Installing just Quicktime libraries on Windows - windows

There's Quicktime SDK for Windows, but any application that uses it needs quicktime runtime libraries to be installed on the system (SDK itself just has headers and library stubs, and not the actual DLLs).
If my application uses Quicktime, I'd like to install the necessary libraries with it's installer, thus not requiring user to install Quicktime separately. What I'm looking for is some sort of "quicktime redistributable".
As of now (quicktime 7.x), I can't find a way to do that. I could bundle whole quicktime installer (about 20 MiB), and launch it with MSI's silent/unattended flag. However, that way it has several side effects:
creates Quicktime player shortcut on desktop and in quick launch bar
hijacks file associations, (e.g. .mov becomes associated with Quicktime Player, even if it was associated with something else before)
installs some service/process (qttask) that presumably watches for Quicktime associations, or handles auto-updates.
installs Quicktime Player, which I don't need in fact.
Of the above, first three are quite bad.
Is there a way to "just install the libraries" for Quicktime?
In my application, I'd use Quicktime to import images, movies and audio files in various formats. If there is no sane way to install Quicktime runtime without side effects (changed file associations, extra icons, ...), then I should be seriously looking at alternative solutions (e.g. FreeImage to load images, perhaps DirectShow for video/audio).

If you need to redistribute QuickTime, see QuickTime Licensing for details. You're not allowed to redistribute any of the QuickTime libraries without a written agreement with Apple. Many CD-replication companies will actually request proof of this agreement before printing large numbers of CDs.
I would definitely not distribute "QuickTime Lite" without consulting with either a lawyer or your Apple licensing representative.
Your best bet, AFAIK, is to use the full QuickTime installer (all 20MB of it), and have your main installer run it with a "silent" flag. That, at least, will allow your users to install QuickTime without a half-dozen dialogs (and without those annoying pictures of surfers in bikinis). The people at Apple's licensing division seemed to think that using the "silent" flag was acceptable, at least when we consulted them.
One warning: If the user already has an older version of QuickTime 6 Pro (or earlier) installed, then installing QuickTime 7 silently will nuke their QuickTime Pro registration and they'll have to repurchase it. We actually detect this situation in our installer and display a warning during the installation process, much like Apple does.
Yes, this is a pain. After 6+ years of working with QuickTime, I'd honestly recommend looking at other video frameworks. We're currently evaluating Ogg Theora.

You could include, with your setup package, a program called Quicktime Lite. It comes with the same libraries as Quicktime uses, but is much, much smaller.
Here"s the link:
Download Quicktime Lite

Quicktime Alternative does what you want, but for the reasons others have stated here, its illegal. Apple probably is not going to let you do what you want.


Legal issues in shipping apps based on Electron framework (libffmpeg)

We're in the process of building and deploying a desktop based app on electron v 12.0.7. It'll be a (free) commercial software deployed to ~2-3M users worldwide.
Recently our legal team enquired about the proprietary codecs bundled with chromium and I thought the best way to confirm this would be to reach out here.
So, here're specific things that I need help with:
Are we shipping chromium with proprietary codecs? If yes, what are potentially contentious codecs that come by default in chromium bundled with electron v 12.0.7?
Is there any documentation around how the electron team builds chromium (with what flags)?
Is the default libffmpeg.dylib/dll bundled with electron building ffmpeg with support for things like H.264 and MP3 codecs?
I noticed there are libffmpeg binaries available with each electron build, e.g. . What's the purpose of this binary?
Any help would be appreciated.
Ok, it took a while to plummet through all the information out there.
I started wth and ended up on electron's discord server talking with multiple folks from electron team. I'm collating my findings here so that it may save some time for someone.
Here're what I found out. Any corrections/edits are more than welcome so that the information presented here is correct.
Are we shipping chromium with proprietary codecs?
If yes, what are potentially contentious codecs that come by default in chromium bundled with electron v 12.0.7?
YES. At least on OSX, the libffmpeg.dylib that comes by default with electron contains exported symbols (for proprietary decoders) for AAC and H264. So, they remain in the realm of non-royalty-free software. I think legal advice is required here if you're planning to ship your application commercially(using default electron + libffmpeg.dylib)
e.g. List of exported decoders from the dylib can be viewed using the following command:
nm -gU /Applications/{your-app-name}.app/Contents/Frameworks/Electron\ Framework.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libffmpeg.dylib | grep 'decoder'
I wrote a simple python script to look at any electron-based app, and print list of decoders available inside libffmpeg (bundled inside an electron based app).
Sample output from my script: (My app is built with electron v 12.0.7)
Decoders available/exported from libffmpeg.dylib: ['aac', 'aac-latm',
'flac', 'h264', 'libopus', 'mp3', 'pcm-alaw', 'pcm-f32le',
'pcm-mulaw', 'pcm-s16be', 'pcm-s16le', 'pcm-s24be', 'pcm-s24le',
'pcm-s32le', 'pcm-u8', 'theora', 'vorbis', 'vp3', 'vp8']
So defintely we have aac and h264 decoders (non-royalty-free-software) going out by default with our electron-based application. To the best I know, these could lead to possible patent-infringement issues.
2. Is there any documentation around how the electron team builds chromium (with what flags)?
I couldn't find any conclusive documents but hints that by default proprietary_codecs is set to true in electron's build
3. Is the default libffmpeg.dylib/dll bundled with electron building ffmpeg with support for things like H.264 and MP3 codecs?
It certainly looks to be the case (based on above)
4. I noticed there are libffmpeg binaries available with each electron build, e.g. . What's the purpose of this binary?
If you care about shipping royalty free binaries and not deal with patent issues, this is what probably you should use (unless you chose to build whole electron by yourself tweaking gn args).
A quick check of these ffmpeg.dylib reveal that AAC and H264 decoders are not present(or atleast it doesn't have exported symbols for them). So it leads me to believe that these custom versions of dylib are built by electron team keeping this in mind. Using same script this is the output for list of decoders available in custom version of libffmpeg
Decoders available/exported from libffmpeg.dylib: ['flac', 'libopus',
'mp3', 'pcm-alaw', 'pcm-f32le', 'pcm-mulaw', 'pcm-s16be', 'pcm-s16le',
'pcm-s24be', 'pcm-s24le', 'pcm-s32le', 'pcm-u8', 'theora', 'vorbis',
'vp3', 'vp8']
So this is the difference between two versions of dylib (left one is downloaded from electron site, right one is what comes by default with electron)
It also appears that this problem was already identified and we have a plugin for electron-packager that does all the heavy-lifting for you:
Since we din't use electron-packager (but electron-builder), i had to resort to put this logic of replacing libffmpeg in afterPackHook
Important step to remember is that: this replacement needs to be done before we code-sign the whole app (or it breaks the code-sign integrity).
Hope it helps someone else going through the same problem.

