hidden setting icon of start menu on windows mobile 6.5 - windows-mobile-6.5

I've got a Windows Mobile 5 and i need to hide settings icon
We have employees that don't speak English, and I need the desktop to be very simplified. I just need hide the icon settings beacause got configuration that they cant to move

Here is an application including source code to hide elements from the home screen.
You have to look at the registry at HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items and set Enabled=0 for the items that should not be shown.
The settings icon is controlled separately by HKLM\Security\Shell\StartInfo:HideSettings registry key.
Although you can hide the settings icon, the user can still access settings using the top bar! To prohibit that you need to code more. See my KIOSK articles at my web blog above.


vscode on MacOS: getting navigation menu to show up in a full screen mode

Is there a way to get vscode show navigation menu i.e Code|File|Edit|... and the project name in a full screen mode on MAC. It's almost impossible to see the name of the project when having multiple instances of code open in full screen mode.
v1.42 has a new option that may help:
Controls if native full-screen should be used on macOS.
Disable this option to prevent macOS from creating a new space when going full-screen.
"window.nativeFullScreen": true,
I believe this is not what the full screen mode is made for. If you go full screen you are supposed to work almost exclusively in that application (only occasionally switching to other apps like mail, e.g. via command+tab). You can always have the menu bar (and the window title) appear when you move the mouse pointer to the top of the screen, however.
The name of the project is visible in the file explorer.
In this example, the project name (i.e. root folder) is testgit
You can always quickly show the file explorer using the keyboard shortcut Shift-Cmd-E.

How to configure cortana in window lumia 630?

I use Window lumia 630
How to configure cortana in window lumia 630?
i am trying trying lots of time but not start
I find the solution this will also working
Cortana's settings
One advantage of a digital personal assistant is that she won't take it personally if you want to adjust her settings and how she works. You can get to Cortana's settings on your Windows Phone in two ways:
Press the Search Search icon button to go to Cortana, then tap Cortana's NotebookCortana's Notebook icon > Settings.
In the App list, tap Settings Settings Tile, swipe over to Applications, then tap Cortana.
Here's what you can do in Cortana's settings.
for more... see this link
You need to put ur location as US in settings
speech too in english

Firefox User Agent Switcher - how do I get to it?

I've installed it in Firefox, but, how do I actually get to it? I don't see it in my toolbar, I don't see if it I right click anywhere close to my toolbar. It's not one of the Chrome-looking extension buttons. Thanks.
Right click your navigation toolbar and click "Customize", then scroll down and
find User Agent Switcher icon. You can drag&drop it to your navigation toolbar.
You can start using it this way.
Instructions here: http://chrispederick.com/work/user-agent-switcher/screencasts/#access-firefox-4-video
Underneath tools you should see a "Default User Agent" drop down. Roll over this menu item and you should see alternative User Agents. Screenshot # http://www.bemoko.com/training/help/product/useragent-switcher including an import file with a good collection of mobile user agents (nicely organised and annotated with screen dimensions)

windows phone 7 how to navigate to settings menu

I have a windows phone 7 app that uses GPS to track user position. Now the user can disable this feature through the phone's setting menu. the app handles this disabling fine and gives them a message. This is all pretty standard windows phone stuff.
My question is whether I can navigate (inside the app) to the settings menu so that the user can enable phone location services? Ideally I would give them a link or a button that they touch and they are then taken out of the app to the settings menu. They would then click 'back' and return to the app.
No, at the moment, there's no way to fire up the Settings menu from inside your app.
Try this:
Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri(“ms-settings-location:”));
Not sure if it works on WP7 though.

Control Panel Item Icons (Windows XP)

Control Panel items are normally registered under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ControlPanel\NameSpace, however a lot of the built-in panels aren't listed there, such as the Automatic Updates item.
I'm trying to find out where the icon used for the Automatic Updates item is. If you open the Control Panel in Tiles mode (48x48 icons) you'll see the icon is being scaled up, yet all of the icon resources in all of the Windows Update files have 48x48 subimages, so I can't figure this one out.
It's a similar story with the NVidia control panel item: the icon is black and seemingly downscaled from a subimage larger than 48x48, yet the actual nvidia control panel files don't contain this black icon (instead they have the silver version). When I create a Shortcut to the control panel item and inspect its binary bits there is no path to the icon specified, just to the cpl file itself (with the totally different icon). I've checked the registry and there aren't any clues in there either.
Any ideas?
Control Panel applets can be registered in several different ways, or not at all (if they reside in the %system% folder):
Registering Control Panel Items
If an applet does not register its icon information in the Registry, then the applet has to provide the icon information when requested by the Control Panel via the CPL_INQUIRE and/or CPL_NEWINQUIRE messages to its CPLApplet() entry point, in which case the applet has no idea what size icon to return. It sounds like maybe you are running into that scenario.
