Cmd to run a scenario outline which have parameters <name> - gradle

I would like to run below scenario outline of gradle-cucumber project from cmd prompt.
Scenario Outline: Validate details for Testcase Id "<Id>"
Then User validates testcase detail of project for "<Id>"
| Id |
| GB |
| QW |
Tried this cmd :-
gradlew.bat clean test -Dcucumber.options="--name 'Validate details for Testcase Id "<Id>"'"
Error:- The system cannot find the file specified.


How to address SpecFlow Scenario Outlines with too many parameters?

We are using SpecFlow for functional tests that suppose to replace manual testing when a human reads generated email and validates that all sections match specification. The problem is that Scenario Outlines become to grow to have too many parameters
Scenario Outline: generate and send confirmation email
Given I have stored itinerary in '<EmbeddedItinerary>'
When Generate confirmation email
Then section1 should have parameters '<Param1_1>', '<Param1_2>', '<Param1_3>',...
Then section2 should have parameters '<Param2_1>', '<Param2_2>', '<Param2_3>',..
Then section3 should have parameters '<Param3_1>', '<Param3_2>', '<Param3_3>',...
| EmbeddedItinerary | Param1_1| Param1_2| Param1_3| Param2_1| Param2_2| Param2_3| Param3_1| Param3_2| Param3_3|...
| Itinerary_1 | Value1_1 | Value1_2 | Value1_3 | Value2_1 | Value2_2 | Value2_3 |Value3_1 | Value3_2 | Value3_3 |...
| Itinerary_1 | Value1_1 | Value1_2 | Value1_3 | Value2_1 | Value2_2 | Value2_3 |Value3_1 | Value3_2 | Value3_3 |...
But the number of columns in Examples would become unmanageable. I wish to have multi-line examples ( but with different reason then in Multiple Multi-Line Examples in SpecFlow Feature File).
The option that I see is to store all ExpectedResults in embedded xml or json resource file, and have SpecFlow features quite small e.g.
Scenario Outline: generate and send confirmation email with correct email address for flight section
Given I have stored embedded resource '<EmbeddedItinerary>'
When Generate confirmation email
Then sections should be as specified in '<ExpectedResultsFile>'
| EmbeddedItinerary | ExpectedResultsFile
| Itinerary_1 | ExpectedResults1 |
| Itinerary_2 | ExpectedResults2 |
Is it a good idea?
Can anyone suggest better way ( more SpecFlow style)?
My concern is that moving expected data to separate files I am loosing visibility, that is one of advantages of SpecFlow features.
Update: while writing this question I found commercial product ($AUD 255 per user) Specflow+Excel , which may satisfy my requirement to maintain many columns.
Is it a mature/reliable product? Should I use it instead of own parsing expected results files in proprietary format?
If I have a lot of parameters in a Scenario Outline, I try to work as much as possible with default parameters or split the Scenario Outline in multiple ones.
I think in your case, it should be possible to split the one 'generate and send confirmation email' Scenario Outline in multiple ones that you have a scenario outline for every section.
This would reduce the amount of needed parameters per scenario and you get faster feedback if an error occurs. You immediately see in which section you have an error.
Scenario Outline: generate and send confirmation email - section 1
Given I have stored itinerary in '<EmbeddedItinerary>'
When Generate confirmation email
Then section1 should have parameters '<Param1_1>', '<Param1_2>', '<Param1_3>',...
| EmbeddedItinerary | Param1_1 | Param1_2 | Param1_3 |
| Itinerary_1 | Value1_1 | Value1_2 | Value1_3 |
Scenario Outline: generate and send confirmation email - section 2
Given I have stored itinerary in '<EmbeddedItinerary>'
When Generate confirmation email
Then section2 should have parameters '<Param2_1>', '<Param2_2>', '<Param2_3>',..
| EmbeddedItinerary | Param2_1 | Param2_2 | Param2_3 |
| Itinerary_1 | Value2_1 | Value2_2 | Value2_3 |
Scenario Outline: generate and send confirmation email - section 3
Given I have stored itinerary in '<EmbeddedItinerary>'
When Generate confirmation email
Then section3 should have parameters '<Param3_1>', '<Param3_2>', '<Param3_3>',...
| EmbeddedItirerary | Param3_1 | Param3_2 | Param3_3 |
| Itinerary_1 | Value3_1 | Value3_2 | Value3_3 |
About SpecFlow+Excel: That is also an option. Maintaining examples in Excel is most of the time easier than in the feature- file. It will at least solve your problem in short term, but you have to be also careful to write scenarios that are still understandable and readable.
You can get a trial license for it from here:
Full Disclosure: I am one of the developers of SpecFlow+ (Runner & Excel).

