How to extend project properties page? - visual-studio

Is it possible to add a custom tab to a project properties page in the Visual Studio 2008?
What I want to do is to be able to add a custom tab to properties page for the projects created from default project templates (WPF Application, WPF custom controls library, etc).

I'm working on VS add-in for WPF applications localization. I want to be able to manage project specific settings via "project properties" page. I did some research and it seems that it is not possible to extend existing projects in this way.

It seems that during the time this question was asked, this feature was not implemented in Visual Studio SDK.
There's answer for similar question which refers to Microsoft Documentation at Adding and Removing Property Pages. The article refers to Visual Studio 2015 (later versions should have the same feature).


Is it possible to add VSIX XAML Toolbar to Visual Studio?

Is it possible to add XAML toolbar (instead of native Visual Studio in vsct file) to Visual Studio (in this case Visual Studio Shell)?
I cannot find any examples in the Internet.
I would recommend you stick with using a VSCT resource, to keep your extension consistent with the look and feel of the IDE as a whole.
That being said, there is nothing stopping you from designing a toolwindow or custom designer that hosts XAML based toolbars. Some extenders choose to do this, but the buttons hosted are not VS commands, are not exposed to or discoverable via the Tools | Customize dialog, other extensions cannot automate or programmatically access them, and you lose the built in functionality to control visibility/enablement based on active contextUI guids.

Add ATL Simple Object in Visual Studio 2017

I am working with an old ATL/COM project in Visual Studio 2017.
In previous versions of Visual Studio you could select "Add Class" and then select the option "Add simple ATL object" to add a COM class to the project. This option appears to be completely missing in Visual Studio 2017.
Has the option been moved?
Have I missed an installation option?
Does Visual Studio fail to recognize my project as an ATL project? (It was created with a much older version.)
Or is this the end of the road for ATL?
I'm not sure whether this an answer, but it is too much for a comment and more than just an edit to the question.
I have tested on two systems, with
Visual Studio Community 2017, Version 15.1
Visual Studio Professional 2017, Version 15.3.2
and I believe that the functionality has changed between these two versions. I think it is unlikely to be a difference between the Community and Professional versions.
In both cases I created a new ATL project and tried three ways to add a class:
Add class... from the context menu in the Class View
Add class... from the context menu in the Solution Explorer
Add New Item... from the context menu in the Solution Explorer
With version 15.1, Add Class opens the following dialog, from which I can add an ATL Simple Object.
With version 15.3.2, Add Class opens the following dialog, without any option for an ATL Simple Object.
However, with version 15.3.2, Add New Item opens the following dialog, with a new option to create an ATL Simple Object, which was previously not available in this dialog.
So, it seems that the functionality has been moved. Curiously, it is no longer available in the Class View (which in my opinion is a mistake).
This problem is caused by changes in the project template and code wizard in version 15.3 of Visual Studio 2017.
The operation procedure has changed between version 15.2 or earlier and version 15.3 or later.
The blog article that explained this change is as follows.
Changes to Project Templates and Code Wizards in 15.3
Although it is described as an item in the release notes, there are few people who are watching, and details on how the actual is going on is unknown.
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.3 Release Notes
C++ Language Services
Project and Code Wizard
•We have rewritten several project and code wizards in the signature dialogue style.
•Add Class launches the Add Class wizard directly. All of the other items that were previously here are available under "Add > New Item".
•Win32 projects are under the Windows Desktop category in the New Project dialog.
•The Windows Console and Desktop Application templates now create the projects without displaying a wizard. There's a new Windows Desktop Wizard under the same category that displays the same options as before.
My experience with Visual Studio 2015 version 15.9.2 is that I had to uncheck Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) checks when I added an ATL Project, otherwise when I add the Simple ATL Object I get a messagebox with the error "did not find a .idl file in project name of my project".

Sharing custom HTML elements among team members

In the question: Create custom html control in toolbox Visual Studio 2012, the OP gets an answer about creating a custom HTML control in the toolbox of Visual Studio. I want to do the same thing and then share that with team members. We are all pulling projects from the same TFS Repository, so I would like to use that if possible. I hope to achieve something on the level of sharing newly added abbreviations to the team for Intellisense. I would prefer to not require an install or adding an extension, and especially not creating a DLL that must be referenced or added to the toolbox manually. Just something that adds these custom HTML controls to the toolbox, with maybe a "Get Latest".

Can I use DevExpress related "DxCore" for dialogs/tool windows?

Can I use DevExpress related "DxCore" to extend VS functionality to add new dialogs/toolwindows etc.?
If so, how is it different from VS SDK (focusing on dialogs/tool windows)?
DXCore has great wizards for creating and adding tool windows into your plug-in projects. The DXCore tool windows are the same as Visual Studio ones, for example, Solution Explorer, Toolbox or Property Browser. Creating a tool window plug-in using DXCore is easy. Just arrange your components in the tool window designer, set a few properties, and compile the project.

Design View on SharePoint Project Visual Studio 2010

Hi I am creating an application page for SharePoint 2010
But i ran into a little issue.
First I create a Empty SharePoint Project then I added an Application Page item to the project
When i tried to add controls i am only capable of doing so in the Source View
Some one knows how to enable the design view for this type of project?
Thanks in advance.
Design view may not available for SharePoint Developers in VS.NET because NOT all dependencies (and most importantly master page and other scripts, styles used by master page) are not available to VS.NET's project environment. So VS.NET may not be able to render the page correctly.
The Design view of the designer is disabled for application pages.
You can only design the page in the Source view of the designer.
here is a trick for this little problem:
add a user control to your project. copy all the markup code over to this user control. design away, then copy the markup back into your application page to start refining your code to work as a sharepoint item.
