I seem to be having some issues with Rake and my Cucumber features file.
Here is the command in Jenkins. It specifys the Rake file that I have put directly in the ./features directory so the testjson.feature is right there.
/usr/local/bin/rake --rakefile /home/robm/code/BDD/practise-tests/testtq/features/Rakefile
Rakefile looks like this:
require 'cucumber/rake/task'
Cucumber::Rake::Task.new :features do |t|
t.cucumber_opts = '*.feature'
It's pretty straightforward but in the console output from Jenkins I get:
Feature: Validate DUT JSON
JSON should be evaluated for all routes in API
All API routes should return valid JSON
If JSON is invalid for one or more route in API it has DUT failed
Scenario Outline: Validate JSON # testJson.feature:6
Given there is a DUT with "<input>" and "<un>" and "<pw>" # testJson.feature:7
When the JsonTest code is run # testJson.feature:8
Then the output should be "<output>" # testJson.feature:9
| input | un | pw | output |
| | username | password | CHECK |
| | username | password | CHECK |
2 scenarios (2 undefined)
6 steps (6 undefined)
which tells me it's not finding the feature file, right?
When I go to the directory above the feature file and run Cucumber the test works!
So, obviously I have an error with my Rake file. Any ideas?
I put this in as my Rake working directory
then specified the feature file
that got it to work not sure why the other didn't work.
I would like to run below scenario outline of gradle-cucumber project from cmd prompt.
Scenario Outline: Validate details for Testcase Id "<Id>"
Then User validates testcase detail of project for "<Id>"
| Id |
| GB |
| QW |
Tried this cmd :-
gradlew.bat clean test -Dcucumber.options="--name 'Validate details for Testcase Id "<Id>"'"
Error:- The system cannot find the file specified.
Trying to build Bitcoin raw transaction for Bitcoin Testnet in Golang, but when trying to send getting an error:
mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed (Script evaluated without error but finished with a false/empty top stack element)
Here is raw transaction:
Tried to debug with btcdeb:
./btcdeb --tx=01000000014071216d4d93d0e3a4d88ca4cae97891bc786e50863cd0efb1f15006e2b0b1d6010000008a4730440220658f619cde3c5c5dc58e42f9625ef71e8279f923af6179a90a0474a286a8b9c60220310b4744fa7830e796bf3c3ed9c8fea9acd6aa2ddd3bc54c4cb176f6c20ec1be0141045128ccd27482b3791228c6c438d0635ebb2fd6e78aa2d51ea70e8be32c9e54daf29c5ee7a3752b5896e5ed3693daf19b57e243cf2dcf27dfe5081cfcf534496affffffff012e1300000000000017a914de05d1320add0221111cf163a9764587c5a171ba8700000000 --txin=02000000000101394187cababd1c18dfc9d30d6325167aa654b1d35505ab77cd1b96562fda5d500000000017160014c0a4f9f451ea319f67c6d2535c1e41bd5d333214feffffff02f009aab80000000017a91455f5b5f3afa4751a54205941a45a14b27ad99be787ec8016000000000017a91435ac960b988964007c167c38ea724e034123e6b1870247304402205d6b22bcaf1a58bc41224eecc7437eef0db9b7e7fb709826314a8bd73adb330702204fbbbd49747d75331a89e2f7b486e0b7a786ecef3229b8e3fec0c4be491921c301210233eab1d60449c393c8f22d4b5d98ee103060d9644dc2af665e607a62e2151bbc30091e00
btcdeb 0.4.21 -- type `./btcdeb -h` for start up options
LOG: sign segwit taproot
notice: btcdeb has gotten quieter; use --verbose if necessary (this message is temporary)
input tx index = 0; tx input vout = 1; value = 1474796
got witness stack of size 0
14 op script loaded. type `help` for usage information
script | stack
30440220658f619cde3c5c5dc58e42f9625ef71e8279f923af6179a90a0474a... |
045128ccd27482b3791228c6c438d0635ebb2fd6e78aa2d51ea70e8be32c9e5... |
<<< scriptPubKey >>> |
OP_HASH160 |
35ac960b988964007c167c38ea724e034123e6b1 |
<<< P2SH script >>> |
5128ccd2 |
28c6c438d0635ebb2fd6e78aa2d51ea70e8b |
#0000 30440220658f619cde3c5c5dc58e42f9625ef71e8279f923af6179a90a0474a286a8b9c60220310b4744fa7830e796bf3c3ed9c8fea9acd6aa2ddd3bc54c4cb176f6c20ec1be01
Can anybody give an advice on where to look at?
Judging from the examples in the btcdeb documentation, you should expect to see a valid script message when starting btcdeb, if the script validates correctly.
btcdeb will still allow you to step through the script with the step command, but because the script is invalid in the first place, this may not tell you much, except that it decides to halt after reaching <<< P2SH script >>>, thinking that is the end of the script.
The most obvious fix should be to remove OP_UNKNOWN, which represents an opcode that was not understood by btcdeb, but there are probably other errors lurking that prevent the script from validating also. You could try removing the end of the script, and building it back up incrementally, testing with the debugger, until it works.
