Cucumber <reference> in Background? - ruby

Here is a tricky one regarding Cucumber:
Feature: Some feature
Given I am on the root page
Scenario Outline: Relevant flash messages should appear
When I fill in some_field with: <name>
Then I should see the text: <relevant_flash>
| name | relevant_flash |
| Some name | Some message |
Scenario Outline: Irrelevant flash messages should not appear
When I fill in some_field with: <name>
Then I should not see the text: <irrelevant_flash>
| name | irrelevant_flash |
| Some name | Some message |
I hate having to repeat:
When I fill in some_field with: <name>
But for obvious reasons it can not just be moved into background. Or can it? Let me know if you have a workaround...

Well, I can simplify your cucumber with something like this:
Feature: Some feature
Scenario Outline: Relevant flash messages should appear
Given I am on the root page
When I fill in some_field with: <name>
Then I should see <message>
| name | message |
| Some name | Relevant message |
| Some other name | Irrelevant message |
| Some another name | another flash message |
You notice that I take out the Background: since we got it cover on Scenario Outline:
I think this steps will run and simple with out too much repeatation

Your Scenario outline could be better organized to avoid duplicate, by combining both successful and failed messages together.
Feature: Some feature
Given I am on the root page
Scenario Outline: Relevant flash messages should appear
When I fill in some_field with: <name>
Then I should see <relevant_message>
| name | relevant_flash |
| Some name | Some message |
| Some irrelevant name | Irrelevant message |
| Name for blank msg | |


Cmd to run a scenario outline which have parameters <name>

I would like to run below scenario outline of gradle-cucumber project from cmd prompt.
Scenario Outline: Validate details for Testcase Id "<Id>"
Then User validates testcase detail of project for "<Id>"
| Id |
| GB |
| QW |
Tried this cmd :-
gradlew.bat clean test -Dcucumber.options="--name 'Validate details for Testcase Id "<Id>"'"
Error:- The system cannot find the file specified.

How to address SpecFlow Scenario Outlines with too many parameters?

We are using SpecFlow for functional tests that suppose to replace manual testing when a human reads generated email and validates that all sections match specification. The problem is that Scenario Outlines become to grow to have too many parameters
Scenario Outline: generate and send confirmation email
Given I have stored itinerary in '<EmbeddedItinerary>'
When Generate confirmation email
Then section1 should have parameters '<Param1_1>', '<Param1_2>', '<Param1_3>',...
Then section2 should have parameters '<Param2_1>', '<Param2_2>', '<Param2_3>',..
Then section3 should have parameters '<Param3_1>', '<Param3_2>', '<Param3_3>',...
| EmbeddedItinerary | Param1_1| Param1_2| Param1_3| Param2_1| Param2_2| Param2_3| Param3_1| Param3_2| Param3_3|...
| Itinerary_1 | Value1_1 | Value1_2 | Value1_3 | Value2_1 | Value2_2 | Value2_3 |Value3_1 | Value3_2 | Value3_3 |...
| Itinerary_1 | Value1_1 | Value1_2 | Value1_3 | Value2_1 | Value2_2 | Value2_3 |Value3_1 | Value3_2 | Value3_3 |...
But the number of columns in Examples would become unmanageable. I wish to have multi-line examples ( but with different reason then in Multiple Multi-Line Examples in SpecFlow Feature File).
The option that I see is to store all ExpectedResults in embedded xml or json resource file, and have SpecFlow features quite small e.g.
Scenario Outline: generate and send confirmation email with correct email address for flight section
Given I have stored embedded resource '<EmbeddedItinerary>'
When Generate confirmation email
Then sections should be as specified in '<ExpectedResultsFile>'
| EmbeddedItinerary | ExpectedResultsFile
| Itinerary_1 | ExpectedResults1 |
| Itinerary_2 | ExpectedResults2 |
Is it a good idea?
Can anyone suggest better way ( more SpecFlow style)?
My concern is that moving expected data to separate files I am loosing visibility, that is one of advantages of SpecFlow features.
Update: while writing this question I found commercial product ($AUD 255 per user) Specflow+Excel , which may satisfy my requirement to maintain many columns.
Is it a mature/reliable product? Should I use it instead of own parsing expected results files in proprietary format?
If I have a lot of parameters in a Scenario Outline, I try to work as much as possible with default parameters or split the Scenario Outline in multiple ones.
I think in your case, it should be possible to split the one 'generate and send confirmation email' Scenario Outline in multiple ones that you have a scenario outline for every section.
This would reduce the amount of needed parameters per scenario and you get faster feedback if an error occurs. You immediately see in which section you have an error.
Scenario Outline: generate and send confirmation email - section 1
Given I have stored itinerary in '<EmbeddedItinerary>'
When Generate confirmation email
Then section1 should have parameters '<Param1_1>', '<Param1_2>', '<Param1_3>',...
| EmbeddedItinerary | Param1_1 | Param1_2 | Param1_3 |
| Itinerary_1 | Value1_1 | Value1_2 | Value1_3 |
Scenario Outline: generate and send confirmation email - section 2
Given I have stored itinerary in '<EmbeddedItinerary>'
When Generate confirmation email
Then section2 should have parameters '<Param2_1>', '<Param2_2>', '<Param2_3>',..
| EmbeddedItinerary | Param2_1 | Param2_2 | Param2_3 |
| Itinerary_1 | Value2_1 | Value2_2 | Value2_3 |
Scenario Outline: generate and send confirmation email - section 3
Given I have stored itinerary in '<EmbeddedItinerary>'
When Generate confirmation email
Then section3 should have parameters '<Param3_1>', '<Param3_2>', '<Param3_3>',...
| EmbeddedItirerary | Param3_1 | Param3_2 | Param3_3 |
| Itinerary_1 | Value3_1 | Value3_2 | Value3_3 |
About SpecFlow+Excel: That is also an option. Maintaining examples in Excel is most of the time easier than in the feature- file. It will at least solve your problem in short term, but you have to be also careful to write scenarios that are still understandable and readable.
You can get a trial license for it from here:
Full Disclosure: I am one of the developers of SpecFlow+ (Runner & Excel).

