Sharing custom HTML elements among team members - visual-studio

In the question: Create custom html control in toolbox Visual Studio 2012, the OP gets an answer about creating a custom HTML control in the toolbox of Visual Studio. I want to do the same thing and then share that with team members. We are all pulling projects from the same TFS Repository, so I would like to use that if possible. I hope to achieve something on the level of sharing newly added abbreviations to the team for Intellisense. I would prefer to not require an install or adding an extension, and especially not creating a DLL that must be referenced or added to the toolbox manually. Just something that adds these custom HTML controls to the toolbox, with maybe a "Get Latest".


Is it possible to add VSIX XAML Toolbar to Visual Studio?

Is it possible to add XAML toolbar (instead of native Visual Studio in vsct file) to Visual Studio (in this case Visual Studio Shell)?
I cannot find any examples in the Internet.
I would recommend you stick with using a VSCT resource, to keep your extension consistent with the look and feel of the IDE as a whole.
That being said, there is nothing stopping you from designing a toolwindow or custom designer that hosts XAML based toolbars. Some extenders choose to do this, but the buttons hosted are not VS commands, are not exposed to or discoverable via the Tools | Customize dialog, other extensions cannot automate or programmatically access them, and you lose the built in functionality to control visibility/enablement based on active contextUI guids.

Register custom file type with custom UI editor in Visual Studio 2010

I found old article called LearnVSXNow and part #30 - Custom Editors in Visual Studio. There is sample project The Blog Item Editor which shows how to make custom file type assigned with custom UI editor for this file type extension (.blit)
This sample uses project VSXtra, which is written for Visual Studio 2008.
Can someone point me to some tutorial, how-to, or something how to do the same for Visual Studio 2010 ? My goal is to register custom file type extension (e.g. *.myext1) within visual studio 2010, and assign my own custom UI designer (WinForms, derived from UserControl) to handle editing content of such file visually.
I found some samples, but each of that shows only changes on code text editor (highlight some words, etc). But i want to show my own toolwindow with my usercontrol within it.
PS: Part of creating custom toolwindow with my own usercontrol within it is not problem, i use VSPackage Builder Project Template to build and register it within visx. My problem is how to register custom file type to use this custom toolwindow to edit file.
While the core text editor changed significantly (nearly a total re-write, designed around MEF) in Visual Studio 2010, the general infrastructure for registering and supplying custom editors/designers did not change.
The 'Creating Custom Text Editors and Designers' page on MSDN is a good place to start. You should also be able to go through the VSPackage wizard and choose "Custom Editor" to get a basic editor in place. It will give you a simple RTF editor.
You can also check out these samples on the MSDN Code Gallery for more ideas and inspiration:
Editor with Toolbox Support
Designer View Over XML Editor
It is usually recommended that editors reside in a document window (as opposed to a tool window). This is the paradigm that nearly all the built-in editors/designers use in Visual Studio, and it's what users expect when opening something from Solution Explorer. Editing things in a ToolWindow can feel a bit unnatural.
My understanding is that VSXtra provides some additional helper/base classes (beyond what Microsoft supports) to make various tasks (like writing a custom editor/designer) simpler. It is by no means required to create a custom editor though.

Where does Visual Studio save code blocks that are dragged on the Toolbox

You can drag and drop code blocks from the Codeeditor to the Toolbox of VisualStudio, but where does Visual Studio save those code blocks.
Are they globally available (for other projects) or only available in the solution/project they are dragged?
Any code blocks that you drag to the Toolbox are stored in your Visual Studio settings file. The default path to that file is under your "My Documents" folder:
..\My Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Settings\CurrentSettings.vssettings
but of course, the exact location can be specified from the Options dialog in Visual Studio.
They are globally available for all projects in the applicable language. For example, if you create a code snippet in a C# project, it will be available for any C# projects that you create. However, it will not be available in a VB.NET project.
Also note that you can rename the individual snippets by right-clicking on them in the Toolbox, and selecting "Rename Item" from the context menu.
But there is a better and much more powerful way to manage code snippets rather than dragging them to your Toolbox. See this article on Sara Ford's blog (a great resource for tips and tricks relating to VS).

