use of generics in which we want to copy a map
package main
import "fmt"
type myMap interface {
map[string]int | map[string]float64
func copyMap[T myMap](m T) T {
newMap := make(T)
for key, elem := range m {
newMap[key] = elem
return newMap
func main() {
m := map[string]int{"seven": 7}
demo here
This code fails to compile returning error
./prog.go:12:17: invalid argument: cannot make T: no core type
./prog.go:13:25: cannot range over m (variable of type T constrained by myMap) (T has no core type)
./prog.go:14:18: invalid operation: cannot index m (variable of type T constrained by myMap)
How can I circumvent this issue and have a working generic copyMap function working for types map[string]int and map[string]float64?

func copyMap[T ~map[string]V, V any](m T) T {/* ... */}
Or indeed just use;l=65 (who uses a similar construct) as #jubObs mentioned.


Is it possible to iterate over a generic type constrained by a union type constraint? [duplicate]

I am testing out generics in go 1.18 and took a look at this example.
I would like to recreate that example but instead be able to pass in a slice of int or slice of float instead, and in the function I'll just sum up everything in the slice.
This is when I ran into some issues just iterating the slice. This is what I tried:
package main
import "fmt"
// NumberSlice constraint
type NumberSlice interface {
[]int64 | []float64
func add[N NumberSlice](n N) {
// want: to range over n and print value of v
for _, v := range n {
func main() {
ints := []int64{1, 2}
I got the error:
cannot range over n (variable of type N constrained by NumberSlice) (N has no core type)
How do I accomplish this?
A core type, for an interface (including an interface constraint) is defined as follows:
An interface T has a core type if one of the following conditions is
There is a single type U which is the underlying type of all types in the type set of T
or the type set of T contains only channel types with identical element type E, and all directional channels have the same direction.
Your interface constraint has no core type, because it has two underlying types: []int64 and []float64.
Therefore you can't use it where a core type is required. Notably range and make.
You can change the interface to require the base types, and then specify the slice in the function signature:
// still no core type...
type Number interface {
int64 | float64
// ...but the argument will be instantiated with either int64 or float64
func add[N Number](n []N) {
for _, v := range n {
This also works, but it's way more verbose:
type NumberSlice[N int64 | float64] interface {
// one core type []N
func add[S NumberSlice[N], N int64 | float64](n S) {
for _, v := range n {
Could something like this work for you?
package main
import "fmt"
type NumberOrFloat interface {
int64 | float64
func add[N NumberOrFloat](n []N) {
for _, v := range n {
func main() {
ints := []int64{1, 2}
The difference here is that you define type constraints on array elements (not on array types): []N

Generics type inference when cascaded calls of generic functions

While building a (my first) generics heavy library, and I'm bumping on some apparent limitations on the generics type checking implementation -- more likely my lack of knowledge.
Any ideas how to get something like below to work ?
package main
import (
type Number interface {
int | float32
type MultiDimensionSlice interface {
int | float32 | []int | []float32 | [][]int | [][]float32
func dimensions[S MultiDimensionSlice](s S) int {
dims := 0
t := reflect.TypeOf(s)
for t.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
dims += 1
t = t.Elem()
return dims
func indirection[T Number](v T) int {
var slice2D [][]T
return dimensions(slice2D)
func main() {
x := [][]float32{{1}, {2}, {3}}
fmt.Printf("x=%v, dims=%d\n", x, dimensions(x))
fmt.Printf("indirection should return 2, got %d\n", indirection(0))
This fails to compile with the message [][]T does not implement MultiDimensionSlice ([][]T missing in int | float32 | []int | []float32 | [][]int | [][]float32)
But within the function indirection() all the allowed values of T will have an implementation in dimensions().
Any help or pointers would be mostly appreciated!
(Playground link)
ps.: My problem is a bit more complex than that, but the issue is that one generic function (indirection() in this example) is not able to invoke the other (dimensions() here) because (apparently) Go compiler is not able to resolve the type parameter constraints (the information is there in compile time...).
As mentioned in the comments go has some restrictions in its generics perspective. You can achieve what you require with a workaround.
First, you need to change the interface you define. (Make it generic too)
type Number interface {
int | float32
type MultiDimensionSlice[T Number] interface {
Number | []T | [][]T
Then we need to change dimension methods type arguments. It would be much cleaner if go would let us define dimensions method like this
func dimensions[S Number](s MultiDimensionSlice[S]) int {
But all we can do is :
func dimensions[S Number, K MultiDimensionSlice[S]](s K) int {
dims := 0
t := reflect.TypeOf(s)
for t.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
dims += 1
t = t.Elem()
return dims
And then we need to change how we call dimensions method. We need to provide an extra type argument in order to go can infer type argument S
func indirection[T Number](v T) int {
var slice2D [][]T
return dimensions[T](slice2D)
func main() {
x := [][]float32{{1}, {2}, {3}}
fmt.Printf("x=%v, dims=%d\n", x, dimensions[float32](x))
fmt.Printf("indirection should return 2, got %d\n", indirection(0))