I'm trying to use a Slurm-operated cluster to run LS-Dyna (a finite-element simulation program with a limited number of licenses available on my cluster). I am trying to write my batch scripts so that I do not waste processing time due to this license limit (as well as to improve legibility when running 'squeue' commands) by using job arrays -but I'm having trouble making that work.
I want to run identical Bash scripts in a variety of FEM meshes, each of which I have organized into different subfolders.
Given this folder structure on my cluster...
cluster root
|-+ my scratch space's root
|-+ this project
|--+ lat_-5mm
| |- runCurrentLine.bash
| |- other files
|--+ lat_-4.75mm
| |- runCurrentLine.bash
| |- other files
|--+ lat_-4.5mm
| |- runCurrentLine.bash
| |- other files
|--+ lat_5mm
| |- runCurrentLine.bash
| |- other files
|-other dependencies
...I'm trying to submit "runCurrentLine.bash" in each folder by running the following script in my login node.
for foldernow in */; do
# change to subdirectory for current line iteration
cd "./${foldernow}";
# make Slurm and user happy
echo "sending LS Dyna simulation for ${pos}mm line..."
sleep 1
# first line only: send batch, and get job ID
if [ "${iter}" == 0 ];then
# send the batch...
jobID=$(sbatch -J "Dyna" --array="${iter}"%15 runCurrentLine.bash)
# ...ensure that Slurm's output shows on console (which includes the job ID)...
echo "${jobID}"
# ...and extract the job ID and save as a variable
jobID=$(echo "${jobID}" | grep -Eo '[+-]?[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?')
# subsequent lines: add current line to job array
scontrol update --jobid="${jobID}" --array="${iter}"%15 runCurrentLine.bash
# prepare to move onto next position
cd ../
This setup properly sends the batch job for the first line, at -0.25mm*. However, for the second line onwards, it doesn't seem to do the same thing... This is what I end up getting on my console:
*: I intended the "lat_xmm" folders to be numerically ordered, but Unix doesn't seem to recognize that
$ ./sendDynaRuns.bash
sending LS Dyna simulation for -0.25mm line...
Submitted batch job 1081040
sending LS Dyna simulation for 0.25mm line...
sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Invalid job id specified
sending LS Dyna simulation for -0.5mm line...
sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Invalid job id specified
I know that runCurrentLine.bash runs just fine if I manually send it as a batch (and it runs to completion within the time limit I specified in-file, mainly since it doesn't have to compete with other lines for open licenses). What should I do to be able to get my code to work?
Thank you in advance!
As state by #Poshi, you cannot add jobs to an existing array.
I would create a submission script like this one:
#SBATCH --array=1-<nb of folders>%15
cd $foldernow && ./runCurrentLine.bash
The only drawback is that you need setup explicitly the number of jobs the array based on the number of folders.
I am totally green in those kind of things, I tried reading some tutorials and still couldn't do it on my own.
Here lies the problem: I have 2 files (bulid, compile) which are somehow supposed to take other files and create a working warcraft3 map.
There's an instruction I followed:
To build:_
$ ./scripts/compile # most basic way of calling compile
$ ./scripts/build # most basic way of building a map
Script which takes an unportected map and applies any build settings passed via argv
upon on it then turns it into a working warcraft3 map file.
Options | Default | Description
env | beta | map environment: each environment has default build settings
debug_script | false | debug this build script
do_jasshelper | true | turns vJass & ZINC into JASS
do_compile | true | turns ../src into out.j. When false, looks for {map_script_path}
do_optimizer | false | uses Vexorian's map optimizer to protect and make the map run faser
do_widgetizer | false | uses PitzerMike's map widgetizer to make map load faster
debug | false | whether the --debug flag should be passed to jasshelper
launchwc3 | false | whether the script should launch wc3 with the map loaded on exit
map_unpro_path | base-maps/{highest}.w3x | the base map file to inject script into
map_script_path | ../out.j | map script path to load into map
map_output_path | ITT_{commit}_{time}.w3x | path where to put the compiled map
setting up
This application requires Ruby
$ git clone git#github.com:theQuazz/island-troll-tribes
$ cd island-troll-tribes
$ scripts/build
It might be a easy thing to do, but I am really bad at this kind of stuff, if someone could explain what to do step by step I would greatly appreciate it
I try several ways like stubbing STDOUT, using highline-test and aruba gems, but it still stops my cucumber tests and asking for user input. Are there best practices for testing such applications with Cucumber?
Aruba gives me solution.
First of all, my mistake was creating new instance of app's root class without checking if __FILE__ == $0.
And finally it looks like this:
Feature: Manage app with dashboard
As an app user
In order to control application
I want to have a dashboard
Scenario: View dashboard
When I run `../../lib/reporter.rb` interactively
Then I should see following choices
| 1 | Choice 1 |
| 2 | Choice 2 |
| 3 | Choice 3 |
Then(/^I should see following choices$/) do |table|
menu = ''
table.rows_hash.each do |key, value|
menu << "#{key}. #{value}\n"
Timeout::timeout(exit_timeout) do
loop do
break if assert_partial_output_interactive(menu)
sleep 0.1