Check QtKit Dependencies for embedded Player - cocoa

I have an application written in C# with MonoMac, that embeds a QuickTime player, so i want to know:
Is possible uninstall QuickTime?
If it is possible uninstall QuickTime, this prevents use the QTKit?
In case that, the uninstall process will removes the QTKit, is there anyway to check the dependencies for prevent an unexpected exception in the application?
Thanks in advance

QuickTime provides a powerful C based API for manipulating time-based media, allowing low-level media export, editing, encoding and decoding. While QTKit is the preferred API for use with time-based media. It is possible to uninstall QuickTime.


How to use Windows Media Foundation instead DirectShow Editing Services?

I am developing a non-linear video editor. I need to have the support timeline, mixing of audio streams, the transitions between videos, etc. These all features are in DirectShow Editing Services, but it is no longer supported in the new versions of Windows. Instead, offer to use Microsoft Media Foundation. Is it possible to implement the same functionality in the MF or is using other SDK? For example, gstreamer. Maybe someone will recommend SDK for video editing on the basis of MF?
With Media Foundation you have to implement it all by yourself. For instance: video trimming could be implemented by Source Reader to Sink Writer and you have to manipulate the samples manually to compare their timestamps with the required range etc. Trimming has been implemented in the MFCopy Media Foundation example already. MFCopy uses the Source Reader/Sink Writer approach, because this way the app has more control over the timestamps.
For a Windows 10 UWP App you can use the Windows.Media.Editing.MediaComposition class.

Deprecated API Usage - Apple no longer accepts submissions of apps that use QuickTime APIs

Application use Qtkit framework.
When try to upload to iTunes, error message appear: invalid binary.
I received mail with : Deprecated API Usage - Apple no longer accepts submissions of apps that use QuickTime APIs.
source :
QTKit is a Cocoa framework for manipulating time-based media providing a set of easy to use classes and methods to handle capture, playback, editing, and export. Use these resources for integrating media into your app.
QuickTime provides a powerful C based API for manipulating time-based media, allowing low-level media export, editing, encoding and decoding. While QTKit is the preferred API for use with time-based media, a good understanding of QuickTime is essential for all developers.
As result: QuickTime and Qtkit are different API's.
Please confirm what Apple no longer accepts submissions of apps that use QuickTime API and QTKit
It certainly appears so. QTKit isn’t the same as QuickTime but it’s on top of it, and QuickTime isn’t moving into the future very gracefully. Apple doesn’t want to have to keep piling hacks on top of hacks to keep QuickTime working on newer machines and operating systems.
The good news is AVFoundation is kind of awesome.

Selecting a library / framework for video capture & recording

In one of the project that we have undertaken we are looking for a video capture & recording library. Our groundwork (based on google search) shows that vlc (libvlc), ffmpeg (libavcodec) and gstreamer are the three popular free and open source libraries / multimedia frameworks available for the same. How do these libraries compare on the following parameters:
Licensing policy to allow use within a commercial product without the need to open source any of the components of the product that is using the library
Ability to be used effectively in a multi-threaded environment (library should be inherently thread-safe)
Easy to use and maintain
Documentation: API should be well documented...this is relative...:)
Our primary intention is to be able to capture RTSP video streams (H.264/MPEG-2/MJPEG encoded), convert these streams to raw video / frames so that it can be used for analysis / processing and later on compress these frames and store it on the disk in the form of an MP4 file (using MPEG2 / H.264 encoding).
P.S. We understand that FFmpeg is also one of the components of vlc since vlc uses libavcodec library. Is the same true for gstreamer as well? Does it have any ffmpeg dependency?
Awaiting your responses.
Saurabh Gandhi
I suggest you to use Gstreamer.
Gstremer is multimedia framework and it has so many plug-in for various task. Plugin are one type of library. And for Capturing rtsp , converting raw video , and muxing in mp4 all have i think you will easily find out the best plug-in in Gstermer. yOU just need to write one application for this.
1. Licensing policy to allow use within a commercial product without
the need to open source any of the components of the product that is
using the library
i dont know much about this
2. Ability to be used effectively in a multi-threaded environment
(library should be inherently thread-safe)
yea Gstremer internally take care for all threading.
3. Easy to use and maintain
yea Gstremer is easy to use and maintain
4. Documentation: API should be well documented...this is relative...:)
yea Gstremer has verry well managed documented API
No Gstermer framework has no dependency on ffmpeg.but Actualy gstremer has some plugin which are based on ffmpeg. that is gst-ffmpeg

Streaming from webcam on OS X - what technology to use?