go 1.18 generic compile error when use maps.Copy on map with struct key

I implemented a Set based on generic, and everything ok until i use struct as Set element instead of base type. I got an compliation error.
go version: go version go1.18 windows/amd64
Below code is failed to complie in function AddSet.
package main
import (
type Key struct {
A, B int
func main() {
s := SetOf(
Key{1, 1},
Key{2, 2},
Key{3, 3},
Key{3, 3},
Key{4, 4},
Key{5, 5},
type Set[T comparable] map[T]struct{}
func SetOf[T comparable](vs ...T) Set[T] {
s := Set[T]{}
for _, v := range vs {
s[v] = struct{}{}
return s
func (s Set[T]) AddSet(another Set[T]) {
maps.Copy(s, another)
when run it:
> go run .\main.go
# command-line-arguments
.\main.go:19:10: cannot use &.autotmp_29 (type *struct { A int; B int }) as type *Key in argument to runtime.mapassign
<autogenerated>:1: cannot use &.autotmp_12 (type *struct { A int; B int }) as type *Key in argument to runtime.mapassign
if Key only has 1 field, it can be compiled successful.
if i use for v := range another { s[v]=struct{}{} }, it can be compiled successful.
i think it's strange, can someone explain please?
It looks like this compiler error. It is fixed in Go 1.19 and backported to Go 1.18.2.
If you are on an older version, I'd recommend simply forgoing the maps package and doing things by hand, as you already tried. It's just a simple loop:
func (s Set[T]) AddSet(another Set[T]) {
for k := range another {
s[k] = struct{}{}
#icza's comment of explicitly converting the named map type to its underlying type also works:
maps.Copy(map[T]struct{}(s), another)
In case you use functions that expect more than one map type parameter (with the same constraints), as maps.Equal or maps.EqualFunc, you have to convert both arguments:
func (s Set[T]) Compare(another Set[T]) bool {
// signature is Equal[M1, M2 ~map[K]V, K, V comparable](m1 M1, m2 M2) bool
return maps.Equal(map[T]struct{}(s), map[T]struct{}(another))
It seems the crash was reproduced also with parametrized map types instantiated with arrays with len >= 2.

struct type as map key [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
golang how can I use struct name as map key
(1 answer)
Closed 9 months ago.
We have a following function:
func (h *Handler) Handle(message interface{}) error {
//here there is a switch for different messages
switch m := message.(type) {
This signature is given and can't be changed. There are around 20 different message types the handler processes.
Now, there are some of these messages (around 4) which need special post-processing. In a different package.
Thus, I am thinking to do this like this:
func (h *Handler) Handle(message interface{}) error {
//here there is a switch for different messages
switch m := message.(type) {
//only post-process if original message processing succeeds
Now, in the Process function, I want to quickly lookup if the message type is indeed of the ones we need postprocessing for. I don't want to do a switch again here. There are many handlers, in different packages, with varying amount of message types, and it should be generic.
So I was thinking of registering the message type in the postprocessor and then just do a lookup:
func (p *Postprocessor) Register(msgtype interface{}) {
registeredTypes[msgtype] = msgtype
and then
func (p *Postprocessor) Process(msgtype interface{}) error {
if ok := registeredTypes[msgtype]; !ok {
return errors.New("Unsupported message type")
prop := GetProp(registeredTypes[msgtype])
This will all not work now because I can only "register" instances of the message, not the message type itself, as far as I know. Thus the map would only match a specific instance of a message, not its type, which is what I need.
So I guess this needs redesign. I can completely ditch the registering and the map lookup, but
I can't change the Handle function to a specific type (signature will need to remain message interface{}
I would like to avoid to have to use reflect, just because I will have a hard time defending such a solution with some colleagues.
As there is no possibility to set a type as the map key, I finally decided to implement the following solution, which is based on #Chrono Kitsune 's solution:
type Postprocess interface {
NeedsPostprocess() bool
type MsgWithPostProcess struct {}
func (p *MsgWithPostProcess) NeedsPostprocess() bool {
return true
type Msg1 struct {
//other stuff
type Msg2 struct {
//other stuff
type Msg3 struct {
//no postprocessing needed
func (p *Postprocessor) Process(msgtype interface{}) error {
if _, ok := msgtype.(Postprocess); ok {
//do postprocessing
As of my simple test I did, only Msg1 and Msg2 will be postprocessed, but not Msg3, which is what I wanted.
This question was the first hit I found on Google but the title is somewhat misleading. So I'll leave this here to add some food for thought with the title of the question in mind.
First, the issue with maps is that its key must be a comparable value. This is why for example a slice cannot be used is a map key. A slice is not comparable and is therefore not allowed. You can use an array (fixed sized slice) but not a slice for the same reason.
Second, you have in the reflect.TypeOf(...).String()a way to get a canonical string representation for types. Though it is not unambiguous unless you include the package path, as you can see here.
package main
import (
s2 "go/scanner"
s1 "text/scanner"
type X struct{}
func main() {
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(s1.Scanner{}).PkgPath(), reflect.TypeOf(s1.Scanner{}).String())
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(s2.Scanner{}).PkgPath(), reflect.TypeOf(s2.Scanner{}).String())
text/scanner scanner.Scanner
go/scanner scanner.Scanner
With this information, you can (if you feel so inclined) create a map which let's go from a reflect.Type to a key and back again, like this.
package main
import (
s2 "go/scanner"
s1 "text/scanner"
type TypeMap struct {
m []reflect.Type
func (m *TypeMap) Get(t reflect.Type) int {
for i, x := range m.m {
if x == t {
return i
m.m = append(m.m, t)
return len(m.m) - 1
func (m *TypeMap) Reverse(t int) reflect.Type {
return m.m[t]
type X struct{}
func main() {
var m TypeMap
fmt.Println(m.Reverse(3).PkgPath(), m.Reverse(3))
fmt.Println(m.Reverse(4).PkgPath(), m.Reverse(4))
text/scanner scanner.Scanner
go/scanner scanner.Scanner
In the above case I'm assuming that N is small. Also note the use of the identity of reflect.TypeOf, it will return the same pointer for the same type on subsequent calls.
If N is not small, you may want to do something a bit more complex.
package main
import (
s2 "go/scanner"
s1 "text/scanner"
type PkgPathNum struct {
PkgPath string
Num int
type TypeMap struct {
m map[string][]PkgPathNum
r []reflect.Type
func (m *TypeMap) Get(t reflect.Type) int {
k := t.String()
xs := m.m[k]
pkgPath := t.PkgPath()
for _, x := range xs {
if x.PkgPath == pkgPath {
return x.Num
n := len(m.r)
m.r = append(m.r, t)
xs = append(xs, PkgPathNum{pkgPath, n})
if m.m == nil {
m.m = make(map[string][]PkgPathNum)
m.m[k] = xs
return n
func (m *TypeMap) Reverse(t int) reflect.Type {
return m.r[t]
type X struct{}
func main() {
var m TypeMap
fmt.Println(m.Reverse(3).PkgPath(), m.Reverse(3))
fmt.Println(m.Reverse(4).PkgPath(), m.Reverse(4))
text/scanner scanner.Scanner
go/scanner scanner.Scanner
Note the subtitles of pointer to type, that, X and *X actually are different types.

