In Visual Studio how to give relative path of a .lib file in project properties - visual-studio

I am building a project using Visual Studio. The project has a dependency on a lib file generated by another project. This project is there is the parent directory of the actual project I am building.
To be more clear,
I have a "ParentDir" which has two subDirectories Project1 and Project2 under it.
Now Project1 depends on lib generated by Project2.
In the properties of Project1, I am trying to give a relative path using
But this does not seem to work.
Can you tell me where i am going wrong, or suggest the correct way of achieving this.

Add the dependant project to your solution and set it as a dependency of the other project using project properties. Then it just magically works ;).
A solution is just a file that describes a set of related (interconnected) projects and the relation between them, so this is the correct way of doing it.

Your current dir is your $(ProjectDir), that is where .vcproj file is.
So, just write ../Project2/Debug, that will do.
Even better, write ../Project2/$(ConfigurationName) for all configurations
thus you will be always linking to the correct version of that lib.

I think Visual Studio does not expand the relative path properly when the ".." is placed somewhere in the middle of the path string. It only knows how to expand ..{sub-path}.


Linked project references aren't being copied to target folder

I have 2 c++ projects in a solution.
ExecB (an executable) depends on ProjA (a dll).
So in ExecB's properties I add ProjA as a reference, and select Copy Local = true.
The problem is, ProjA's dll isn't being copied to ExecB's output folder folder. So the executable obviously doesn't run.
Any suggestions ?
For C++ projects, the Visual Studio template/wizard sets the Output Directory to a subfolder of the solution: $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)\. This is so the DLL Search Path works well for the developer. It even works if you have added projects to the solution from outside the solution folder hierarchy; The build will put all binaries into the output folder for that solution.
If this isn't working, check the Output Directory property on all platform/configuration combinations of all your projects. Also make sure that the Build Configuration Manager shows that your selected solution build is building all the projects appropriate for the solution platform/configuration.
The Copy Local in Project References that you are trying applies only to referenced .NET assemblies. The docs are ambiguous and too terse on that. (Most often undistinguished use of "assembly" means .NET assembly rather than WinSxS assembly.)

Change binding root in VS2010 using Perforce source control

I have read this post thoroughly: How does Visual Studio's source control integration work with Perforce? and found it very informative. However, I have a specific issue that is blocking my use of Perforce in VS.
For the most part, I have no complaints about the plug-in (I'm still using the P4VSCC plug-in because the new plug-in requires conversion by the entire team which can't happen at this time). Once I understood the idiosyncracies, I've had only one problem working with the plug-in.
Our solutions contains many projects that are built into a single deployment package. As such, each assembly is versioned the same. To accomodate this, and other common aspects, we have defined a common "SharedVersionInfo.cs" file which contains the AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion attributes typically found in the AssemblyInfo.cs file. This file is stored in an Assets folder beneath the solution folder and added to each project's Properties folder as a linked file. This works great from a version management perspective as we only have to change the version in one place and all assemblies are updated. However, Perforce has a problem with this when a new developer first opens the solution or when a new project is added. The only remedy we have currently is to remove all of the linked files (there are 3 per project in this solution), bind the project to source control, then re-add the linked files.
This isn't such a big deal when we add a new project but the solution contains 80 projects (and counting), so this isn't a viable remedy for a new developer!
My understanding is that the problem has to do with where VS thinks the binding root for each project is. After some research, I was led to find where the MSSCCPRJ.SCC files are for the projects. I found there are numerous SCC files scattered throughout the solution structure. So...
First question: Why are there multiple MSSCCPRJ.SCC files in my solution structure?
We also have several shared/common projects that we use in our solutions. This leads to the following folder structure:
Where both ProjectA and ProjectB are part of MySolution.sln
Second Question: How can I setup the bindings so the /Source folder is considered the root? This would ensure that all projects included in the solution are under the same binding root. Perforce considers this folder to be the root, how do I get VS and the plug-in to do the same?
Since no one else has offered up a solution, I thought I'd follow-up with my own findings for anyone else that comes across the thread.
First, I still have no idea why Visual Studio creates multiple MSSCCPRJ.SCC files but these are the key to establishing the "binding root" for a solution. It is critical that this file exist at the highest level necessary so that ALL of the projects in the solution are in sub-folders relative to the location of this file. In my example above, the MSSCCPRJ.SCC needed to be located in the /Source folder. Having it in the /MySolution folder caused the original problem when adding projects from /CommonTools into the solution.
That said, resolving the issue was no easy task. I had to manually edit the .sln and all of the .csproj files in Notepad. What I found was that some of the .csproj files had the following elements identifying the source control settings:
I don't know what SAK stands for, but my understanding is this tells Visual Studio to use the binding information contained in the .sln file.
I had to change these to:
<SccProjectName>Perforce Project</SccProjectName>
<SccAuxPath />
<SccProvider>MSSCCI:Perforce SCM</SccProvider>
where the SccLocalPath value is the relative path from the .csproj file to the MSSCCPRJ.SCC file.
I also had to change the SccLocalPathX and SccProjectFilePathRelativizedFromConnectionX statements for each project in the .sln file. The SccLocalPathX value should be the relative path from the .sln file to the MSSCCPRJ.SCC file - a dot (.) if in the same folder. SccProjectFilePathRelativizedFromConnectionX should be the relative path from the binding root to the .csproj file.
I wish I could say that having that in place, I never had to repeat these steps. Unfortunately, I still have to go in and make corrections every time I added a new project to the solution. Visual Studio still wants to use SAK for the elements in the .csproj file and sometimes the values in the .sln file aren't quite right.
But, at least I know what to look for and what needs to be done to achieve my goals. If anyone else has a better solution or a way to configure VS and/or Perforce so these settings are created correctly up-front, I'll gladly give credit.
Hope that helps...