Using Rake to submit a Cucumber test in Jenkins

I seem to be having some issues with Rake and my Cucumber features file.
Here is the command in Jenkins. It specifys the Rake file that I have put directly in the ./features directory so the testjson.feature is right there.
/usr/local/bin/rake --rakefile /home/robm/code/BDD/practise-tests/testtq/features/Rakefile
Rakefile looks like this:
require 'cucumber/rake/task' :features do |t|
t.cucumber_opts = '*.feature'
It's pretty straightforward but in the console output from Jenkins I get:
Feature: Validate DUT JSON
JSON should be evaluated for all routes in API
All API routes should return valid JSON
If JSON is invalid for one or more route in API it has DUT failed
Scenario Outline: Validate JSON # testJson.feature:6
Given there is a DUT with "<input>" and "<un>" and "<pw>" # testJson.feature:7
When the JsonTest code is run # testJson.feature:8
Then the output should be "<output>" # testJson.feature:9
| input | un | pw | output |
| | username | password | CHECK |
| | username | password | CHECK |
2 scenarios (2 undefined)
6 steps (6 undefined)
which tells me it's not finding the feature file, right?
When I go to the directory above the feature file and run Cucumber the test works!
So, obviously I have an error with my Rake file. Any ideas?
I put this in as my Rake working directory
then specified the feature file
that got it to work not sure why the other didn't work.

Using custom files in Ruby/scripts to create working wc3 map

I am totally green in those kind of things, I tried reading some tutorials and still couldn't do it on my own.
Here lies the problem: I have 2 files (bulid, compile) which are somehow supposed to take other files and create a working warcraft3 map.
There's an instruction I followed:
To build:_
$ ./scripts/compile # most basic way of calling compile
$ ./scripts/build # most basic way of building a map
Script which takes an unportected map and applies any build settings passed via argv
upon on it then turns it into a working warcraft3 map file.
Options | Default | Description
env | beta | map environment: each environment has default build settings
debug_script | false | debug this build script
do_jasshelper | true | turns vJass & ZINC into JASS
do_compile | true | turns ../src into out.j. When false, looks for {map_script_path}
do_optimizer | false | uses Vexorian's map optimizer to protect and make the map run faser
do_widgetizer | false | uses PitzerMike's map widgetizer to make map load faster
debug | false | whether the --debug flag should be passed to jasshelper
launchwc3 | false | whether the script should launch wc3 with the map loaded on exit
map_unpro_path | base-maps/{highest}.w3x | the base map file to inject script into
map_script_path | ../out.j | map script path to load into map
map_output_path | ITT_{commit}_{time}.w3x | path where to put the compiled map
setting up
This application requires Ruby
$ git clone
$ cd island-troll-tribes
$ scripts/build
It might be a easy thing to do, but I am really bad at this kind of stuff, if someone could explain what to do step by step I would greatly appreciate it

Cucumber <reference> in Background?

Here is a tricky one regarding Cucumber:
Feature: Some feature
Given I am on the root page
Scenario Outline: Relevant flash messages should appear
When I fill in some_field with: <name>
Then I should see the text: <relevant_flash>
| name | relevant_flash |
| Some name | Some message |
Scenario Outline: Irrelevant flash messages should not appear
When I fill in some_field with: <name>
Then I should not see the text: <irrelevant_flash>
| name | irrelevant_flash |
| Some name | Some message |
I hate having to repeat:
When I fill in some_field with: <name>
But for obvious reasons it can not just be moved into background. Or can it? Let me know if you have a workaround...
Well, I can simplify your cucumber with something like this:
Feature: Some feature
Scenario Outline: Relevant flash messages should appear
Given I am on the root page
When I fill in some_field with: <name>
Then I should see <message>
| name | message |
| Some name | Relevant message |
| Some other name | Irrelevant message |
| Some another name | another flash message |
You notice that I take out the Background: since we got it cover on Scenario Outline:
I think this steps will run and simple with out too much repeatation
Your Scenario outline could be better organized to avoid duplicate, by combining both successful and failed messages together.
Feature: Some feature
Given I am on the root page
Scenario Outline: Relevant flash messages should appear
When I fill in some_field with: <name>
Then I should see <relevant_message>
| name | relevant_flash |
| Some name | Some message |
| Some irrelevant name | Irrelevant message |
| Name for blank msg | |

Question about Cucumber/Pickle

I'm trying to get a little more familiarity with Rails / ActiveRecord. In trying to do so I am attempting to use Cucumber to help with some "discovery" tests.
I have the following
Feature: Describing a task
In order to work with tasks
As a user
I want to be able to know what makes up a task and to improve my understanding of ActiveRecord
Scenario: A task has certain core fields
Given the following tasks exist
| id | name |
| 1 | some task |
And the following estimates exist
| task_id | hours | explanation |
| 1 | 8 | initial estimate |
| 1 | 6 | better undertsanding of task |
| 1 | 16 | no control over inputs to create task |
| 2 | 22 | for other task |
Then a task: "task" should exist with name: "some task" #this works
Then the estimate "estimate" should exist with explanation: "initial estimate" #this works
Then the estimate "estimate" should be one of task: "task"'s estimates #this works
Then the task "task" should have 3 estimates #this one fails
I have no custom steps - trying to use use what comes out of the box with cucumber and pickle (just to limit my confusion).
The models are
class Estimate < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :Task, :class_name => "Task", :foreign_key => "Task_id"
class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :estimates
Can anyone point me in the right direction (or if I need to post more code)?
Your estimate class can look like this:
class Estimate ...
belongs_to :task
It will infer the table name and the fk and assuming you've been following the rails database idioms it should all just work.
As for your cuke steps, I've never used pickle, so I'm not sure what's going on with that, but if the step that's failing is:
Then the task "task" should have 3 estimates #this one fails
It might be to related to the change I've outlined above (maybe it's doing something weird with the table name??).
