Supplier Functional Interface - java-8

As we know Consumer<T> functional interface is used in forEach() so similarly does Java has a use case for Supplier other than the custom ones?

java.util.Optional.orElseGet(Supplier<T> supplier) can be used to provide a default value for an Optional if it is empty.<T> s) can be used to generate a stream of values.


What is Extend-protocol in a Jepsen context?

I'm new to clojure and I am trying to figure out what Jepsen does, a software used to check consistency of distributed system.
My questions are:
What does extend-protocol do?
To be more specific, In Jepsen.Generator, what is op in the Protocol.
What does mix mean in the context
Kind Regards
What does extend-protocol do?
A protocol is an abstract thing that looks like an interface in Java. It does nothing, but some other entities may implement it. In Java, you declare a class that implements an interface. In Clojure, you extend a
particular protocol with a custom type declared either with deftype or defrecord calling extend-protocol on it.
When extending a protocol with a type, you need to specify implementation for signatures mentioned in that protocol.
A good example might be JSON serialization. Say, the protocol would look like as follows:
(defprotocol JSON
(to-json [obj]))
If you call (to-json ...) on any value, you'll have an error saying that there is no to-json implementation for that type. You need to extend it:
(extend-protocol JSON
(to-json [obj] (str obj))
(to-json [obj]
(if obj "true" "false")))
Now that, calling (to-json 42) and (to-json false) will work. You may extend that protocol for the rest of types: floats, array, maps and so on.
what is op in the Protocol
Protocols do not have implementations, only signatures. os is a signature of some function that just takes three arguments: [gen test process]. It's up to what should it return. As an example, you may refer the line #46 where its behavior is implemented for the clojure.lang.AFunction type. Since I'm not familiar with jepsen, I cannot say more on that.
What does mix mean in the context
I think its docstring is pretty clear as well as the code is. I takes a collection of gens. If it's empty, the result would be a special Generator instance named void. It's an anonymous type that extends Generator protocol returning just nil when calling op without any computations.
It the gens are not empty, the code returns an instance of Generator type with such op implementation that takes a random gen when executing op.
Hope that will help.

How to find types which implement an interface in go

I need an io.Writer for a function. I don't know how to get one from a file...
I know interface are implicit so it complicated the search...
Look at the os.File documentation: it has a func (*File) Write method, which means it is a Writer.
You can use the command guru to list all types implementing an interface.
Notably, the implements query:
The implements query shows interfaces that are implemented by the selected type and, if the selected type is itself an interface, the set of concrete types that implement it.
An implements query on a value reports the same information about the expression’s type.
An implements query on a method shows the set of abstract or concrete methods that are related to it

Why does Map<K,V> not extends Function<K,V>?

While playing around with the new Java 8 Stream API I got to wondering, why not:
public interface Map<K,V> extends Function<K, V>
Or even:
public interface Map<K,V> extends Function<K, V>, Predicate<K>
It would be fairly easy to implement with default methods on the Map interface:
#Override default boolean test(K k) {
return containsKey(k);
#Override default V apply(K k) {
return get(k);
And it would allow for the use of a Map in a map method:
final MyMagicMap<String, Integer> map = new MyMagicHashMap<>();
map.put("A", 1);
map.put("B", 2);
map.put("C", 3);
map.put("D", 4);
final Stream<String> strings = String[]{"A", "B", "C", "D"});
final Stream<Integer> remapped =;
Or as a Predicate in a filter method.
I find that a significant proportion of my use cases for a Map are exactly that construct or a similar one - as a remapping/lookup Function.
So, why did the JDK designers not decide to add this functionality to the Map during the redesign for Java 8?
The JDK team was certainly aware of the mathematical relationship between java.util.Map as a data structure and java.util.function.Function as a mapping function. After all, Function was named Mapper in early JDK 8 prototype builds. And the stream operation that calls a function on each stream element is called
There was even a discussion about possibly renaming to something else like transform because of possible confusion between a transforming function and a Map data structure. (Sorry, can't find a link.) This proposal was rejected, with the rationale being the conceptual similarity (and that map for this purpose is in common usage).
The main question is, what would be gained if java.util.Map were a subtype of java.util.function.Function? There was some discussion in comments about whether subtyping implies an "is-a" relationship. Subtyping is less about "is-a" relationships of objects -- since we're talking about interfaces, not classes -- but it does imply substitutability. So if Map were a subtype of Function, one would be able to do this:
Map<K,V> m = ... ;;
Right away we're confronted with baking in the behavior of what is now Function.apply to one of the existing Map methods. Probably the only sensible one is Map.get, which returns null if the key isn't present. These semantics are, frankly, kind of lousy. Real applications are probably going to have to write their own methods that supply key-missing policy anyway, so there seems to be very little advantage of being able to write
instead of
map(x -> m.getOrDefault(x, def))
The question is “why should it extend Function?”
Your example of using doesn’t really justify the idea of changing the type inheritance (implying adding methods to the Map interface), given the little difference to And it’s not clear whether using a Map as a Function is really that common that it should get that special treatment compared to, e.g. using map::remove as a Function or using map::get of a Map<…,Integer> as ToIntFunction or map::get of a Map<T,T> as BinaryOperator.
That’s even more questionable in the case of a Predicate; should map::containsKey really get a special treatment compared to map::containsValue?
It’s also worth noting the type signature of the methods. Map.get has a functional signature of Object → V while you suggests that Map<K,V> should extend Function<K,V> which is understandable from a conceptional view of maps (or just by looking at the type), but it shows that there are two conflicting expectations, depending on whether you look at the method or at the type. The best solution is not to fix the functional type. Then you can assign map::get to either Function<Object,V> or Function<K,V> and everyone is happy…
Because a Map is not a Function. Inheritance is for A is a B relationships. Not for A can be the subject of various kinds of B relationships.
To have a function transforming a key to its value, you just need
Function<K, V> f = map::get;
To have a predicate testing if an object is contained in a map, you just need
Predicate<Object> p = map::contains;
That is both clearer and more readable than your proposal.