I'm building a videoconferencing application in OS X.
What technology would be best to use for real-time streaming video/audio captured from webcam/microphone in OS X?
So far I was unsuccessful with these methods:
using QTKit I captured the media, but there isn't a way to stream it (without using the QTSS which is too bloaty and hard to control programmatically).
using QT Java I got everything (almost) working, but the library is deprecated, it crashes every once in a while, signals memory leaking and there isn't a way to save preferences from a settings dialog
I installed gstreamer using Macports, but there isn't a working osxvideosrc (or audio for that matter)
My next target is VLC because it can access the webcam in OS X, but I'm not sure will it give me what I need - can I control it fully over an API and can I display the stream inside a Cocoa application (using QTKit's player)?
Could of points:
Consider Flex/Flash and possible Adobe Air. Many people have written videoconferencing applications this way.
QT for Java is dated and not going anywhere.
VLC is a solid option. Stable, well known, powerful, and very mature.

Installing just Quicktime libraries on Windows

There's Quicktime SDK for Windows, but any application that uses it needs quicktime runtime libraries to be installed on the system (SDK itself just has headers and library stubs, and not the actual DLLs).
If my application uses Quicktime, I'd like to install the necessary libraries with it's installer, thus not requiring user to install Quicktime separately. What I'm looking for is some sort of "quicktime redistributable".
As of now (quicktime 7.x), I can't find a way to do that. I could bundle whole quicktime installer (about 20 MiB), and launch it with MSI's silent/unattended flag. However, that way it has several side effects:
creates Quicktime player shortcut on desktop and in quick launch bar
hijacks file associations, (e.g. .mov becomes associated with Quicktime Player, even if it was associated with something else before)
installs some service/process (qttask) that presumably watches for Quicktime associations, or handles auto-updates.
installs Quicktime Player, which I don't need in fact.
Of the above, first three are quite bad.
Is there a way to "just install the libraries" for Quicktime?
In my application, I'd use Quicktime to import images, movies and audio files in various formats. If there is no sane way to install Quicktime runtime without side effects (changed file associations, extra icons, ...), then I should be seriously looking at alternative solutions (e.g. FreeImage to load images, perhaps DirectShow for video/audio).
If you need to redistribute QuickTime, see QuickTime Licensing for details. You're not allowed to redistribute any of the QuickTime libraries without a written agreement with Apple. Many CD-replication companies will actually request proof of this agreement before printing large numbers of CDs.
I would definitely not distribute "QuickTime Lite" without consulting with either a lawyer or your Apple licensing representative.
Your best bet, AFAIK, is to use the full QuickTime installer (all 20MB of it), and have your main installer run it with a "silent" flag. That, at least, will allow your users to install QuickTime without a half-dozen dialogs (and without those annoying pictures of surfers in bikinis). The people at Apple's licensing division seemed to think that using the "silent" flag was acceptable, at least when we consulted them.
One warning: If the user already has an older version of QuickTime 6 Pro (or earlier) installed, then installing QuickTime 7 silently will nuke their QuickTime Pro registration and they'll have to repurchase it. We actually detect this situation in our installer and display a warning during the installation process, much like Apple does.
Yes, this is a pain. After 6+ years of working with QuickTime, I'd honestly recommend looking at other video frameworks. We're currently evaluating Ogg Theora.
You could include, with your setup package, a program called Quicktime Lite. It comes with the same libraries as Quicktime uses, but is much, much smaller.
Here"s the link:
Download Quicktime Lite
Quicktime Alternative does what you want, but for the reasons others have stated here, its illegal. Apple probably is not going to let you do what you want.