Visual Studio do not add my component (from a DLL) to the toolbox even if I reference it

As stated in the title, I copied my DLL in Visual Studio project, set it to "content" and "copy always". Added a reference to this DLL and set it to "copy locally".
I successfully managed to instance my component to a form through code but it doesn't appear in the toolbox, really boring.
How can I solve this issue?
If I link directly the DLL project to this project it works, but now I'm treating the DLL as "external" so it's not part of the same solution of the DLL project.
I had this problem with #AndrewFinnell's solution:
There are no components in 'c:....\XXXX.dll' that can be placed on the toolbox.
So I solved with drag and drop:
open Windows explorer and navigate to the DLL
drag the DLL and drop it on Visual Studio in the Toolbox, exactly where you want your components to appear.
I also realized that some components may have compatibility issues with certain .NET Framework versions. For instance A Professional Calendar/Agenda View That You Will Use seems not to work with .NET 4.5, while it does with .NET 4.
Right-click in the toolbox.
Click "Choose Items..."
Click "Browse..."
Navigate to your DLL and click Open
Then click "Ok"
Your components should then show up
The way I found to make this working is:
Add the dll, reference it
Compile the project
Save the solution and restart visual studio
And then controls show up in toolbox (not always working, I think is a sort of visual studio bug)
Like said above,
I reference the DLL in the client project by: in Solution Explorer right click > Add Reference, at this time the custom control doesn't appear in the Toolbox.
I save it and close the client project.
I restart Visual Studio 2012 and reopen the client project. Now the custom control is in the Toolbox.
I reopen the custom control project, make some modifications and compile.
And the most important, all changes that I made in the DLL project automatically were updated in the client project without need to redo "Add Reference".
Here is what I did.
After install the net 3.5 chart download from MSDN link, I manually copied the 3.5 chart dlls to my project and refer to them. Then, from the "choose item" of toolbox, browse to the dlls and add them into toolbox. Make sure the checkbox is checked for the "chart" in the "choose item" popup.
After these, the "chart" item in the toolbox should be available and enabled for .NET 3.5 project.
(I am using Visual Studio 2010. I think my solution should work for 2012.)
I was having this same issue. I am working in Visual Studio 2010.
My user control library is written in C# and my project I'am importing it into is in Visual Basic.
If I had the C# project in my solution, the custom user controls would show up automatically. But if I only referenced the DLL it would not load the custom user controls from the referenced library into the "Toolbox".
The above post that mentions finding the file in explorer and dragging and dropping it into the toolbox solved the problem. This is a very strange way of behaving. VB user control libraries don't require this step.
This has been an issue I have had sitting on the burner for the last 2 years.
I would up-vote the previous answer but I don't have enough rep yet.
This post could use some better tags, cause it was buried on most of my google searches.
Reference the user control library
Drop the DLL file into the tool box.
One question I have in regards to this is: what happens if you change the project reference to the DLL (because it moved) and not attempt to update the toolbox reference (by removing the control from the toolbox and dragging and dropping the DLL from the new location)?
I tried following the other answers (thanks to all of you!), but I got this problem and I'll let you all know how I solved it and show my custom tools in toolbar (in VS 2017).
Place the .ddl file in any Library Solution
Then I add that .ddl as reference to my needed project
Build the project and restart the Visual Studio
Then, when I look into toolbox, my custom toolbox name appears in
toolbar, when I expand that I got below message
There are no Usable controls in this group. Drag an item onto this
text to add in to toolbok
I dragged the .dll and dropped under that text and then all my custom tools appeared in my toolbox.
And add lib. to folder in your solution example solutionfolder/bin/debug and then add reference to object from this folder, finally rebuild, quit, come back, drag and drop dll from this solutionfolder/.../../ and it will probably appear.

How to extend project properties page?

Is it possible to add a custom tab to a project properties page in the Visual Studio 2008?
What I want to do is to be able to add a custom tab to properties page for the projects created from default project templates (WPF Application, WPF custom controls library, etc).
I'm working on VS add-in for WPF applications localization. I want to be able to manage project specific settings via "project properties" page. I did some research and it seems that it is not possible to extend existing projects in this way.
It seems that during the time this question was asked, this feature was not implemented in Visual Studio SDK.
There's answer for similar question which refers to Microsoft Documentation at Adding and Removing Property Pages. The article refers to Visual Studio 2015 (later versions should have the same feature).