How to write a pop() function

a := []int{1,2,3}
x, a := a[len(a)-1], a[:len(a)-1]
How to create a pop() function that will do the same for any type of an array?
Here is what I came up with so far:
func pop(a []*interface{}) interface{}{
x := a[len(a)-1]
a = a[:len(a)-1]
return x
func main(){
a := []int{1,2,3}
x = pop(a)
fmt.Println(a,x) // -> [1,2] 3
But I get cannot use a (type []int) as type []interface {}or other error messages if I try to tweak the code by trial and error.
package main
import (
func pop(a interface{}) interface{} {
v := reflect.ValueOf(a).Elem()
x := v.Index(v.Len() - 1)
v.SetLen(v.Len() - 1)
return x
func main() {
a := []int{1, 2, 3}
x := pop(&a)
fmt.Println(a, x) // -> [1,2] 3
Though this can be implemented, I still think that x, a = a[len(a)-1], a[:len(a)-1] should be better than a pop function.
The go type system doesn't allow you to cast from []type1 -> []type2. Even if it did interfaces are a struct containing a type id and pointer to the object, where normally you would just have the object. Because of this you need to take a interface{} and use reflect to do the slicing.
func pop(slice interface{}) (interface{}, interface{}) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
return v.Slice(0,v.Len()-1).Interface(), v.Index(v.Len()-1).Interface()
Go Playground
Note that this loses compile time type safety, because it must use an interface. Additionally, due to using interfaces the poped value may be allocated, creating extra GC pressure.
Common Go style typically recommends not writing a function like this, and just inlining the small amount of code manually.
After all that really good anwers using reflection I also want to add one answer which offers a more idiomatic Go solution. Like Rob Pike said in his great talk about Go Proverbs
interface{} says nothing
Reflection is never clear
So there should be also one answer showing the idiomatic Go way. This solution does not work for slices of standard types. But there the answer of cshu shows the best solution: x, a = a[len(a)-1], a[:len(a)-1]
For own defined types we have to define a Poper interface and the Pop function takes that as input and returns an empty interface.
type Poper interface {
Pop() interface{}
type MyType struct {
a []int
func (mt *MyType) Pop() interface{} {
x := mt.a[len(mt.a)-1]
mt.a = mt.a[:len(mt.a)-1]
return x
func Pop(p Poper) interface{} {
return p.Pop()
func main() {
a := &MyType{[]int{1, 2, 3}}
fmt.Println(Pop(a), a)
At all it is not a good idea to return an empty interface, because all following code has to support the interface{}.
The following code example does not work:
func main() {
a := &MyType{[]int{1, 2, 3}}
fmt.Println(Pop(a), a)
var b int
b = Pop(a)
The error says everything about that problem: cannot use Pop(a) (type interface {}) as type int in assignment: need type assertion
So the Pop() function does work by returning interface{} but the rest of the code using the result of that function needs to make a type assertion. So if you can avoid it you should search for another solution using types.