How to write into a MP4 container with Cocoa?

I need to export an MP4 file containing several streams of audio. There is no video at all at this point in time, though this might be requested sometimes in the future.
All this is on the Mac running a decently recent version of Mac OS X. QT Kit is not an option. Portability to iOS would be a bonus.
Where should I look? A very casual look at AV Foundation suggests this might be a way, but doesn't look simple at all.
Or should I rather look for a third party library? ffmpeg? mp4v2?
Thanks for any suggestion.

Check QtKit Dependencies for embedded Player

I have an application written in C# with MonoMac, that embeds a QuickTime player, so i want to know:
Is possible uninstall QuickTime?
If it is possible uninstall QuickTime, this prevents use the QTKit?
In case that, the uninstall process will removes the QTKit, is there anyway to check the dependencies for prevent an unexpected exception in the application?
Thanks in advance
QuickTime provides a powerful C based API for manipulating time-based media, allowing low-level media export, editing, encoding and decoding. While QTKit is the preferred API for use with time-based media. It is possible to uninstall QuickTime.

Streaming from webcam on OS X - what technology to use?

I'm building a videoconferencing application in OS X.
What technology would be best to use for real-time streaming video/audio captured from webcam/microphone in OS X?
So far I was unsuccessful with these methods:
using QTKit I captured the media, but there isn't a way to stream it (without using the QTSS which is too bloaty and hard to control programmatically).
using QT Java I got everything (almost) working, but the library is deprecated, it crashes every once in a while, signals memory leaking and there isn't a way to save preferences from a settings dialog
I installed gstreamer using Macports, but there isn't a working osxvideosrc (or audio for that matter)
My next target is VLC because it can access the webcam in OS X, but I'm not sure will it give me what I need - can I control it fully over an API and can I display the stream inside a Cocoa application (using QTKit's player)?
Could of points:
Consider Flex/Flash and possible Adobe Air. Many people have written videoconferencing applications this way.
QT for Java is dated and not going anywhere.
VLC is a solid option. Stable, well known, powerful, and very mature.

DivX Decoder libraries?

I saw, in an application from a major software vendor a dll called "DivXDecoder.dll" - which intrigued me as (a) it implies the existence of an easy to use divx library, and (b) I'd rather like to play divx compressed movies in a product I work on.
The DivX project itself seems to concentrate on making Codecs and tools for end users. Are there any C/C++ friendly projects that make playback of divx content in Win32 or Cocoa apps possible?
Look at mplayer sources - it uses the ffmpeg library that handles decoding from a number of formats.
DivX is a compressor that conforms to MPEG-4 Part 2. XviD and some versions of Windows Media are also implementations of the standard. So anything that can decompress MPEG-4 Part 2 should be able to handle things compressed with DivX.
As for actual decompression libraries, I'd recommend libavcodec. It's widely-used (= good support), cross-platform, and open-source (LGPL, so can be used in commercial apps). It's also fairly easy to use from it's C binding. It can open and play many different codecs (and with libavformat, handle many different wrappers i.e. avi, mkv, etc.).
If it's Windows-only, using the OS-provided Video For Windows might be a better option if you just want to play MPEG since you wouldn't need to ship it with your app and you avoid potential license issues. Be warned, though, that this requires the user to have certain codecs installed. On Win7 (and Vista I think) the MPEG codecs required to play DivX/XviD are installed by default, however they're not on XP...
Don't waste your time trying to implement DivX playback in a Cocoa application. Use QTKit. If someone wants to playback DivX content in your app they will install a DivX QuickTime plug-in.
