Get first file from a directory [closed] - bash

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Closed 5 days ago.
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I'm trying to get the full file path of a configuration file from a nested directory and only need the first result.
| └──configuration.ini
| └──configuration.ini
What I want is to set only 1 file path to a variable.
$ echo ${DIRECTORY};
$ /directory1/directory2/configuration.ini


File name too long bash [closed]

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Closed 6 months ago.
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i want to copy some files from ../soft to ../copu_new. The name of that tests are in ../sim/soft.txt.
I had en error : cp:cannot stat '../soft/file1.txt\file2.txt\file3.txt': File too long
Follow the code below:
while read line
##to skip the first line of the file
a=$(tail -n +1)
##From string to table
for i in $a
for i in "${tabke_soft[#]}"
cp ../soft/$i ../copy_new
done < $input
The file Soft.txt is :
###This all tests:
It's most likely the classic bash issue where trying to run an array through a for loop gives you all the content unless you wrap it in double quotes first. Try this..
a="$(tail -n +1)"

How to remove leading / at each line a text file with sed Linux command [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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This is my text file and I want to remove every first line:
How can I remove all first "/" from my text file?
I want the result text file to be like:
if it's any help, I'm using sed command.
sed can be instructed to replace the first / of each line with nothing:
sed 's_^/__' 'my text file name'

Replacing dynamically changing regular expressions using sed [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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,"some values1","some values2",Not Processed,0,
Is there any way I could replace the above pattern, irrespective of whatever values come in some values1 or some values2 with the lines below,
,,,Not Processed,0,
This string is just a part of a large file I have.
This solves the problem I believe:
test_data() {
cat <<EOF
,"val1,val2...","val1,val2,val3..",Not Processed,0,
,"val1,val2..","",Not Processed,0,
,"","val1,val2,val3....",Not Processed,0,
test_data | sed -e 's/\(.*\),"[^"]*","[^"]*",\(Not Processed,0,\)\(.*\)/\1,,,\2\3/g'
▶ bash
,,,Not Processed,0,
,,,Not Processed,0,
,,,Not Processed,0,

Substitution in %x command in Ruby [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am writing a Ruby script to unzip a file where each pass through the %x{unzip } will have a different file name.
I have been successful getting
%x{unzip FILENAME.ZIP} to unzip the contents of FILENAME.ZIP
However, I want to be able to pass in the name of the file to unzip.
I've tried variations of
filename = "CONSTANT+variable+"NEXT_CONSTANT.ZIP"
and I have been unable to get the %x to let me construct a filename that I want to unzip.
You can do it the same way you'd do it in a double-quoted string: #{filename}.
filename = ""
%x{unzip #{filename}}

Adding header to tsv file through terminal [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have many tsv files that are headerless, and would like to add the same header to each of them. How can I do this through the terminal or bash?
sed -i '1i \here comes header' files
files could be glob exp, like *.txt
Assume you have header in "head", tsv files as "body", how about cat head body | tee body