Best way to validate and extend constructor parameters in Scala 2.10

I want to have a class that has a number of fields such as String, Boolean, etc and when the class is constructed I want to have a fieldname associated with each field and verify the field (using regex for strings). Ideally I would just like specify in the constructor that the parameter needs to meet certain criteria.
Some sample code of how :
case class Data(val name: String ..., val fileName: String ...) {
// Access fieldName associated with the name parameter.
println(name.fieldName) // "Name"
println(fileName.fieldName) // "File Name"
val x = Data("testName", "testFile")
// Treat name as if it was just a string field in Data // Is of type string, does not expose fieldName, etc
Is there an elegant way to achieve this?
I don't think I have been able to get across clearly what I am after.
I have a class with a number of string parameters. Each of those parameters needs to validated in a specific way and I also want to have a string fieldName associated with each parameter. However, I want to still be able to treat the parameter as if it was just a normal string (see the example).
I could code the logic into Data and as an apply method of the Data companion object for each parameter, but I was hoping to have something more generic.
Putting logic (such as parameter validation) in constructors is dubious. Throwing exceptions from constructors is doubly so.
Usually this kind of creational pattern is best served with one or more factory methods or a builder of some sort.
For a basic factory, just define a companion with the factory methods you want. If you want the same short-hand construction notation (new-free) you can overload the predefined apply (though you may not replace the one whose signature matches the case class constructor exactly).
If you want to spare your client code the messiness of dealing with exceptions when validation fails, you can return Option[Data] or Either[ErrorIndication, Data] instead. Or you can go with ScalaZ's Validation, which I'm going to arbitrarily declare to be beyond the scope of this answer ('cause I'm not sufficiently familiar with it...)
However, you cannot have instances that differ in what properties they present. Not even subclasses can subtract from the public API. If you need to be able to do that, you'll need a more elaborate construct such as a trait for the common parts and separate case classes for the variants and / or extensions.

LINQ GroupBy Anonymous Type

I am wondering why GroupBy works with anonymous types.
List<string> values = new List<string>();
values.GroupBy(s => new { Length = s.Length, Value = s })
Anonymous types do not implement any interfaces, so I am confused how this is working.
I assume that the algorithm is working by creating an instance of the anonymous type for each item in the source and using hashing to group the items together. However, no IEqualityComparer is provided to define how to generate a hash or whether two instances are equal. I would assume, then, that the Object.Equals and Object.GetHashCode methods would be the fallback, which rely on object identity.
So, how is it that this is working as expected? And yet it doesn't work in an OrderBy. Do anonymous types override Equals and GetHashCode? or does the underlying GroupBy algorithm do some magic I haven't thought of?
As per the documentation, an anonymous type is a reference type:
From the perspective of the common language runtime, an anonymous type is no different from any other reference type.
Therefore, it will be using the default implementation for those functions as implemented by System.Object (which at least for equality is based on referential equality).
EDIT: Actually, as per that same first doco link it says:
Because the Equals and GetHashCode methods on anonymous types are defined in terms of the Equals and GetHashcode methods of the properties, two instances of the same anonymous type are equal only if all their properties are equal.
This link explains that GetHashCode and Equals are overridden.
It doesn't work on OrderBy because the new object does not implement IComparable.
