I am developing a MMC 3.0 snap-in. I have custom actions to be displayed in the right had side MMC action pane, which I have done using
Things are working fine so far.
My problem is - Windows by default also paints actions such as 'View', 'New window from here', 'Help' etc in the action pane when my snap-in loads. How do I programatically disable these default actions?
Those are "default" actions, and Microsoft has not released any documentation on how to do that.
I have a custom group within the ribbon menu. In classic and simplified explorer view I want to place my group after groups and before find groups, I mean, between groups and find groups. See screenshots. How can I do this?
Classic view:
Simplified view:
I have tried below:
<tab idMso="TabMail">
<group id="MyGroupHome"
But it does not work. How can I make my group always visible in all views classic and simplified and even in full screen or not full screen?
Using insertBeforeMso="GroupContactFind" is working on full screen but when not in full screen (you click on minimize button of the window) then it is only working in classic view but not in simplified view. What's happening?
If I left click on my group in the ribbon, then a context menu appear and there is an option that says "Pin to ribbon", If I select it, then my group is always visible in the ribbon, just what I want, but how to do it programmatically?
Most probably you get an error at runtime and Office hides your customizations automatically. For example, when there is no such MsoId on the ribbon UI you will not get custom UI displayed. So, to track such situations I always recommend enabling UI errors in the host application when developing add-ins.
By default, if a VSTO Add-in attempts to manipulate the Microsoft Office user interface (UI) and fails, no error message is displayed. However, you can configure Microsoft Office applications to display messages for errors that relate to the UI. You can use these messages to help determine why a custom ribbon does not appear, or why a ribbon appears but no controls appear.
To show VSTO Add-in user interface errors
Start the application.
Click the File tab.
Click Options.
In the categories pane, click Advanced.
In the details pane, select Show VSTO Add-in user interface errors, and then click OK.
For Outlook, the Show VSTO Add-in user interface errors checkbox is located in the Developer section of the details pane. For other applications, the checkbox is located in the General section of the details pane.
I've got a Windows Mobile 5 and i need to hide settings icon
We have employees that don't speak English, and I need the desktop to be very simplified. I just need hide the icon settings beacause got configuration that they cant to move
Here is an application including source code to hide elements from the home screen.
You have to look at the registry at HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items and set Enabled=0 for the items that should not be shown.
The settings icon is controlled separately by HKLM\Security\Shell\StartInfo:HideSettings registry key.
Although you can hide the settings icon, the user can still access settings using the top bar! To prohibit that you need to code more. See my KIOSK articles at my web blog above.
Essentially I'm confused over when and how the options menu is shown with devices with and without menu buttons on Android devices 3.0 and above.
Focusing specifically on options menu, I know from reading that the options menu is inflated in onCreateOptionsMenu (whether via menu button or action bar) and the Google developer site states that 'items in your options menu appear on the screen depends on the version for which you've developed', i.e. bottom menu or action bar.
I've tried a few apps (e.g. gmail) on a Nexus 4 and Samsung phone, both with Jelly Bean. The Nexus has no menu button and gmail displays the options menu in an action bar. On the Samsung there is a menu button and there is no action bar, you have to press menu.
Is the options menu handled automatically by Android or is there some code going on within the app to determine if a menu button is present?
Also, what further confused me (i.e. contradicted this thought) is the Android developer site says if you use Theme.Holo you get an action bar, which kind of tells me it's not implicit how the action bar is displayed.
Thanks for any guidance.
If you want to check if a device has softkeys use hasPermanentMenuKey using
boolean hasMenuKey = ViewConfiguration.get(context).hasPermanentMenuKey();
If that returns true it means you don't have the soft keys.
If guessing most android applications have some sort of built in functionality to do a similar check and determine whether a menu is needed or not.
Normally beginning with Android 4.0 the menu options embed into ActionBar and menu button is removed, but it's not necessary just optional and you have to handle it in your code to show to user
For the menu button on Samsung I guess it is only in the Samsung models, since if you can look at the new models of other device manufacturers, there is no menu button at all. Samsung takes the options button in the action bar to the menu button(harware button).
I've installed it in Firefox, but, how do I actually get to it? I don't see it in my toolbar, I don't see if it I right click anywhere close to my toolbar. It's not one of the Chrome-looking extension buttons. Thanks.
Right click your navigation toolbar and click "Customize", then scroll down and
find User Agent Switcher icon. You can drag&drop it to your navigation toolbar.
You can start using it this way.
Instructions here: http://chrispederick.com/work/user-agent-switcher/screencasts/#access-firefox-4-video
Underneath tools you should see a "Default User Agent" drop down. Roll over this menu item and you should see alternative User Agents. Screenshot # http://www.bemoko.com/training/help/product/useragent-switcher including an import file with a good collection of mobile user agents (nicely organised and annotated with screen dimensions)
I have a windows phone 7 app that uses GPS to track user position. Now the user can disable this feature through the phone's setting menu. the app handles this disabling fine and gives them a message. This is all pretty standard windows phone stuff.
My question is whether I can navigate (inside the app) to the settings menu so that the user can enable phone location services? Ideally I would give them a link or a button that they touch and they are then taken out of the app to the settings menu. They would then click 'back' and return to the app.
No, at the moment, there's no way to fire up the Settings menu from inside your app.
Try this:
Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri(“ms-settings-location:”));
Not sure if it works on WP7 though.