Visual Studio 2008: How do I include project output as an embedded resource in another project?

I have two projects in one Visual Studio 2008 solution. I'd like to use the primary output from one of the projects as an embedded resource in the other, but for the life of me I can't find any way to accomplish this.
If I simply add the output file as a resource, then it doesn't seem to change when its source project is rebuilt. I even have the project dependencies/build order set up properly and this does not seem to help.
Anyone have any hints for me?
the best option is to "reference" the other project as if it were a class library.
that way you make sure the whole references tree is copied to your output dir.
When you add an existing file to a project, Visual Studio copies the file into the project's directory.
Any subsequent changes to the original file are ignored.
There are two workarounds:
Add a post-build action to the first project that copies its output file to the second project, and edit the dependencies so that the first project is always built first.
Add the output file to the second project as a link (Click the down arrow next to the Add button in the open dialog).
This will reference the file from its original location without making any copies.
Set the output directory of the project that generates the resource to point to the resource directory in the project that uses it.
If that's not possible for some reason, use a post-build command (also available in the project settings) to copy the file there.

Place all output dlls in common directory from Visual Studio

I have a couple of different solutions, in which some projects may depend on output from projects in other solutions. To manage this, I've been copying dll files from the /bin/ folder in each project to a shared library location after build, and then copy/reference them from there to the dependent project.
However, as the library solution gets larger, this tends to become unmaintainable. Too much of my time is being spent traversing solution directories in Windows Explorer looking for /bin/ folders, and trying to figure out which one, or which ones, of the dll files from each one I need.
Is there any way to give Visual Studio a hint that I want all projects in a solution to have the same output directory? For example, a /bin/ folder directly under the solution folder, where all projects put their output.
If possible, I'd like to achieve this without hard-coded post-build events that copy the files, since that will fail if a project output changes file name, or adds another file. I'd rather like to change the location of the actual output directory - the location of $(OutDir), if you will.
I know you said you don't want to use post build events, but your reason as to why not intrigued me. It sounds like you might be hard coding the name of the .dll in your post build event. That can easily be avoided.
xcopy "$(TargetDir)*" "c:\common\" /Y
The * would just cause everything in your bin/Debug/ folder to get copied to your common folder. You could also just copy dlls if you want. Or, if you use $(TargetPath), you'll copy just the 1 dll that is the result of the project, and not any other related dependencies.
The way we do it is each projects entire bin folder is copied to a subfolder. Suppose you have 2 projects, WebUtil and HtmlParser, where WebUtil depends on HtmlParser. For both projects, use xcopy "$(TargetDir)*" "c:\common\$(ProjectName)" /Y. This will create c:\common\WebUtil\ and c:\common\HtmlParser. In WebUtil, add a reference to c:\common\HtmlParser\HtmlParser.dll. There will now be 2 copies of HtmlParser.dll in c:\common.
c:\common\HtmlParser\HtmlParser.dll // the most recent build.
c:\common\WebUtil\HtmlParser // what was the most recent build when WebUtil was built
This has all kinds of advantages. If you change the API of HtmlParser, WebUtil will continue to work, since it will have the older HtmlParser.dll until you try to rebuild WebUtil (at which point you'll get build errors because of the changed API).
Now, if a 3rd project got in the mix that depended on WebUtil, and you're using some part of WebUtil that exposes classes in HtmlParser, then you'll need to add a reference to both projects from your new project. When you add a reference to HtmlParser.dll, use the one in c:\common\WebUtil. You do this because you're only including it as a necessary requirement of WebUtil. Now you'll always have the version of HtmlParser.dll that matches your current version of WebUtil.dll.
I hope that makes sense. It can definitely be a tricky thing to manage. Just wait till you have to start pulling down all your dependencies using svn:externals =P
You can set the output directory in each project properties.
Right click on the project, select Properties
For C#, it is one of the Build property page, under Output, Output directory.
In VB.Net projects, it is on the Compile tab, in the textbox at the top.

Add reference DLL issue in Visual Studio

I am using VSTS 2008. I have two projects (both are written in C#) in one solution file. Project 1 depends on the output (DLL2) of project 2. So, in project 1, I am using "References --> Add Reference --> Browse", then find and select the DLL2 generated by project 2.
My question is, I am not sure whether using such method to add reference will result in some my local computer specific file path dependencies? In more details, suppose both of projects are located in folder d:\testprojectsolution (d:\testprojectsolution\project1 and d:\testprojectsolution\project2), I want to make sure that if I copy the whole solution folder d:\testprojectsolution (with the same structures of project1/project2) to other people under different location (e.g. c:\my documents\sampleprpjects\projects), they could build successfully (not dependent on any specific file path on my local machine, for example, no need to find files under d:\testprojectsolution\project2 or something).
If my approach to add reference dependencies could result in some specific file path dependencies, please let me know how to solve this issue. :-)
thanks in advance,
Instead of adding the reference using Browse, add it using Projects tab. It'll automatically consider the project dependency (and thus build order) and other stuff.