djangocms text_ckeditor wordcount plugin

I am working in a djangocms project that uses the djangocms_text_ckeditor
I would like to integrate a wordcount plugin similar to this
Have someone of you did this before successfully? It would be great if I could get the plugin via pip or so, not downloading and including it in the project. And also, how would the CKEDITOR_SETTINGS look like?
I couldn't find any workaround, just a similar post but that does not use this djangocms text editor for that purpose.
Thanks in advance!
The extension is a javascript plugin for the ckeditor (as opposed to a djangocms plugin).
To load a javascript plugin two steps are needed:
Make the js plugin resources available to ckeditor. This is done through static folder in your project wich includes all js, css etc. files. In the static folder create the folders djangocms_text_ckeditor/ckeditor/plugins. Copy the js plugin into this folder. In your case thats the whole folder wordcount. The directory tree should look like
| |
| +---ckeditor
| | |
| | +---plugins
| | | |
| | | +---wordcount
| | | | |
| | | | +---css
| | | | +---lang
| | | | +---plugin.js
Let the djangocms plugin ckeditor know about the js plugin. To this end, look for the setting CKEDITOR_SETTINGS in your project's file. If it is not there create it. It's a dictionary that is used, e.g., to configure the toolbars. In this dictionary have a key extraPlugins with a string value that consists of comma separated names of plugins to load, e.g.,
'extraPlugins': 'cmsplugins,wordcount,glyphicons,...',
Hope that works for you.

cucumber using multiple example tables dynamically

Is it possible to use different tables based on previous steps?
So suppose I have something like
When I choose from a <list> of things
And I run a <test> from that thing chosen with special <parameter>
| a |
| b |
| a |
| test | parameter |
| mytest1 | myparameter1 |
| mytest2 | myparameter2 |
| b |
| test | parameter|
| mytest1 | myparameter3 |
| mytest2 | myparameter4 |
Is this possible and what would be the correct structure?
No its not, and it is a very bad idea. Generally when you want to do programming in your scenarios, you should do it by
Giving it a name
Pushing the programming down into the step definitions
In this particular case you seem to want to be doing some sort of exhaustive testing, where you try a single operation under a number of different conditions. Cucumber is not appropriate for this sort of testing. Instead find a way to do these sort of tests at a lower level of abstraction e.g. a unit test.
The main reason for not doing exhaustive testing in Cucumber is the runtime cost. As a rough rule of thumb each integration test (Cucumber) has a run time cost of hundreds of unit tests (maybe thousands of good unit tests).

InDesign - how do I know if an image already placed?

I am working on a book with many images, and I want to ensure that I place each picture only once. Is there a way to tell indesign to to check if image exist before placing it? Or a way to define a preflight profile for it?
Thank you,
You should be able to see a list in the links panel.
It shows the number of times and the page number it appears on.
Name | ! | Pg |
my-image.psd (2) | | |
my-image.psd | | 1 |
my-image.psd | | 4 |
